Submitted by: Suzanne and Peri McMillan
Hello Rockford Tea Party...
Rockford Tea Party Co-Coordinator Ulysses S Arn will lead a Tea Party protest this Tuesday at noon in downtown Rockford. Please take a break from your day and join him and area Tea Party groups to stand against the newest abuses by the Obama administration as revealed in the most recent IRS Scandal.
Join with your fellow Patriots Tuesday May 21st at Noon to protest the IRS office at 211 South Court Street Rockford, IL
In the wake of the Internal Revenue Service targeting, harassing, and intimidating Tea Party, 9/12, pro-life, and other conservative organizations over their applications for tax except status, which former congressman Joe Walsh has called criminal, the Rockford Tea Party will be holding a protest outside of the IRS office at 211 South Court Street at Noon on Tuesday May 21, 2013.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Submitted by: Suzanne
H.A.A.R.P. Rings Appearing At This Moment!!!
H.A.A.R.P. Rings Appearing At This Moment!!!
I checked our Doppler Radar on channel 11.3 WHAS a local television weather station channel in nearby Louisville, Kentucky.
Something big must be getting ready to start concerning the weather and/or earthquakes in this area.
So far I have counted 11 (ELEVEN) H.A.A.R.P. Rings that has showed up on Radar.
They are over or near the cities of Louisville, Kentucky, St. Louis, Missouri, Springfield, Illinois, Paducah, Kentucky, Russellville, Kentucky, Springfield, Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, Cincinnatti, Ohio, Indianapolis, Indiana & Knoxville, Tennessee & the Kentucky/Virginia border east of London, Kentucky.
There need not be a H,A.A,R,P, facility in these areas for H.A.A.R.P. to use it as a destructive force,
We all know that this area is where there is the most dangerous fault line in the United States called the New Madrid Fault. |
ALABAMA - We The PEOPLE Newsletter #245
We the People – Alabama are working on an open letter to every member of the Alabama delegation to the United States Congress on the subjects of violations of the people’s trust and will require a response from each of them as to what they intend to do about these situations. Their response, or lack thereof will be entered into their ongoing job performance report, which is already being prepared based on their past individual performance.
Submitted by: Patricia E Jackson
WOW I bet Obama never saw this coming
This should surprise you.
I'll bet Obama never thought he would see a video like this one:
Excellent short video....
Submitted by: Donald Hank
10 Amazing Charts That Demonstrate The Slow, Agonizing Death Of The American Worker
The middle class American worker is in danger of becoming an endangered species. The politicians are not telling you the truth, and the mainstream media is certainly not telling you the truth, but the reality is that there is nothing but bad news on the horizon for workers in the United States. In the old days, when the big corporations that dominate our society did well, that also meant good things for American workers since those corporations would need more of us to work for them. But in the emerging one world economic system that our economy is being merged into, those corporations have other choices now. For instance, the big corporations can now choose to limit the number of “expensive” American workers that they employ by shipping millions of jobs to the other side of the world. And from their perspective, it makes perfect sense. They can make much bigger profits by hiring people on the other side of the planet to work for them for less than a dollar an hour. If they can get good production out of those people, then why should they hire Americans for ten to twenty times as much, plus have to give those Americans health insurance and other benefits? Another major factor in the slow, agonizing death of the American worker is technology. We live during a period when technology is advancing at a pace that is almost unimaginable at the same time that it is steadily becoming cheaper and cheaper. That means that it is going to become easier and easier for companies to replace workers with robots and computers.
PATRIOT UPDATES 05/19/2013 (click on links)
Jail to the Chief
- White House: ‘Nothing Suggests’ IRS Head ‘Did Anything Wrong’
- ‘UNCONSTITUTIONAL’: AP Chief Says Justice Dept. Subpoenas Will Hurt Press
- Taxes in France ‘Top 100% of Income’
- WH: ‘Irrelevant’ Where Obama Was During Benghazi
- Students and Faculty Can Now Conceal Carry on Pennsylvania Campus
- Obama Aid: White House Will Ensure IRS Scandal Never Happens Again
- Abortion Bowl-A-Thon Raises 500K
- Obama Admits He’s a Socialist
- NYC Offers Ghetto Tour
- Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Just what does everyone think Obama's 'end game' is?
Submitted by: DiNardo
In 1987, our shadowy ruling elite slipped America the following threat,
cryptically embodied in the multi-evening, 12-hour TV movie, AMERIKA.
At a cost of eighty million of today's dollars, AMERIKA was carefully
crafted by the shadowy ruling elite as an inoculation of the mass psyche
with a desensitizing dose of this future nightmare they have planned for us.
Please click on the large screen icon [__] at the lower right corner.
In recent years, America's shadowy ruling elite have fulfilled their 1987
threat to imprison most of 300 million Americans in their promised
concentration camps. Worse yet, these actual concentration camps are
truly our own death camps which they have planned for us.
Please click on the large screen icon [__] at the lower right corner.
Update On Houston From Former Military Intelligence Officer
Keyes: Obama Working With Terrorists To Introduce Martial Law
The Gulen Movement: Indoctrinating For Jihad In Charter Schools
The “Turkish Khomeini,” Fethullah Gulen, lives in Pennsylvania. From there he runs a $25 billion international network. He is a prime mover behind the rapid Islamization of Turkey, and he urges Muslims to build schools to indoctrinate an entire generation. He is tied to hundreds of Gulen charter schools right here in the United States. (Texas alone has 36 of these Gulen charter schools.)
Biden Now Blamed In SEAL Team 6 Deaths
The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons for publicly identifying the unit that killed Osama bin Laden and pursuing policies that coddle Muslims and put our own troops at a tactical disadvantage.
Read the Full Story
The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons for publicly identifying the unit that killed Osama bin Laden and pursuing policies that coddle Muslims and put our own troops at a tactical disadvantage.
Read the Full Story
Submitted by: Edward Moore
WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya .
Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about Muslims and or the Koran, the whole world turns upside down...!! and we are all called racists!!!!!!!!
However they appear to do what ever they like and no one says
anything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.
See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!
WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya .
Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about Muslims and or the Koran, the whole world turns upside down...!! and we are all called racists!!!!!!!!
However they appear to do what ever they like and no one says
anything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.
See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!
A MESSAGE TO ALL CHRISTIANS - May 25 a day to remember
Written by Doctor Richard Ruhling
Dear Fellow Believer,
Babylon is crumbling what we are asleep. As an aid to waking, please consider scanning the headlines
1. (Rick Wiles is a Sabbatarian)
2. award-winning for journalism by this Christian website
3. where my article on having a gun but not fighting got 10,000 views 2 days
In a classic statement, Ellen White says, "It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross. ." DA 83.
I suspect that few today do so. Nevertheless, He has given us a minimum in the command to "watch," a word derived from, gregoreo,, meaning to be awake. We can't be awake every night, but once a year to commemorate the greatest events of Old and New Testament--why not?
Submitted by: BobJen
To: The National MiddleClass Network...These columns are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both sides. Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting is virtually zero. Thanks.
"You can not let any of your people avoid the brutal facts. If they start living in a dream world. it's going to be bad."...SO..."Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit".- General James Mattis, USMC,
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use them against the enemy or training, as needed".
Click this "FORWARD" to verify a complete edition (about 20 columns/comments).
National MiddleClass Network NewsBriefer - 5-19-13
* This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something" PLEASE. THX.
ALERT FOR RUSH: Hey, RUSH, why the hell are you still running those awful, lying, anti-USA, Rubio Pro-Amnesty Bill Ads (couched as "Conservative") DURING YOUR Show?
You need to stop those AFAP, the same way you did those Food Stamp Ads. Don't you know you are running them in NY Metro and elsewhere? Then the only REAL Patriot on radio is Michael Savage? They are not on during his show that we know. Why yours?
Comment: We said it before, repeatedly, in our NewBriefer urging that everyone contact (and continue to contact) their congresscritters for THEIR OWN definition of "natural born citizen"...BECAUSE...they and the LSMedia (INCLUDING FAUX) were going to try to slip through their own definition of "nbc" to suit their purposes, without any of "US" having a say. Well, it is happening...believe us now??? Folks, do double and triple down on requests of your congresscritters for THEIR OWN "NBC" definition. Pin them down NOW.
"How Obama Illegally Bought The Black and Latino Rural Vote"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues.
© Copyright Sunday, May 12, 2013 - All Rights Reserved
As Published in Newswithviews on Thursday, May 16, 2013
This article can also be viewed at
"I just received the following note from my generous Daddy. Dear Jack: Don't buy a single vote more than is necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide." President John F. Kennedy
The following paragraphs outline a story about blatant, in-your-face political corruption, racketeering, graft and fraud by former President Clinton, Obama, the Obama Administration, along with Obama appointees in the Justice and Agriculture Departments and certain members of Congress that included a scheme to buy off Black, Latino, Indian and women farmers for their votes with your tax money, for alleged racial discrimination by the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is a story of unbelievable twists, turns, corruption and graft at the highest levels of government.
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