Submitted y: M Mullukin
Socotra Figures in Multiple Threats to Israel Following UAE, Bahraini Pacts…..
September 18, 2020

Two radical forces are gunning for Israel’s interests in the Gulf region since they were formalised in pacts with the UAE and Bahrain on Tuesday, September 15.
Middle East sources claim that the United Arab Emirates and Israel are setting up spy bases on the Yemeni island of Socotra which the Emirates took over in 2017.
The same sources disclose that the UAE and Israel have deployed espionage equipment on the island for monitoring the Houthi insurgents on the Yemeni mainland, 350km away, as well as Iranian naval movements in the Red Sea and the Strait of Hormuz.
The Yemeni government has called the take-over an act of aggression and Al Qaeda’s Yemen branch (AQAP) threatens to attack the putative UAE-Israeli intelligence base on Socotra.
AQAP warned that if Israel set foot in Socotra “you and your Emirati partners will be targets for our fire, our commando attackers and our martyrdom bombers.”
This Socotra archipelago sits athwart the Red Sea shipping routes from the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean and is therefore a major strategic asset, especially if Iran were to block the Strait of Hormuz.

In Yemen, Al Qaeda is on the run from Houthi rebels and in decline in other places; its leader Ayman al-Zawahiri [pictured above] has not been seen for many months.
Nonetheless, nineteen years after 9/11, jihadist experts are not yet ready to write al Qaeda off as a spent force.
At the other end of radical extremism, are Iran-backed Shiite terrorist groups in Bahrain.
With close operational links to the Lebanese Hizballah, they proclaim their intention of opposing the Gulf kingdom’s pact with Israel.
The Saraya Wa’ad Allah, the first group out with a statement, says it has set up a new specialised sub-unit for attacking Israeli interests.
The group strongly denounced “this false normalisation with the Zionist enemy…” calling it “a cancerous gland on the body of the Ummah.”

This Saraya Wa’ad Allah [emblem above] has named its new sub-unit the “Martyrs of Jerusalem Company,” its purpose is to target Israeli interests on the island-kingdom and is calling for recruits.
This group claims to be part of the pro-Iran “Islamic resistance” and maintains links to other like-minded radical Shiite terrorist groups as well as the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards.
Most of these groups’ operations are confined to blood-curdling media threats, including widely distributed video clips, rather than actual bombings. No terrorist attack inside Bahrain has been recorded since 2017.
Despite the preponderance of threats to Israeli nationals and interests in Bahrain, it remains to be seen how many materialise.
Their effectiveness for action has been substantially stymied by arrests, heavy-handed tactics and weapons seizures by the Bahraini – plus Saudi – security forces for quelling Iran’s insurgency-fomenting tactics against the throne.
However, the pact with Israel may rouse Tehran and those groups into actually making good on their threats and soon make the “puppet regime” of King Hamad al-Khalifa “taste his pursuit” for associating with the “Zionist enemy.”
We’ll see – developing...…
Clandestine Hizballah and Al Qods Operations Uncovered in Israel…..
September 19, 2020

Yasmin Jaber, [pictured below] resident of East Jerusalem, was recruited by the Iranian Al Qods and Hizballah during a visit to Lebanon some years ago.
This was disclosed on Thursday by the Shin Bet security service.
Employed as a librarian at Israel’s National Library, she had been tracked for some time by Shin Bet surveillance when she held secret meetings in Turkey and other places with her Hizballah and Iranian Al-Qods handlers.
She was assigned with recruiting Israeli and Palestinian Arabs for terrorist operations in Israel.

Her orders were to focus on Israeli citizens and women to take advantage of their freedom of movement around the country.
Detained with Jaber were her associates in Jerusalem and Ramallah.
She and at least one accomplice are to be indicted for security offensives in the coming days.
Jaber maintained her clandestine contacts with her masters through coded messages in Facebook and Instagram after receiving training in these techniques at her meetings with them in Turkey.
Amir Tsarfati’s Weekly Round-Up...…
18 September 2020

Shalom from Southern California!
I’m glad to report that I arrived safely in California on Friday, September 11th. I’ve had some time to rest, get over jet lag, and make the final preparations for my three messages I’ll be teaching in the next week.
In my time in California, I’ve been able to partake in several events. On Monday, my good friend, Pastor Barry Stagner, helped co-host my Middle East Update, wherein we covered a wide range of topics.
On Tuesday, Pastor Barry and I hosted another Prophecy Roundtable with our dear friend, Jan Markell, from Olive Tree Ministries. And yesterday, I joined Pastor Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills for his Happening Now series.
We covered several different events taking place around the world including the circumstances in Lebanon, Coronavirus, and the historic peace agreement between Israel and two Gulf States.
I may have left the Middle East, but the activity in the region is as busy as ever.

Following two Israeli strikes in Syria last week, satellite images released by a private Israeli security firm revealed that the damage done near Aleppo is nothing short of significant.
The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) targeted a missile production facility belonging to Hezbollah, and in so doing, they destroyed one building while heavily damaging another.
Near the end of last week, Israel carried out another series of strikes in Al-Bukamal, Syria, which is a high-traffic area for Iran and its interests. Nearly a dozen Iranian-sponsored fighters were killed.
Iran is continuing down its own path of hostility, which is being displayed on all fronts.
The regime had the country’s young, successful professional wrestler, Navid Afkari, executed. [pictured above]
Afkari was sentenced to death after an alleged fatal confrontation with Iranian security forces back in 2018.

However, Iranian security forces were and remain notorious for the violence they inflict on unarmed civilians both domestically and internationally.
Furthermore, the regime is believed to be planning to assassinate a US ambassador in retaliation to the US killing of former general Qassem Soleimani earlier this year.
If that’s not enough, this caused Israeli and US embassies around the world to go on high alert, and President Trump took no shortcuts in issuing a strong warning to Iran should they harm any US personnel.
The radical Iranian regime has another mutiny on its hands as the Rial continues to hit rock bottom and then some.
The rial is now valued at 271,000 rial/1 dollar. And while the people of Iran suffer, the ayatollahs do as they feel necessary to accomplish their agenda.
Turkey is facing a similar problem as the lira continues to crumble.

Undoubtedly, the most significant development to take place that concerns the Middle East is the agreement ceremony that took place in Washington D.C. on Tuesday celebrating the newfound relationship(s) between Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Officially, this new deal is called the Abraham Accords, and representatives from each country were all present at the White House to celebrate this new agreement. These are the first two Gulf States to ever normalise their ties with Israel.
And why? Because they understand the benefits of a working relationship with us as much as they see the hypocrisy and stubbornness of the [Arab] Palestinians – and they’re tired of it.
For some reason, many believers have been very quick to criticise this agreement. I understand and respect the desire to protect the land that God has given to Israel, but it’s important that we don’t go so far that we misunderstand what the Scriptures are saying.
And it’s also important that we don’t categorise this agreement as something it’s not.
Let me remind you that Israel has only gained sovereignty from the time of the unveiling of the Trump Peace Plan to the signing of the Abraham Accords.

The deal is an exchange of peace for peace, not land for peace. We’re not giving up any land!
Iran issued an immediate threat to Bahrain following its announcement to work with Israel, just as they did to the UAE.
These bullies in the Middle East are being exposed for exactly what they are.
And adding insult to injury for Iran and Turkey, a Saudi source has reported that Israel could very well establish a NATO-like defence alliance with several countries in the region in order to combat the destabilising nature of the two countries.
Sadly, but not surprisingly, as soon as PM Benjamin Netanyahu began his speech on Tuesday, [pictured above] Hamas began launching rockets from Gaza into southern Israel in conjunction with its threats.
Here we are making peace with countries in the region, and instead of trying to align themselves in a similar fashion, they choose to launch rockets at us.

We’re seeking peace while they’re looking for a war. The Israeli Air Force responded by striking multiple military facilities in Gaza.
I’m sad to say that Israel is facing a three-week shut-down due to increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases.
And for the first time ever, synagogues are to be limited to no more than 20 people during the traditional fall feasts; Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).
Inside the White House

Bill Koenig
White House Correspondent
19 September 2020
The Abraham Accords

I was not able to attend the White House’s Abraham Accords signing event on Tuesday because I had to take my wife Claudia to her doctor. We would appreciate your prayers.
I watched the event on TV. Peace is wonderful and something very worthy to pursue, and the UAE and Bahrain are probably the most non-threatening of the Arab countries.
Plus, the UAE is extremely entrepreneurial and cutting edge in technology and science, and their modern capitals, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, are incredibly impressive.
The UAE is more similar to Israel than any other Middle East country. And they have had a good long-term relationship that many people were not aware of.
But when the land of Israel is the bargaining chip . . . and when a normalisation contingency is used to stop annexation/extended sovereignty of 132 Jewish communities in the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, the support of a Palestinian state with continued support of the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 . . . historically there will be serious consequences, as there were once again this week.

Hurricane Sally swept ashore, , with smoke clouds from the West Coast fires overshadowing a majority of the U.S. and with the beginning of Israel’s second national virus lock-down during Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles for three weeks to be enforced by 6000 police and 1000 soldiers.
President Trump, in a recent Axios interview, said that the U.S. is working on a deal that would drop troop levels from 8,500 to between 4,000 and 5,000 in Afghanistan.
And on August 23, U.S. troops withdrew from Taji Base and handed it over to Iraqi security forces.
On September 9, 2020, the US military said it will reduce its troops in Iraq from 5,200 to 3,000.
In last week’s news report, we provided information on China and Russia’s rapid movement into Iraq and China’s Iran military plans.
Iran also has significant influence on the Shiite majority in Iraq and neighbouring Syria and with the Shiite majority in Bahrain, which also motivated Bahrain’s normalisation with Israel for their national security needs.

The Sunni countries in the Middle East were very concerned about the Obama-led Iran nuclear deal in 2015 and his desire to exit the Middle East.
That increased Arab cooperation with Israel. The UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt worked closely with Israel to counter the Iranian threat.
Now, with President Trump continuing to express a desire to remove more troops from Afghanistan and in Iraq, and with China’s and Russia’s activities increasing, they assuredly must know of the importance to work closely with Israel for the sake of their survival.
Interestingly, the accord also further isolates Iran and Turkey and gives the Arab Palestinians conditions that they are not pleased with and probably will not agree to with the current government.
In the past, the Arab Palestinians have had the veto power that influenced Arab relations with Israel, but not anymore.
However, the Sunni countries continue to publicly state that they do not support annexation and fully support and expect an Arab Palestinian state.

The enormous cost of catastrophes continues
Think of the enormous personal and financial costs of the catastrophes over the past 20 years that corresponded to U.S. pressure and involvement in dividing the land of Israel.
As shared before, there are Christian leaders who have continued to endorse using Israel’s covenant land for so-called peace and have strongly supported the recent accords.
Politically, the Abraham Accords reinforces the UN role in the process.
Also the accord negotiations reportedly curtailed the annexation/extended sovereignty to 2024 if not longer.
It also continues the possibility of a Palestinian state situated in up to 80 percent of Judea and Samaria.
It is not about Trump’s Support of Israel—it is about God’s Land….

President Trump is concerned about Israel’s security, and he backed out of the flawed Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA).
He sincerely would like to see Israel live in peace and security with their Arab neighbourhoods.
His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has been actively working on a comprehensive Middle East peace plan between Israel and the Sunni Arabs.
Interestingly, during this three and a half year period the U.S. has experienced seven record-setting hurricanes (Harvey, Irma, Maria, Florence, Michael, Laura and Sally).
These occurred at the very same time they were working on dividing the land of Israel, supporting an Arab state in parts of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem and using the land as an inducement to normalise relations between Israel and Sunni Arab countries.
These are not regular seasonal hurricanes and tornadoes or an occasional earthquake.

It is denial not to acknowledge the obvious. How can anyone miss it?
Furthermore, the law of probability of these happening over and over again at the time the land is being dealt with is astronomical.
Israeli PM Netanyahu endorsed the Trump plan on January 28.
This began an unprecedented and difficult period of time for both the United States and Israel.
And today Israel is the first country in the world having its second national lock-down, beginning within a few hours of Rosh Hashanah and scheduled to last for three weeks through Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot.)
President Trump was experiencing God’s favour in many ways prior to January 28. Since then it has been one crisis after another.
It is not about President Trump’s significant support of Israel—it is about God’s Land!
Syria Warning Update: Syrian Regime Offensive on Idlib may be Imminent…….
19 September 2020

Turkey may have agreed to cede control of territory in southern Idlib to pro-Assad forces in a meeting with Russia on September 16.
If the reports of a deal are true, a pro-Assad offensive is likely imminent.
Turkish-backed opposition forces and al Qaeda linked elements may fight back against advancing Russian-backed regime forces even without Turkish support.
Turkey is most likely to cede the territory south of the M4 highway, a zone in which Turkey had already agreed to allow Russian patrols in March but retain forces, including artillery units, that precluded a full regime takeover.

Turkey could face backlash from al Qaeda-linked elements, local civilians, and even Turkish-backed opposition forces for negotiating away opposition-held territory.
Other sources, including Turkish media and the usually-credible Asharq al-Awsat, subsequently corroborated these reports.
A negotiated removal of Turkish forces from areas of Idlib, if it does occur, would reflect a revision to the de-escalation agreement signed by Russia and Turkey on March 5 and would indicate a renewed pro-regime offensive is imminent.
A series of recent events indicate Russia and Turkey have been negotiating an agreement providing for a partial Turkish withdrawal from greater Idlib.
It is unclear what concessions Turkey may have gained from Russia in exchange for the withdrawal.
A MUST watch - Don Stewart interviews HIS Channel Founder and CEO Dennis L. Swick …
18 September 2020

A MUST watch – Don Stewart of WORLD NEWS BRIEFING interviewed Founder and CEO of HIS CHANNEL Dennis L. Swick yesterday regarding his research into the technology at the back of global STARLINK satellite communications, RFID vaccinations, social distancing, Luciferaze and the rapid set-up for the technology required for the fulfilment of Revelation 11 & 13.
Watch it HERE and if you are pushed for time begin at the 30 minute mark.

Don Stewart's BREAKING NEWS 18 September 2020
Israel Report
Editor; Mike Claydon