Thursday, October 17, 2013
Well, we knew this was coming.
The ink on the deal to end the government shutdown had not even had time to dry last night, when Harry Reid put his slavish devotion to Big Labor on display once again.
Late last night, Reid filed cloture on the nomination of corrupt union lawyer Richard Griffin to be the chief lawyer at the National Labor Relations Board.
The vote is just days away, and it’s critical that your Senators vote against cloture.
You see, this nomination is a direct slap in the face.
As you may recall, over the summer a handful of Republican Senators joined every Democrat to let Barack Obama pack the labor board with union militants literally and publicly chosen by AFL-CIO czar Richard Trumka.
CHUCK KOLB 10/17/2013
The End of America - Serving Two Masters !!!
Dianne Reidy, U.S. House Stenographer screams "You cannot serve two masters"
as she was removed from the floor of Congress.
Previously posted ...
Be Still and Know I Am God -
by Lyle Rapacki
Lyn Leahz and Greg Holt Publishers: Vine of Life News
Excellent article
Jesus Edited Out of Reality Show to Avoid Offending Muslims
by Frank Camp
... According to Breitbart: -“Speaking with Sports Spectrum magazine, Duck Dynasty stars Willie and Phil Robertson stated that editors on Duck Dynasty had edited out Jesus’ name in prayers to spare Muslim sensitivities. Phil stated: When we prayed, we said, ‘in Jesus’ name, amen.’ I don’t have a verse that says you must always use pray in the name of Jesus, but it’s a very good idea, I think. So they would have me say, ‘Thank you, Oh Lord, for the food, thank you for the leavens, amen.’ So I said, ‘Why would you cut out “in Jesus’ name”? And they said, ‘Well, those editors are probably doing that, they think, you know, it might offend some of the Muslims, you know.’” [...]
RENEW AMERICA 10/17/2013
STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — I understand prayer to be an individual
expression of submission to God's will. By that I mean: (1) prayer is a
petition to God springing from the depths of the soul of each petitioner,
notwithstanding the group setting in which many prayers are uttered, or
the fact many prayers are led by someone representing a whole group....
ALAN KEYES — is reporting on the
activities of people who have been gathering on highway and other
overpasses in different parts of the country with signs advocating the
impeachment of Barack Obama... (more)
October 17, 2013
BRYAN FISCHER — There was a movie from the
1980s called "Eddie and the Cruisers," about the mysterious
disappearance of an up-and-coming rock band. Well, the future of the
conservative movement is now in the hands of a new band, "Teddie and the
Cruzers." And they are going to rock the house. And the House. And the
Senate. And the White House... (more)
FRC 10/17/2013
| October 17, 2013 | Permalink
The New Deal
For 16 days, Republicans
were trying to build a bridge to reform. Instead, they built a dam -- a
$3 billion one. The last-minute add-on proved costly for the country and
the Senate GOP, who will have to explain why they not only lost this
fight, but added a significant bundle to the bill. Unfortunately, even
the reinforced Olmsted Dam won't be able to hold back the flood of
disappointment over last night's votes. By 81-18 and 285-144 ,
the House and Senate closed the chapter on Washington's first
government shutdown in 20 years, leaving a trail of disillusionment in
their wake.
With one stroke of his
pen, President Obama had the satisfaction of blocking any meaningful
dents to his signature health care law and setting into motion the
office homecoming for a half-million furloughed
government employees. Hours later, traffic was back to a screeching
halt, the Smithsonian had unlocked its doors, even the National Zoo's
panda cam returned to charm viewers. But for all the buzz in D.C.
offices, most conservative members couldn't help but feel defeated. "I
don't think anyone wanted to be in the spot we're in right now," said
Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.). Least of all voters, who for weeks had held
out hope that Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) may just be able to talk our
nation out of this mess. Instead, what they got was another four months
of more of the same: crippling debt, excessive spending, socialized
medicine, taxpayer-funded abortion, and oppressive, freedom-crushing
LIFE NEWS 10/17/2013
Obama Admin Had Attorneys During Shutdown Push HHS Abortion Mandate
The state of politics in the 21st century has led most Americans to expect both sides of the aisle to use the government shutdown as a political pawn. But the Obama Administration has taken it a step farther, using the shutdown as a means to further advance its agenda of trampling the rights of conscientious business owners and entrepreneurs.
The state of politics in the 21st century has led most Americans to expect both sides of the aisle to use the government shutdown as a political pawn. But the Obama Administration has taken it a step farther, using the shutdown as a means to further advance its agenda of trampling the rights of conscientious business owners and entrepreneurs.
To be clear, front and center
in the budget shutdown struggle was the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.”
Baby Survives Failed Chemical Abortion, Doctors Said He Wouldn’t
What a story out of the Namibian newspaper in Southwest Africa. Under the headline “Miracle baby survives abortion,” we learn from Clemans Miyanicwe that doctors told Rebeka Vandueruru Tjombe that her unborn baby could not survive and “ordered the mother to take abortion pills.” (What kind of pills is never described.)
The husband, Jephta Mooka Kaevara,
told Miyanicwe that his wife texted him with the bad news and he went
to the hospital where, he alleges, the doctor refused to tell him about
his wife’s condition. a story out of the Namibian newspaper in Southwest Africa. Under the headline “Miracle baby survives abortion,” we learn from Clemans Miyanicwe that doctors told Rebeka Vandueruru Tjombe that her unborn baby could not survive and “ordered the mother to take abortion pills.” (What kind of pills is never described.)
Submitted by: Robert Cooper
Shock plan regulates food, medicine, financial markers, Internet freedom
Posted by Charleston Voice
Posted on October 15, 2013 at 11:00 PM EST
Source kleinonline
By Aaron Klein
the government shutdown, the Obama administration has continued secret
negotiations to complete what is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership,
or TPP.
expansive plan is a proposed free-trade agreement between the U.S.,
Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand,
Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
Mark Levin Interviews Ted Cruz On Senate Deal [FULL]
Oct 16, 2013 06:09 pm
Go To Full Post: Mark Levin Interviews Ted Cruz On Senate Deal [FULL]
Oct 16, 2013 06:09 pm
Go To Full Post: Mark Levin Interviews Ted Cruz On Senate Deal [FULL]
Obama to House: Now Let’s Negotiate Citizenship for Illegals
Featured - Thursday, October 17, 2013
- Colo. illegally funding abortions with taxpayer dollars | Alliance Defending Freedom
October 17, 2013
- The Next Human Rights Revolution | Chen Guangcheng at Public Discourse
October 17, 2013
- Oregon To Recognize Marriages Of Same-Sex Couples Wed In Other States
October 17, 2013
- 9th Circuit Considers Calif. School’s May 5 U.S. Flag Ban
October 17, 2013
Media Clips
- Should We Be Taxing Churches?
October 17, 2013
- Christmas Victory for Wis. High School Choir | CBN
October 17, 2013
- Court approval remains behind student prayers | One News Now
October 17, 2013
- 100 Christian Ministries Compose Class-Action Lawsuit over Contraceptives | Christianity Today
October 17, 2013
Republicans side with Dems on Obamacare, Debt Ceiling – Take Action! It’s time for a grassroots uprising. Read More |
Obama scolds Congress for ‘unnecessary damage’ upon government’s reopening
As the 16-day government shutdown ended Thursday, a stern President Obama blasted Republicans for deliberately trying to “break” the federal government and allowing their hatred of him to justify un-American tactics. Read More |
Chinese agency downgrades US credit
rating A Chinese ratings agency downgraded its US sovereign credit rating Thursday despite Washington’s resolution of the debt ceiling deadlock, warning that fundamentals for a potential default remained “unchanged”. Read More |
Submitted by: Donald Hank
3 Christians Robbed, Handcuffed, & Arrested By
Police - Sad American Video
3 Christians Robbed, Handcuffed, & Arrested By
Police - Sad American Video
Jesus commanded his people:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.
But he warned:
shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be
hated of all nations for my name's sake. Matt. 24:9
Jesus commanded his people:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel.
But he warned:
shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be
hated of all nations for my name's sake. Matt. 24:9
JIHAD WATCH 10/17/2013
Oct 16, 2013 03:22 pm | Robert
at transforming both into Sharia states. "Al-Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood
hold secret meeting in Jordan,' by Ariel Ben Solomon for the Jerusalem
Post, October 13 (thanks to Kenneth): Al-Qaida and the international
organization of the Muslim Brotherhood met secretly last week in Jordan
according to a source quoted by the...
Oct 16, 2013 11:15 am | Robert
is the biggest threat to peace in the world today." -- U.S. "academic"
Kevin Barrett in Iran's state-run PressTV These venomous Islamophobes
should be sent back forthwith and told sternly to stop fearmongering.
"Nigeria: 3,000 Borno Villagers Flee to Adamawa Over Boko Haram
Attacks," from the Premium Times via...
COWBOYBYTE 10/17/2013
Putting Down the Debt Ceiling Sword
The United States has never missed a payment due to a failure to increase the debt ceiling in its modern history. We’ve come close – multiple times – and the fear has swirled inside the beltway as the X-date that … Continue reading →
Top Cowboy Headlines | |
October 17, 2013 |
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Let me share just a few recent examples:
Dear Conservatives,
It's all part of a
concerted effort by the Obama administration to remove any obstacles
that fundamentally oppose the radical plan to make America a godless
Unfortunately, most Americans are not aware of the religious
persecution that is occurring in the military almost on a daily basis.Let me share just a few recent examples:
- The Army labeled evangelical Christians and Catholics as extremists along with al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the KKK.
- The Pentagon put an end to military-themed Bibles.
- A West Point study linked pro-life groups to terrorism.
- The U.S. military ordered crosses removed from chapels.
- An Air Force officer was ordered to take his Bible off his desk.
- A soldier was reprimanded for serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at a private party celebrating his promotion and the Defense of Marriage Act.
- A painting including a Bible verse was removed from an Air Force dining hall.
NEWS WITH VIEWS 10/17/2013
17, 2013
21st century slavery: Food
stamps, ADC and Section 8 housing
Food stamps, aid to dependent children, free medical care and section 8 housing offer over 48.1 million Americans and non-citizens instant gratification, but in turn destroys their self-worth, self-respect, personal accountability and meaning for their lives. Each year, over 3.5 million people visit Yellowstone National Park. When you visit the park, you see signs, “Don’t feed the bears or any wild animals....... by Frosty Wooldridge
Leftists as Religious
Many of our friends on the Left—libs, progs, Democrats, whatever they want to call themselves—insist that they have no religious beliefs. They’re too smart and sophisticated for religion. But they do have things that they hold sacred, and will defend with a zeal not permitted to Christians.......... by Lee Duigon |
CLASH DAILY 10/17/2013
BOOM! Rebukes Megyn Kelly for Falsely Accusing Joe-The-Plumber of Racism.
Megyn Kelly – I eagerly await your apology,
retraction, whatever you want to call it, regarding the libelous
insinuations you made last night (Tuesday, Oct 15) against Joe (“Joe the
Plumber”) ... READ MORE
CAN O’ WHOOP ASS: Trey Gowdy Hammers National Parks Director for Favoring ‘Pot-Smoking’ Occupiers Over ‘Veterans’ During a prescheduled House hearing Wednesday morning, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) spent several minutes berating National Parks Service director Jonathan Jarvis over the closing of several Washington, D.C. monuments during the ... READ MORE
CAN O’ WHOOP ASS: Trey Gowdy Hammers National Parks Director for Favoring ‘Pot-Smoking’ Occupiers Over ‘Veterans’ During a prescheduled House hearing Wednesday morning, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) spent several minutes berating National Parks Service director Jonathan Jarvis over the closing of several Washington, D.C. monuments during the ... READ MORE
CONBUSTIBLE 10/17/2013
Today's Featured Article:
Bombshell: Obama planned shutdown
Bombshell: Obama planned shutdown
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines: |
Obama and Boehner’s Slaves Like Democrats from the past, Obama wants Boehner to control his slaves. Who knew America elected officials to go to Washington and be "controlled." ... READ MORE |
ALT 10/17/2013
ALT Headlines Featured Stories for October 17, 2013 | ||
CONFIRMED: Chase Restricts Cash and International Wire Transfers Is Chase bank the first banking domino to fall in preparation to a larger impending financial failure of our economy? Are we heading down the road of Cyprus of a complete banking failure ...
10 Lessons from the Government Shutdown Thank God the government shutdown crisis is over. Not because it averted economic catastrophe, that's still coming, but because the phony narrative was destructive. It dragged even the most ...
Ten Things to Expect from Obamacare in 2014 Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. Casey Research - Obamacare's health exchanges opened on October 1. Hopefully you weren't one of the unlucky guinea pigs who attempted to sign up with a system so crummy that even the ...
The Coming Food Stamp Riots It may not happen this month, or even this year, but food stamp riots are coming to America. In fact, we got a small preview of the coming food stamp riots this past weekend ... |
Alexander's Column
Silver Linings on the CR and DC DebaclesGreat News for Conservatives -- If...
Despite a colossal
political blunder derailing the conservative Republican Continuing
Resolution strategy three weeks ago, which in turn led to furloughs
(read: "paid vacations") for about 17% of "non-essential" federal
employees, which in turn collapsed approval ratings for anyone with an
"R" after their name, which in turn resulted in Republican submission to
Barack Obama's agenda, there are three silver linings on the horizon
that will pay rich political dividends.
Each of these favorable
outcomes will greatly benefit the campaigns of conservative Republicans
for a generation if, and only if, there is a cease-fire in the foolish
and fatalistic "Tea v. GOP infighting," which undermined the outstanding CR strategy House conservative were advancing on schedule four weeks ago.
I'll get to those opportunities in a moment, but first, let me recap where we were just four short weeks ago:
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 10/17/2013
The Importance of October 17
Fukushima: Giant Radiation Spike After Typhoon (Video)
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