I would be beyond ticked if I had kids in school right now!!!!! Kat
just wanted to send this regarding common core. It talks about the
different changes in the textbooks. Its maddening! Thankful we home
Featured - Friday, November 22, 2013
Activists said that illegal immigrants were arrested while protesting outside of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office on Wednesday in the latest escalation of civil disobedience designed to pressure Congress to legalize them.
In the morning, hundreds of immigrant-rights activists staged a vigil outside of House Speaker John A. Boehner’s home in Washington, setting up aThanksgiving dinner
table which they said highlighted illegal immigrants who are being
deported and won’t be with their families during the holiday this year.
After the vigil, activists went to the Capitol complex where
11 of them — some U.S. citizens and some so-called Dreamers, or young
illegal immigrants trying to gain full legal status — were arrested for
civil disobedience.
One woman who spoke at the vigil outside Mr. Boehner’s house is here illegally and said she was trying to get her deportation halted.
“Next week is Thanksgiving, where families are reuniting to celebrate. Mine possibly will be separated tomorrow,” the women, Ana Canenguez, said in a statement issued by activists. “I don’t want to be separated from my children.”
Mr. Boehner’s office declined to comment on the protest.
Mr. Boehner last
week seemed to close the door on chances for an immigration bill to
pass this year when he said the House would work on its own timeline and
would not enter into negotiations with the Senate, which has passed a single broad bill legalizing illegal immigrants and rewriting the legal immigration system.
Republicans are instead working on a series of smaller bills, including
ones to stiffen immigration enforcement, rewrite guest-worker programs
and require tougher border security.
Mr. Cantor is
also working on a long-awaited bill, deemed the Kids Act, that would
grant legal status to the young illegal immigrants, known as Dreamers,
who are considered among the most sympathetic in the immigration debate.
leader has repeatedly said he believes children, who know no other
country, and are here at no fault of their own, should be able to remain
here,” said Rory Cooper, a spokesman for Mr. Cantor.
“If Democrats end their my-way-or-the-highway approach on immigration
reform, it would help get something done towards that end.”
Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid has said that he won’t pass an immigration bill
unless it includes a broad pathway to citizenship for most illegal
immigrants, which House Republicans have rejected. They say a massive
program sounds too much like Obamacare, and they instead want to tackle
the issue piece-by-piece.
Wednesday’s protests focused on House GOP leaders, some activists are
increasingly targeting President Obama, who they say is deporting record
numbers of illegal immigrants.
week a number of activists chained themselves to a bus in Chicago to
try to halt deportations of two high-profile illegal immigrants that the
activists say are being separated from their families unfairly.
authorities counter that the two men were both deported before and
snuck back into the U.S., and each have since been convicted of other
crimes: One was convicted of fraud, and the other of shoplifting.
Make your comments Here:
How do you feel about protests at the leaders DC home? Is this about immigration or a diversion from Obamacare?
OOPS! Barack Hussein Obama seems to have allowed ‘dozens’ of Muslim terrorists into the U.S. as refugees
ABC Exclusive reveals that an al Qaeda-linked terrorist, resettled in the U.S. as an Iraq War refugee after allegedly killing American soldiers, was caught on camera in Kentucky handling heavy weapons he believed would be sent to insurgents back in Iraq.
“Gee, I first heard about it on ABC News, just like you”
ABC News (h/t Reader) Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan. |
"A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired." --Alexander Hamilton
GOVERNMENT & POLITICS'If You Like the Rules, You Can Keep the Rules'Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) got it right: "[Reid] might just as well have said, 'If you like the rules of the Senate, you can keep them!'" Maybe he's just regretting that Republicans didn't do this 10 years ago.
The Senate's nuclear option
is the latest of Obama's autocratic power grabs -- this time to stack
the courts with far-Left judges before the 2014 election. He is
principally concerned with packing the DC Circuit Court, which will hear
most challenges to ObamaCare. While some suggest this rule change was
done to distract from the ObamaCare mess, we think ObamaCare's
ubiquitous failure will actually serve as cover for this maneuver. In
two days, Senate rules will be off the radar.
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Join Us, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Steven Seagal, Ted Nugent, Neal Boortz And The Movers And Shakers Of The Conservative Movement At The Western Conservative Conference. |
GrassTopsUSA is a proud co-sponsor of the 2014 Western Conservative Conference will be held in Phoenix on February 21st and 22nd at the Phoenix Convention Center. Get your tickets now. |
Who Killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan’s Answer…Nov 22, 2013 01:22 pmWho killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan told us the answer 45 years ago. Read More and Comment: Who Killed the Kennedys? Ronald Reagan’s Answer… Video: Sheriff Joe Wants You!Nov 22, 2013 01:18 pmWatch the Video and Comment: Video: Sheriff Joe Wants You! |
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Criminal terror charges filed against Obama |
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take on Barack Obama. Look who has the guts to challenge the commander in chief with criminal terror charges ... |
Read the latest now on WND.com. |
remarkable story is developing claims the Census Bureau faked
employment numbers prior to the 2012 presidential election. This is a
story broken by the New York Post. The claim by reporter John Crudele is
Why Settle for Elizabeth Warren When We Can Have a Real Socialist?Why not go Full Socialist with Bernie Sanders? Read more » UK Gets Its First Muslim-on-White Honor Killing"Laura said she wanted to marry him, but his mother hit her with a shoe, calling her "a dirty white b****"." Read more » |
Don't Let Obama Get Away With Smearing ConservativesFriends, recently Barack Obama took a page from the Saul Alinsky playbook and tried to smear and destroy Republicans who dared to oppose his socialist ObamaCare scheme. The man who was targeted with the most abuse, lies and smears was Senator Ted Cruz. Obama even managed to get Republicans to turn on each other - instead of holding him (Obama) to account. But no longer. We cannot let Obama, and his allies in the media, get away with these disgraceful tactics. That's why we're launching our TV ad campaign pointing out to the American people that Barack Obama was wrong - he lied, and his ObamaCare scheme is a disaster. |