Friday, June 1, 2018
Submitted by: M Mullikin
“Australia has its own border problems, our welfare system is very generous”..
Submitted by: M Mullikin
“Shame on the British Government with its totalitarian law, which is designed protect the Muslims”.
Submitted by: Terry Payne
URL: https://amgreatness.com/2018/05/31/the-carnivores-of-civil-liberties/
AG American Greatness
The Carnivores of Civil Liberties
By Victor Davis Hanson <https://amgreatness.com/author/victor-davis-hanson/ > |
May 31st, 2018
After a landslide loss in the 1972 presidential election, the Democratic Party
was resuscitated the following year by the Watergate scandal. The destruction of
the Nixon presidency powered the Democrats to make huge political gains in the
1974 elections.
Watergate also birthed (or perhaps rebirthed) modern investigative journalism. A
young generation of maverick reporters supposedly alone had challenged the
establishment in order to uncover the whole truth about abuses of power by the
Nixon Administration.
Liberalism rode high during the Watergate era. It had demanded that civil
liberties be protected from the illegal or unconstitutional overreach of the
Nixon-era FBI, CIA, and other agencies. Liberals alleged that out-of-control
officials had spied on U.S. citizens for political purposes and then tried to
mask their wrongdoing under the cover of "national security" or institutional
All those legacies are now eroding. The Democratic Party, the investigative
media, and liberalism itself are now weirdly on the side of the reactionary
administrative state. They have either downplayed or excused Watergate-like
abuses of power by the former Barack Obama Administration.
Liberal journalists apparently have few concerns that the FBI apparently used at
least one secret informant to gather information about the 2016 Trump campaign.
Nor are they much bothered that members of the Obama national security team
unmasked the names of U.S. citizens who had been improperly surveilled. Many of
those names then were leaked illegally to the press.
Democrats seem indifferent to the fact that Hillary Clinton's presidential
campaign paid a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, to compile dirt on Republican
candidate Donald Trump-largely by trafficking in unverified rumors from Russian
interests. Obama administration officials leaked details from that dossier.
Civil libertarians appear unconcerned that the Department of Justice sought to
deceive the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, getting it to grant
warrants to allow the surveillance of U.S. citizens based on the suspect and
politically motivated Steele dossier.
Few are upset that former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper have lied under oath to Congress on matters
pertaining to surveillance. Rather than being investigated by the media, both
are now making frequent media appearances.
The FBI cannot remain credible when its former director, James Comey, leaks
confidential memos about meetings with the president to the media-with the
expressed intent of leveraging the appointment of a special counsel, Robert
Mueller, who turned out to be a longtime friend of Comey's.
Why have the former guardians of civil liberties flipped in the near
half-century since Watergate?
One, both the media and the liberal establishment believed that the outsider
Trump represented an existential danger to themselves and the nation at
large-similar to the way operatives in the Nixon Administration had felt about
far-left presidential challenger George McGovern in 1972.
But this time around, liberals were not out of power as they were in 1972.
Instead, they were the establishment. They held the reins of federal power under
the Obama Administration. And they chose to exercise it in a fashion similar to
how Nixon's team had in 1972.
Second, pollsters and the media were convinced that Hillary Clinton would be
elected. As a result, members of the FBI, CIA, and other federal bureaucracies
apparently assumed that any extralegal efforts to stop the common menace Trump
would be appreciated rather than punished by a soon-to-be President Clinton.
Three, those in the Obama Administration, the Clinton campaign, and the media
formed an echo chamber. All convinced themselves that any means necessary to
achieve the noble ends of precluding a Trump presidency were justified.
The danger of such groupthink continues; even now they are unaware of the
impending bomb that is about to go off.
Public opinion has radically changed. A majority of Americans believe the
Mueller investigation is politically motivated, according to a CBS News poll.
The inspector general's report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email
scandal is due soon. It will likely detail violations of ethics and laws among
Obama Administration officials and may include criminal referrals.
Already, a few liberals and former Clinton supporters are warning the Left that
it is on the wrong side of history and about to reverse the entire
post-Watergate liberal tradition.
There is a reckoning on the horizon. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump or
Hillary Clinton. Instead, the traditional, self-appointed watchdogs of
government overreach have turned into the carnivores of civil liberties.
Photo credit: Le Cuziat/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
About the Author: Victor Davis Hanson
<https://amgreatness.com/author/victor-davis-hanson/ >
Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, columnist, former
classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He was a professor of
classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and
Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He has
been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded
the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is
also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and
a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author
most recently of The Second World Wars - How the First Global Conflict was
Fought and Won <https://amzn.to/2ynsk5N> (Basic Books).
URL: https://amgreatness.com/2018/
AG American Greatness
The Carnivores of Civil Liberties
By Victor Davis Hanson <https://amgreatness.com/
May 31st, 2018
After a landslide loss in the 1972 presidential election, the Democratic Party
was resuscitated the following year by the Watergate scandal. The destruction of
the Nixon presidency powered the Democrats to make huge political gains in the
1974 elections.
Watergate also birthed (or perhaps rebirthed) modern investigative journalism. A
young generation of maverick reporters supposedly alone had challenged the
establishment in order to uncover the whole truth about abuses of power by the
Nixon Administration.
Liberalism rode high during the Watergate era. It had demanded that civil
liberties be protected from the illegal or unconstitutional overreach of the
Nixon-era FBI, CIA, and other agencies. Liberals alleged that out-of-control
officials had spied on U.S. citizens for political purposes and then tried to
mask their wrongdoing under the cover of "national security" or institutional
All those legacies are now eroding. The Democratic Party, the investigative
media, and liberalism itself are now weirdly on the side of the reactionary
administrative state. They have either downplayed or excused Watergate-like
abuses of power by the former Barack Obama Administration.
Liberal journalists apparently have few concerns that the FBI apparently used at
least one secret informant to gather information about the 2016 Trump campaign.
Nor are they much bothered that members of the Obama national security team
unmasked the names of U.S. citizens who had been improperly surveilled. Many of
those names then were leaked illegally to the press.
Democrats seem indifferent to the fact that Hillary Clinton's presidential
campaign paid a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, to compile dirt on Republican
candidate Donald Trump-largely by trafficking in unverified rumors from Russian
interests. Obama administration officials leaked details from that dossier.
Civil libertarians appear unconcerned that the Department of Justice sought to
deceive the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, getting it to grant
warrants to allow the surveillance of U.S. citizens based on the suspect and
politically motivated Steele dossier.
Few are upset that former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper have lied under oath to Congress on matters
pertaining to surveillance. Rather than being investigated by the media, both
are now making frequent media appearances.
The FBI cannot remain credible when its former director, James Comey, leaks
confidential memos about meetings with the president to the media-with the
expressed intent of leveraging the appointment of a special counsel, Robert
Mueller, who turned out to be a longtime friend of Comey's.
Why have the former guardians of civil liberties flipped in the near
half-century since Watergate?
One, both the media and the liberal establishment believed that the outsider
Trump represented an existential danger to themselves and the nation at
large-similar to the way operatives in the Nixon Administration had felt about
far-left presidential challenger George McGovern in 1972.
But this time around, liberals were not out of power as they were in 1972.
Instead, they were the establishment. They held the reins of federal power under
the Obama Administration. And they chose to exercise it in a fashion similar to
how Nixon's team had in 1972.
Second, pollsters and the media were convinced that Hillary Clinton would be
elected. As a result, members of the FBI, CIA, and other federal bureaucracies
apparently assumed that any extralegal efforts to stop the common menace Trump
would be appreciated rather than punished by a soon-to-be President Clinton.
Three, those in the Obama Administration, the Clinton campaign, and the media
formed an echo chamber. All convinced themselves that any means necessary to
achieve the noble ends of precluding a Trump presidency were justified.
The danger of such groupthink continues; even now they are unaware of the
impending bomb that is about to go off.
Public opinion has radically changed. A majority of Americans believe the
Mueller investigation is politically motivated, according to a CBS News poll.
The inspector general's report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton email
scandal is due soon. It will likely detail violations of ethics and laws among
Obama Administration officials and may include criminal referrals.
Already, a few liberals and former Clinton supporters are warning the Left that
it is on the wrong side of history and about to reverse the entire
post-Watergate liberal tradition.
There is a reckoning on the horizon. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump or
Hillary Clinton. Instead, the traditional, self-appointed watchdogs of
government overreach have turned into the carnivores of civil liberties.
Photo credit: Le Cuziat/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
About the Author: Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, columnist, former
classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He was a professor of
classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and
Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He has
been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded
the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is
also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and
a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author
most recently of The Second World Wars - How the First Global Conflict was
Fought and Won <https://amzn.to/2ynsk5N> (Basic Books).
CHUCK KOLB 06/01/2018
Shabbat Shalom - Parasha Behaalotecha - the Light of the Menorah and the Holy Spirit !!!
Previously posted ...
Trinity Sunday Memorial Monday Eternal Father Strong To Save !!!
Welcome to our study of this week’s Torah portion, which is called Parasha Behaalotecha (When You Raise). This is the portion that will be read this Shabbat (Saturday) in synagogues around the world. We know you will be blessed as you read it along with us!
Previously posted ...
Trinity Sunday Memorial Monday Eternal Father Strong To Save !!!
Welcome to our study of this week’s Torah portion, which is called Parasha Behaalotecha (When You Raise). This is the portion that will be read this Shabbat (Saturday) in synagogues around the world. We know you will be blessed as you read it along with us!
Aiding Abusers [SEE THE DETAILS]
Buchanan Asks 'Is USA's Racial Divide Permanent?'
Submitted by: W.G.E.N.
The SLIMY SWAMP Creatures are surfacing and showing their true selves. They really thought they could stay hiding in their FAUX conservative tuxedo's...... some of them drawing financial aid from the Chinese.
They have had the run of Congress and the SWAMP for so many decades they never thought anyone could begin to dehydrate the air in WDC. They had no clue of someone like Donald J. Trump gaining 0ccupancy of the Oval Office and actually cleaning out any of them. They all thought they were so much smarter than they are. This quote from Bush 43 clearly tells all who they operate... They concentrate on the easy ones....
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.”George W. Bush, joking at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001.
The SLIMY SWAMP Creatures are surfacing and showing their true selves. They really thought they could stay hiding in their FAUX conservative tuxedo's...... some of them drawing financial aid from the Chinese.
They have had the run of Congress and the SWAMP for so many decades they never thought anyone could begin to dehydrate the air in WDC. They had no clue of someone like Donald J. Trump gaining 0ccupancy of the Oval Office and actually cleaning out any of them. They all thought they were so much smarter than they are. This quote from Bush 43 clearly tells all who they operate... They concentrate on the easy ones....
"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.”George W. Bush, joking at a Gridiron Club dinner, Washington, D.C., March 2001.
Jun 01, 2018 02:17 am
Continue to Post: IG’s Email Report Will Drop ‘Bombshell’ on Hillary?
Elizabeth Warren has a lot of explaining to do after these comments went public
The Massachusetts Senator is a far-left radical and a strident critic of Donald Trump.
But her hatred of the President led Warren to make some insane comments that left her with a lot of explaining to do.
Click here to read the full story >>
Submitted by: W.G.E.N.
I wish Pres. rump would read this as it would go a long way in helping him to remove the excess baggage in government related payrolls.
I haven't known this kind of info from the inside like Devvy but over my 78 years I have witnessed it from my side of the desk or counter. The many SURPLUS employees in the many state agencies is enough to make one want to PUKE. I have personally seen the abuses of TIME in the Welfare departments, in the Labor & Industries depts, in how they work to retain many 'clients" so as to keep the faux NEED for their employment. If they did the job the way they should the rolls they claim to serve could be reduced in half the time but that would mean they wouldn't have so many to keep on their roles. I personally dealt with a case worker that would take her 'client' to lunch of dinner and she would buy and DRINK some booze and then list it as having been for her 'client'. It was several years before those expense accounts were seen and exposed. It all goes along with the TIME spent actually working by politicians and the TIME they get paid for. If they were paid for the TIME they actually spent doing the CONSTITUTIONAL work they are elected to do they could spend maybe a month in session and their payroll, pensions, and expense accounts, could be greatly reduced and some eliminated entirely. Think how taxes could be reduced by that simple act.
Devvy's column reminded me of Sibel Edmonds book, "Classified Woman" , http://www.classifiedwoman.com/ .
I wish Pres. rump would read this as it would go a long way in helping him to remove the excess baggage in government related payrolls.
I haven't known this kind of info from the inside like Devvy but over my 78 years I have witnessed it from my side of the desk or counter. The many SURPLUS employees in the many state agencies is enough to make one want to PUKE. I have personally seen the abuses of TIME in the Welfare departments, in the Labor & Industries depts, in how they work to retain many 'clients" so as to keep the faux NEED for their employment. If they did the job the way they should the rolls they claim to serve could be reduced in half the time but that would mean they wouldn't have so many to keep on their roles. I personally dealt with a case worker that would take her 'client' to lunch of dinner and she would buy and DRINK some booze and then list it as having been for her 'client'. It was several years before those expense accounts were seen and exposed. It all goes along with the TIME spent actually working by politicians and the TIME they get paid for. If they were paid for the TIME they actually spent doing the CONSTITUTIONAL work they are elected to do they could spend maybe a month in session and their payroll, pensions, and expense accounts, could be greatly reduced and some eliminated entirely. Think how taxes could be reduced by that simple act.
Devvy's column reminded me of Sibel Edmonds book, "Classified Woman" , http://www.classifiedwoman.
Anti-Trump Fervor Backfires on Democrats
For months, Democrats have been warned by informed observers that they can’t build a winning election strategy for the 2018 midterms or the 2020 presidential election on anti-Trump fervor. “You cannot just run against Donald Trump. It is the job of we Democrats to put together a strong, cohesive economic group of proposals aimed at the middle class and those struggling to get there,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer warned his party. He said that in February. Over time, other Democratic lawmakers and strategists have echoed the plea, even as their dreams of a “blue wave” waver as the public detects President Trump’s authentic economic and diplomatic victories — which ... Read More
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