I friend asked me if these “random thoughts” were original, or items I was passing on. I thinkthey are original, and try to note if something crosses my desk from another source. But there’s no way to tell when or by whom the seeds were planted that sprouted into these weeds. And sometimes I read something that triggers a thought that’s derivative.
With the ObamaCare individual mandate fine for not buying insurance being upheld as a constitutional, “tax,” the GOP should file legislation placing a $2,000 public safety tax on every household that does not have a loaded firearm for protection.
Since the individual mandate has been declared a tax, people are starting to notice that it’s a tax on the young and poor, who often can’t afford insurance, but grants exemptions/tax breaks to large corporations, rich unions and wealth donors.
If President Obama can issue an Executive Order that the government won’t enforce immigration law, President Romney can do the same with ObamaCare.
I will give up my Constitution when Barack Obama pries my cold, dead, clinging fingers from it!