Looking to capitalize on this popularity, Chris Matthews and MSNBC have produced a one-hour documentary on Bill Clinton set to be aired on President's Day-Monday, February 21st, at 10pm EST, entitled: President of the World: The Bill Clinton Phenomenon. The National Republican Trust needs your help. If MSNBC wants to proclaim Bill Clinton "The President of the World," they can-but The Republican National Trust is going to be right next to them, speaking THE TRUTH and exposing his REAL legacy, not the shiny one that the mainstream media and Hollywood have created. We are going to buy commercial time WITHIN THE DOCUMENTARY ITSELF so viewers will get something they rarely do on MSNBC-the whole story!
Our national and strategically targeted local ad campaigns have consistently delivered for the conservative cause, thanks to donors like you. Our groundbreaking election documentary, "Breaking Point," helped elect a Republican majority in the U.S. House last Fall. This latest attempt by the liberal media to rewrite history doesn't stand a chance against our consolidated efforts. CLICK HERE to help us fund an ad campaign exposing the REAL Clinton legacy so voters will know the truth!
This is one of MSNBC's most ridiculous stunts yet. One wonders if Clinton will wear a bright cape and bear a large "S" on his chest. President of the World? Really, MSNBC?
Bill Clinton degraded both the United States military and the office of the Presidency in his two terms. He was a miserable failure on the issue of terrorism, passing on several opportunities to capture bin Laden. He spent his presidency asking the American people what to do, as his operatives ran poll after poll, looking for answers. When he wasn't selling our soul to the Chinese he was chasing White House interns and lying under oath.
But the Left is building him up and raising his exposure so he'll be useful to Obama in 2012. Mark my words, after this documentary airs you'll see a ton of news stories about the "greatness" Bill Clinton, and he'll be let loose to campaign for vulnerable Democrats and ultimately, the most vulnerable one of all-Barack Obama. Will you join us in exposing Clinton's TRUE legacy? The National Republican Trust's national and strategically targeted local ad campaigns have consistently delivered for the conservative cause, thanks to donors like you. We are going to buy commercial time WITHIN THE DOCUMENTARY ITSELF so viewers will get something they rarely do on MSNBC-the whole story!
Our groundbreaking election documentary, "Breaking Point," helped elect a Republican majority in the U.S. House last Fall. This latest attempt by the liberal media to rewrite history doesn't stand a chance against our consolidated efforts. Join the fight today!
The media LOVES Obama, and his policies are very similar to Clinton's-so how do you explain Clinton's soaring popularity? NBC says, "He [Clinton] no longer remains a GOP target. In the survey, 47 percent of Republicans view the ex-president negatively, compared with 78 percent of them who view Obama negatively."
In other words, Clinton has slid off the radar screen.
Let's put him back on it.
President Obama is a failure, and the Left knows this. They've tried-amazingly-to compare him to Ronald Reagan. They have painted him as a "centrist." And now, it seems, they are going to trot out the ever-charming Bill Clinton to help Obama win reelection next year.
But first, they'll need to rehabilitate Clinton's image and make it seem like he's the greatest President America-and, based on the title of their program, THE WORLD-has ever known.
It's laughable.
The "lamestream" media is trying as hard as they can to brand President Obama as anything OTHER than President Obama-because the real deal is a dismal failure who is bankrupting our country, both fiscally and morally.
Our messages have impact. We exposed Reverend Jeremiah Wright. We made the Ground Zero Mosque a national issue.
We'll remind the country who Bill Clinton is, but we need you on our side.
Please help us with this latest campaign, as we prevent this latest effort to "soften" Obama's image and make him into something he's not.
Yours For America,
Scott Wheeler, Executive Director
The National Republican Trustwww.GOPTrust.com