CONTRIBUTOR: True News. Something astounding is happening right in front of us. A new credit system is emerging and it's under the control one. It's growing by leaps and bounds and putting credit into the hands of the people directly without the need for a middleman. People are feeling hope for the...
I have been asked by people from all over the nation in replies to my writings, "What can we do as ordinary citizens to help OUR President withstand all of the negativity from every side?"
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D.) was contradicted by the Virginia State Police again on Wednesday after he claimed weapons were hidden around Charlottesville...
Spain: Four jihadis killed as police foil second jihad mass murder plot By Robert Spencer on Aug 17, 2017 09:14 pm
Just imagine what Spain, and all of Europe, will look like in five years, thanks to the mass Muslim migration into Europe, actively encouraged and brought about by Europe’s political elites. “Barcelona attack: police shoot dead four terror suspects in Cambrils after van crashes into crowd at Las Ramblas, killing 13,” by Barney Henderson, James […] Read in browser »
Don't Fall For Leftists Dividing Us Racially To Get Trump
As a proud grateful American who happens to be black, I am frustrated by Leftists'/fake news media's frenzied exploitation of the racial violence in Charlottesville. How can justice, peace, love and unity prevail when leftists are obsessed with using any and every opportunity to further its socialistic/progressive agenda and mission to overturn the peoples' election of Trump?.......... by Lloyd Marcus.
By Stephen Frank on Aug 17, 2017 08:47 pm What do we expect from a leader of the Assembly Republicans? First and foremost leadership. During the recent cap and trade vote, Guv Brown and the Democrats told GOP Assembly Leader that if you do not support and vote for the 63 cent gas tax increase, agree that revenues go to the boondoggle choo choo […]
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Re'eh - Choose the Path of Blessing or Curse !!! Previously posted ... Alt-March Left Right, Left Right Left + Barcelona !!! Welcome to this week’s Torah Portion, which is called Re’eh (See/ Behold). This is the portion of Scripture that will be read during Shabbat (Saturday) morning services in synagogues around the world. Enjoy! Please read along with us; we know you will be blessed!
CONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today The NWO Cabal Has Hijacked The Great American Eclipse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (August 18th, 2017)
Ed Note: The war drums are beating towards absolute anarchy in America. The race to the 2018 mid-term elections are dirty and disgusting. The tactics by the Communist Left are gaining momentum and forcing Trump's hand. The "Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)" is a mental disease developing by radical brainwashing propaganda and the demonization of America's history and her values.