North America (Canada and Mexico):
At some point around 1965, Canadians apparently forgot how to have kids, and their demography has been slowly hollowing-out ever since. Canada's natural birth rate fell below replacement levels long ago, and only sporting one of the highest sustained immigration rates in the world has enabled it to maintain positive population growth. On average, 250,000 people emigrate to Canada annually - nearly 1% of the total population... Unlike the USA, Canada's immigrants cannot walk to Canada... they have to save up for plane or boat passage... The average immigrant into Canada is 32 while the average Mexican immigrant into the USA is is 18... By 2025, Canada's demography will almost be identical to Japan: 30% of the population will be 60 and older, and less than 25% will be in the critical 20 to 39 band... Canada is in for the perfect storm..