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A Different Kind of Republican Leader Apr 06, 2015 07:03 pm Go To Full Post: A Different Kind of Republican Leader |
Everyone should at least listen to this 19 min. video.
This reminds me of a report from back in 1976. Also the
warnings of Congressman McDonald. Remember him? Shot down by the Russians in
while flying on a S. Korean airliner. He was warning Americans about what was
going on also.
You can read the report on this web site. http://www.researchsociety.
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary Daily DigestTHE FOUNDATION"The fundamental law of the militia is, that it be created, directed and commanded by the laws, and ever for the support of the laws." --John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, 1787TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKSEmpty Boasts About Bad Iran Deal |
Maine: Lacrosse coach loses job for criticizing Islam
Freedom of speech, you say? Increasingly not, in the United States:
those who dare notice jihad violence and Islamic supremacism are
vilified, marginalized, and defamed. When Scott Lees was fired, was
truth a criterion? Apparently not. “Facebook post on Muslims costs
Fryeburg coach his job,” by Daymond Steer, Conway Daily Sun, March 24,
2015 (thanks […] |
Posted One America's Conservative News The American Civil Liberties Union will seek a federal court order compelling the U.S. government to release documents related to federal contracts with religious relief agencies that assist illegal immigrants. Read The Full Story |
Disgusting: Professor Goes On Profane Rant Against Conservatives And Their View Of GodApr 07, 2015 02:11 pmThe disjointed diatribe is an attack on capitalism and posits that Jesus was "queer." This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom Read More and Comment: Disgusting: Professor Goes On Profane Rant Against Conservatives And Their View Of God |
Dear Conservatives,
1. Senators Demand Education Reform - by Logan Albright Education is - both traditionally and constitutionally - a local issue. Yet for many years, the federal government through the Department of Education has been bullying states into taking certain actions. For example, the adoption of common standards and testing requirements, in exchange for grants or waivers. As long as these incentives are in place, it is very difficult for states to independently and meaningfully repeal Common Core, as we saw with Indiana’s faux-repeal that was actually just a rebranding of the standards. This is a problem. States and municipalities need the flexibility to design their own standards, curricula, and tests to meet the needs of local parents, students, and teachers. Fortunately, there are those in the U.S. Senate who recognize this. Read more here... |
Los Angeles Crime Spikes High—Minorities VICTIMS of ACLU and White GuiltBy Stephen Frank on Apr 06, 2015 07:40 pmAB 109 brought our State prison population down from 167,000 to 113,000, as of January, 2015. Prop. 47 made felonies misdemeanors so that many criminals that would go to jail, instead get to go to Starbucks, to celebrate. At the same time government schools are refusing to turn in bullies and kids carrying drugs, guns […] Read More and Comment: Los Angeles Crime Spikes High—Minorities VICTIMS of ACLU and White Guilt |