Freedom Outpost article/link
Exposed: Obama Admin & Muslim Brotherhood Involved in Weapons Trafficking
Friday, May 16, 2014
RENEW AMERICA 05/15/2014
May 15, 2014
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — What would you
think of a United States senator who, with malice aforethought, uses his
power to sic the IRS on private citizens whose politics he doesn't
like?... (more)
May 15, 2014
DAILYCALLER — Republican Texas Rep. Jeb
Hensarling will speak next week at the Heritage Foundation in
Washington, D.C. to lay out his political and economic priorities,
raising his visibility within the conservative movement as he
potentially mounts a campaign to run for speaker of the House after the
2014 midterm elections.... (more)
ACTIVIST POST 05/15/2014
Missouri Anti-Spying Bill Bypasses Governor and Moves to Voters
10 Easy DIY Employment Opportunities
False Flags and Story Wars
Missouri Anti-Spying Bill Bypasses Governor and Moves to Voters
Missouri Bill to Withdraw from Common Core Passes to Governor's Desk
US Foreclosures Drive Up Suicide Rate: Study
Tennessee Governor Signs Law to Legalize Hemp
Activist Post
10 Easy DIY Employment Opportunities
Jeffrey Green
False Flags and Story Wars
Julie Beal
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 05/16/2014
OAS Live Stream: Operation American Spring Live Stream Right Here, Right Now! (video)
Submitted by: Internation Interiors
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,
Government land grab from Veterans
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,
Senate grilling of VA Secretary Shinseki was long overdue but there's
still a GIANT part of the whole VA scandal that is seriously missing
and it's at the biggest VA in the nation in our nation's capital for
homeless Veterans -- Los Angeles -- where the biggest land fraud scandal
in American history has taken place and VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki
is a Defendant in a landmark ACLU lawsuit with a Federal Judgment
entered against him for nine real estate deals that are "unauthorized by
law and therefore void." (see attachment)
Video: Congressman Gowdy’s Questions on Benghazi
I had not heard of Congressman Gowdy until yesterday. I hope to hear of him again. He made a 3-minute presentation in front of the mainstream media’s agents. I have never seen anything like it. As an example of rhetoric, it is flawless. He ended it exactly right. He took no prisoners. All in all, […] READ MORE
Will Climate Change Advocates Shut Up on September 25, 2015?
The Foreign Minister of France told Secretary of State John Kerry that the world has only 500 days until there is climate chaos. This was reported on May 14, 2014. He said it on May 13. So, 500 days after May 13, 2014 is September 24, 2015. That’s climate judgment day. Since it will be […] READ MORE
I had not heard of Congressman Gowdy until yesterday. I hope to hear of him again. He made a 3-minute presentation in front of the mainstream media’s agents. I have never seen anything like it. As an example of rhetoric, it is flawless. He ended it exactly right. He took no prisoners. All in all, […] READ MORE
Will Climate Change Advocates Shut Up on September 25, 2015?
The Foreign Minister of France told Secretary of State John Kerry that the world has only 500 days until there is climate chaos. This was reported on May 14, 2014. He said it on May 13. So, 500 days after May 13, 2014 is September 24, 2015. That’s climate judgment day. Since it will be […] READ MORE
NEWS WITH VIEWS 05/16/2015
I Am Launching The Liberty Church Project
Over the past couple of years, hundreds of people from across the country have pleaded with me to help them start new independent, unorganized, unincorporated, non-501c3 churches and Christian fellowships. It has become painfully obvious to many patriotic believers that the vast majority of establishment 501c3 churches and pastors have made a deliberate decision to NOT engage the liberty fight. For the most part, these pastors and churches have been completely......
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
Over the past couple of years, hundreds of people from across the country have pleaded with me to help them start new independent, unorganized, unincorporated, non-501c3 churches and Christian fellowships. It has become painfully obvious to many patriotic believers that the vast majority of establishment 501c3 churches and pastors have made a deliberate decision to NOT engage the liberty fight. For the most part, these pastors and churches have been completely......
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
"There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage." --John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776ARMED FORCES DAY
GRASSTOPS USA 05/16/2014
"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." ~ Samuel Adams |
What Do You Think? |
Posted On America's Conservative News Watch it for yourself. The left will obviously be up in arms over these comments and claim that Trey Gowdy isn't being "fair and impartial." Read The Full Story |
On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.
Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:
1) H.R. 1726 - To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the 65th Infantry Regiment, known as the Borinqueneers, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Bill Posey / Financial Services Committee)
2) H.R. 2203 - To provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence, good sportsmanship, and philanthropy, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Pat Tiberi / Financial Services Committee)
2) H.R. 2203 - To provide for the award of a gold medal on behalf of Congress to Jack Nicklaus, in recognition of his service to the Nation in promoting excellence, good sportsmanship, and philanthropy, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Pat Tiberi / Financial Services Committee)
THE POINT 05/16/2014
Rogue Libyan General Bombing Benghazi Militias that Attacked US Mission
Libya may have found its strongman.
Read more »
GOP Candidate Deceives “Family Values Voters”
May 16, 2014 03:19 pmOnly a foolish Christian, pro-life voter would embrace a candidate like him.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: GOP Candidate Deceives “Family Values Voters”
CHUCK KOLB 05/16/2014
Harvard Black Mass Cancelled - Video &
Story - Hallelujah !!!
Previously posted ...
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
The New York-based Satanic Temple has plans to erect an idol of Satan next to a depiction of the Ten Commandments that has
been on the Oklahoma state grounds since 2012. The seven-foot tall statue of Satan is flanked by two children, and features two
prominent satanic symbols: a pentacle, located above Satan’s head, and the goat-headed Baphomet, a symbol of idolatry. This
sacrilegious statue that invites people, especially children, to sit on his lap is unacceptable and mocks God and His Commandments.
To accept any statue of Satan (or another deity) mocks our Christian traditions and defies the demands of Almighty God that the evil
fallen angel Satan not be honored by a monument. I ask that you vigorously defend the 10 Commandments monument and reject the
Satanic statue. We must stop it before it happens - we are one nation under God, not under Satan. Please sign the petition below.
Send your protest message today so Oklahoma officials will hear from you and know the reasons why you absolutely abhor
Satanists erecting this horrific statue. God always, Satan never !
Previously posted ...
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
The New York-based Satanic Temple has plans to erect an idol of Satan next to a depiction of the Ten Commandments that has
been on the Oklahoma state grounds since 2012. The seven-foot tall statue of Satan is flanked by two children, and features two
prominent satanic symbols: a pentacle, located above Satan’s head, and the goat-headed Baphomet, a symbol of idolatry. This
sacrilegious statue that invites people, especially children, to sit on his lap is unacceptable and mocks God and His Commandments.
To accept any statue of Satan (or another deity) mocks our Christian traditions and defies the demands of Almighty God that the evil
fallen angel Satan not be honored by a monument. I ask that you vigorously defend the 10 Commandments monument and reject the
Satanic statue. We must stop it before it happens - we are one nation under God, not under Satan. Please sign the petition below.
Send your protest message today so Oklahoma officials will hear from you and know the reasons why you absolutely abhor
Satanists erecting this horrific statue. God always, Satan never !
Submitted by: Edward Moore
the this, the that, the other, history in
two minutes
the this, the that, the other, history in
two minutes
you are about
see is
is worth the
two minutes (A
quick lesson
in History!)
year old Joe
Bush got
a high school
assignment to
make a video
chose history
as a theme and
tucked it all
into two
JIHAD WATCH 05/16/2014
May 15, 2014 10:50 pm | Robert Spencer
jihad training, oddly enough, included high-powered weapons, even
though Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims are outraged that the 9/11
Memorial and Museum would dare suggest that jihad had something to do
with violence. I expect that Ibrahim Hooper and Nihad Awad of
Hamas-linked CAIR are on their way to Trinidad and/or Venezuela now, so
May 16, 2014 06:30 am

By News Editor
Bottom line: Tapper wanted to know how it’s possible for Barack Obama to continue to place confidence in embattled VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.
Jake Tapper Hammers White House Chief of Staff: How Many Dead Vets Do You Need?
By News Editor
Bottom line: Tapper wanted to know how it’s possible for Barack Obama to continue to place confidence in embattled VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.
Jake Tapper Hammers White House Chief of Staff: How Many Dead Vets Do You Need?
Submitted by: BobJen
From: SHER... I wonder how many realize how dangerous this is...From: "John Rolls"
FCC approves plan to allow for paid priority on Internet - By Cecilia Kang - Wash Post
well...well - look what they want to do to control the internet & US!
RedState Briefing 05/17/2014
Morning Briefing
For May 17, 2014
Shift Power Back to the StatesAnyone who reads the plain language of the Constitution and the writings of James Madison would come away with the unambiguous impression that the Founders vested the federal government with very few powers – powers that they felt could only be executed by a central government. Much of what the federal government does in this post-constitutional era is not only superfluous but deleterious to economic growth and free market fairness. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
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