Tuesday, August 25, 2015
CONSERVATIVE 50 08/25/2015
WOW! Watch Dr. Ben Carson Blast The Black Lives Matter Movement Go To Full Post: |
GRASSTOPS USA 08/25/2015
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." ~ Thomas Sowell |
The Few... The Proud... |
How would you feel if your boss could send you to possibly die, but not be willing to do the same? Our U.S. Troops have lived that reality with our "Commander in Chief" President Barrack Hussein Obama, but what might shock you is that only twenty Members of the United States Senate ever bothered to answer the call to duty. Here they are along with their ranks and the details of their service to this great nation ... Read the Full Story |
MUTH'S TRUTHS 08/25/2015
Reid teams up with Sandoval, Ralston to fight Tax Repeal “crazies” - Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined
the attacks on Nevada citizens who are seeking to repeal the $1.4
billion tax hike passed by the 2015 Legislature and signed into law by
Gov. Brian “America’s Worst Governor” Sandoval despite
the fact that not one of them last year campaigned on such a tax hike
and despite the fact that almost 80 percent of Nevada voters rejected
the gross receipts tax component at the ballot box last November. Click here to continue reading
The ABC’s of how the GOP totally fouled up the ESA’s - Repeat after me: Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity.
And it seems that even when they do something right, they find a way to
do it wrong. Such is the case with Nevada’s new universal school
voucher program called “Education Savings Accounts. Click here to continue reading
Follow Muth’s Truths publisher Chuck Muth on Twitter. CLICK HERE
NEVADA NEWS & VIEWS 08/25/2015
NPRI: Employee Freedom - Four
years ago, our NPRI team did something that seemed small. We told Clark
County School District teachers that they could opt out of union
membership and when and how to do so. What we didn’t know then
was that our initial efforts would blossom into a nationwide movement
called National Employee Freedom Week that is spearheaded by NPRI. Click here to continue reading
Why the establishment fears Trump - Critics
of a Donald Trump presidential candidacy have made two separate,
contradictory claims regarding his electability in the 2016 general
election. First, that if he is nominated by the Republican Party,
he would repel too many Independents, and lose handily in a general
election. Click here to continue reading
Dear Conservatives,
The people of South Carolina and New Hampshire
have spoken. Trump leads his closest opponent by double in South
Carolina - 30% to 15% and in New Hampshire a stunning 35% to 11%. And
finally in our largest lead yet we garner 40% of the vote
in a poll released today. Trump is the best choice.
Last week was incredible. Tens of thousands of supporters came to our Make America Great Again Rally in Mobile, Alabama.
A Rerun Of 1929
Fox's Frank Luntz now goes 'wobbly' on Trump |
He's the well-known pollster of Fox News focus groups, and he became the
target of angry Americans by claiming Donald Trump was done for after
the first Republican debate. But now, Frank Luntz says he himself has just been shocked out of his socks with this brand-new development. "I'm having trouble processing it. Like, my legs are shaking" ... |
Read the latest now on WND.com.
BOOM! This New Trump Video Takes Just 15 Seconds To Roast A Rival With Ultimate IronyAug 25, 2015 03:06 pmAnother pithy piece that skewers... This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth Read More and Comment: BOOM! This New Trump Video Takes Just 15 Seconds To Roast A Rival With Ultimate Irony |
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Obama is Muslim...any doubters?
Obama has new target on persecuted Christians
Obama is Muslim...any doubters?
Obama has new target on persecuted Christians
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 08/25/2015
X22Report World War III Will Be Used To Cover Up The Central Bank Economic Collapse - Episode 749b
World War III Will Be Used To Cover Up The Central Bank Economic
Collapse - Episode 749b - YouTube &n... economic collapse news
throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport
date: 8.24.2015The fragments that are washing up on shore might not
belong to MH370. Thousands in Japan protest against war and a...
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary Daily DigestTHE FOUNDATION"No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected without being truly respectable; nor be truly respectable, without possessing a certain portion of order and stability." —James Madison, Federalist No. 62, 1788TOP RIGHT HOOKSObama: 'Tea Party Agrees With Me on Solar Energy' |
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
08-25-15 Hummingbird027's Updates on End-Time and Prophetic News" on YouTube
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
The Big List Of 33 Things That Are Going To Happen In September 2015
by Michael Snyder |
Aug 25, 2015 06:37 am

By Norvell Rose
The intrigue and speculation has just been pumped up regarding the Democrats’ 2016 picture and how it may be totally reshaped in the coming weeks.
This Secret Meeting Just Held in D.C. Could Prove to Be a HUGE Turning Point for 2016
By Norvell Rose
The intrigue and speculation has just been pumped up regarding the Democrats’ 2016 picture and how it may be totally reshaped in the coming weeks.
This Secret Meeting Just Held in D.C. Could Prove to Be a HUGE Turning Point for 2016
Bloody horror: Ex-Satanist says babies aborted for DEVIL |
All the recent news about abortion horrors and sales of baby parts may pale in comparison to this. A former Satanist is spilling the beans on the unspeakable, real-life nightmare of unborn babies being slaughtered in ritualistic fashion at clinics to honor Satan the devil ... |
Read the latest now on WND.com. |
1776 COALITION 08/25/2015
JIHAD WATCH 08/25/2015
Malala gets two 24-hour armed guards after jihad death threats
By Robert Spencer on Aug 24, 2015 11:06 pm
Malala has insisted that those who tried to murder her are not true
Muslims, and that Islam is a Religion of Peace. There is, however, no
shortage of Misunderstanders of Islam. And note that while shattered,
staggering, dhimmi Britain can manage to give Malala round-the-clock
guards, the Obama Administration has not been quite as generous […]Read in browser »
1. John Koskinen: The Case for Impeachment - by Logan Albright
Key members of the House Freedom Caucus are demanding that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen be removed from office. In an op-ed written for the Wall Street Journal, Reps. Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis told President Obama that if the Commissioner is not removed, they will begin the proceedings to impeach him.
Modern Americans view impeachment with a sort of awe and reverence. To most, it seems like an inconceivably drastic thing to do. But it was not always this way, nor was it the intention of the founders. Impeachment has always been a practical tool for getting rid of bad actors in government and, given the amount of government corruption we see today, a tool that should be used with much greater frequency. Read more here...
Key members of the House Freedom Caucus are demanding that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen be removed from office. In an op-ed written for the Wall Street Journal, Reps. Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis told President Obama that if the Commissioner is not removed, they will begin the proceedings to impeach him.
Modern Americans view impeachment with a sort of awe and reverence. To most, it seems like an inconceivably drastic thing to do. But it was not always this way, nor was it the intention of the founders. Impeachment has always been a practical tool for getting rid of bad actors in government and, given the amount of government corruption we see today, a tool that should be used with much greater frequency. Read more here...
SoCal Water District has Own Music Radio Station/100 Songs for Shorter Showers—NOT A JOKE
By Stephen Frank on Aug 24, 2015 09:39 pm
water is expensive? Think government agencies are out of control? My
vote for the worst agency in California is the Water District of
Southern California. Did you know the waster district has spent employee
time to develop a list of 100 songs to remind you to take short
showers? No, this is not a […]
The post SoCal Water District has Own Music Radio Station/100 Songs for Shorter Showers—NOT A JOKE appeared first on California Political Review.
Dear Conservatives,
I’m writing you today with more news.
Thanks to the pressure of NPLA members and other pro-lifers, Wisconsin has passed a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy!
As you know, babies at this age are viable, fully formed, and capable of feeling pain.
Bills like this one, if upheld in court, will not only save precious unborn lives, they also serve to put radical pro-abortion politicians on the defensive for supporting such a barbaric procedure.
You see, the abortion lobby is so radical, that they can't even stomach abortion restrictions on fully formed viable babies at the late date of FIVE MONTHS.
I’m writing you today with more news.
Thanks to the pressure of NPLA members and other pro-lifers, Wisconsin has passed a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy!
As you know, babies at this age are viable, fully formed, and capable of feeling pain.
Bills like this one, if upheld in court, will not only save precious unborn lives, they also serve to put radical pro-abortion politicians on the defensive for supporting such a barbaric procedure.
You see, the abortion lobby is so radical, that they can't even stomach abortion restrictions on fully formed viable babies at the late date of FIVE MONTHS.
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