- Obama’s Hand-Delivered Letter to Oklahoma Beheader’s Mosque
- Unconstitutional Obamacare Website Won't Release Premium Rates Till After Mid-Term Elections
- Border Patrol Agent Slams Feds: “We All Know Who We’ve Captured… You Can’t Keep This Kind Of Information A Secret”
- Woman Sounds Off: Quit Putting Deer Crossings in High Traffic Areas…They Keep Getting Hit
Friday, October 10, 2014
Outraged Mother Exposes Schools Attempt to Proselytize Third Graders for Islam
Today's Articles
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
2 Illegal Alien Teenagers escape from Detention Center and carjack Elderly Man
2 Illegal Alien Teenagers escape from Detention Center and carjack Elderly Man
These illegal alien detention centers and shelters are full
of foreign criminals and gang members and are not secure. All illegals should be
deported promptly after capture, not housed in our communities.
On Wednesday, police arrested two Guatemalan nationals, ages 16 and 17,
following a high speed chase which ended on Interstate 80, just outside Iowa
City.CHUCK KOLB 10/10/2014
Shabbat Shalom - Chol Hamoed Sukkot - the
Sheltering Presence of God !!!
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot - Exodus 33:12–34:26; Ezekiel 38:18–39:16
During the weeklong festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles), the regular Parsha (Torah portion)
for Shabbat is suspended, and a special Parsha pertaining to the holiday is read
in synagogues around the world.
Previously posted ...
Feast of the Tabernacles -10/8/14 -Tishre 14, 5775 - Erev Sukkot !!!
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot - Exodus 33:12–34:26; Ezekiel 38:18–39:16
During the weeklong festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles), the regular Parsha (Torah portion)
for Shabbat is suspended, and a special Parsha pertaining to the holiday is read
in synagogues around the world.
Previously posted ...
Feast of the Tabernacles -10/8/14 -Tishre 14, 5775 - Erev Sukkot !!!
♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥
Featured - Friday, October 10, 2014
- Commander of the 180th fighter wing: ‘No Christian messages allowed”
October 10, 2014
- There’s nothing natural about doctor-aided death (or this case)
October 10, 2014
- Targets of a new Human Rights Campaign report say the organization has gone too far
October 10, 2014
- Pulpit Freedom participation exceeds 1,800 pastors, continues through Election Day
October 10, 2014
Hey Harry….How Did You Get So Rich Working For The Government?
Oct 09, 2014 06:15 pm
Go To Full Post: Hey Harry….How Did You Get So Rich Working For The Government?
Oct 09, 2014 06:15 pm
Go To Full Post: Hey Harry….How Did You Get So Rich Working For The Government?
Did Juneau That Marriage Is Being Argued in Alaska?
And unfortunately, what happens in Vegas isn’t staying in Vegas when it comes to trampling the will of the people. In Juneau, voters are hoping the Last Frontier doesn’t become the final frontier for redefining marriage, as a fresh round of arguments kicked off in federal court this morning. For locals, the case is especially meaningful since Alaska was the first U.S. state to pass a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and woman. Like so many leaders, Alaska’s are determined to keep fighting. “The definition of marriage,” it insists, “is an issue for the states and the will of the voters of each state should govern -- regardless of whether the federal government or a federal court agrees.”
LIFE NEWS 10/10/2014
Woman’s Heartbreaking Letter to Her Unborn Baby: I’m Aborting You Next Friday
user on the social media network Reddit has posted a heart-wrenching
open letter to her unborn child saying she plans to get an abortion next
week because she is just not ready to become a mother.
Click to Read at LifeNews.com:
FIX THIS NATION 10/10/2014
our #1 Conservative News Source
>> San Francisco Offers First Online Abortion Class <<
>> Bad Week For Michelle’s School Lunch Program <<
>> Liberals Want to See Hate Speech Criminalized <<
>> Is Jeb Bush Presidential Material? <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
>> San Francisco Offers First Online Abortion Class <<
>> Bad Week For Michelle’s School Lunch Program <<
>> Liberals Want to See Hate Speech Criminalized <<
>> Is Jeb Bush Presidential Material? <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
Breaking News:
- FBI Warns of U.S. Terror Attack "Very, Very Soon"
- Red States Much More Charitable Than Blue States
- The Left Doesn't Want You to Homeschool Your Kids
- How the Left Has Been Quietly Changing the Language
Yours in Freedom,
- FBI Warns of U.S. Terror Attack "Very, Very Soon"
- Red States Much More Charitable Than Blue States
- The Left Doesn't Want You to Homeschool Your Kids
- How the Left Has Been Quietly Changing the Language
Yours in Freedom,
DAILY EVENTS 10/10/2014
THE BLAZE 10/10/2014.
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
THE BLAZE | U.S. Border Patrol agents say an incident along the Texas-Mexico border Wednesday night is a clear warning that they are not prepared to deal with the threat of people infected with Ebola and other communicable diseases trying to cross into the United States.
Border Agents Catch East African Man Trying to Sneak Into U.S. Why It’s Scaring Them in Light of the Ebola Outbreak
Published October 10, 2014 at 11:11 amTHE BLAZE | U.S. Border Patrol agents say an incident along the Texas-Mexico border Wednesday night is a clear warning that they are not prepared to deal with the threat of people infected with Ebola and other communicable diseases trying to cross into the United States.
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
How about Holder's resignation being one of them?
I just got the following message from a good friend late last night:
on to your seats folks because this will rock you. The rumor Mill in
Washington is that Obama wants a Supreme Court Judge to retire quickly
(I.e., Ginsberg) so he can nominate his pick while
"No compact among men ... can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other." --George Washington, draft of first Inaugural Address, 1789TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKS
Another Shooting in Ferguson ... Again
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Blacks being taught that Islam is their Original Religion
In my last article,
White Privilege, White Slave, I highlighted the truth about slavery in America
and the fact that white Europeans, not blacks from Africa, were the first slaves
on the shore of the new world. This is not to say that the African continent
had not be raided for slaves through the centuries, its just
that white Europeans were not the ones doing it. The truth is that Muslims
had conquered the African shores as early as the seventh century. This
same author, who calls himself “Wrath,” from the “Godless
and Black” blog also writes that the religion of Islam was spread
through Africa because African chieftains were bribed into accepting it in order
to gain political favor from the Muslims raiding their countries. Muslims had been
taking African slaves for nearly eight centuries before the transatlantic slave
trade, and this continued for nearly one hundred years after America
had abolished the practice. Finally, while we see the left accuse America of
being a racist country because of our past with slavery, they idolize Islam even
though African slavery was legal in Saudi
Arabia until 1962.
GRASSTOPS USA 10/10/2014
"Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." ~ Ronald Reagan |
Obama Complicit In The Death Of Five Children
Coincidence? Maps don't lie and the recent outbreak of a nasty retrovirus that has already claimed the lives of a least five children appears to be tied to the importation of illegal alien children from Central America into the United States. Continue reading to see the map and draw your own conclusions. Read The Full Story |
WATCH: The Most Destructive 40-Second Video You’ll Ever See For Obama And The Democrats
Oct 10, 2014 02:22 pm
When she was asked a simple, straight-forward question...
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Watch the Video and Comment: WATCH: The Most Destructive 40-Second Video You’ll Ever See For Obama And The Democrats
THE POINT 10/10/2014
Hillary’s Granddaughter’s “Potential”
No matter how stupid Hillary III, she will have a slot waiting for her.
Read more »
CHUCK KOLB 10/08/2014
Feast of the Tabernacles -10/8/14
-Tishre 14, 5775 - Erev Sukkot !!!
Previously posted ...
Alternate Media Delivers Truth and Accountability !!!
14 Tishrei, 5775 - Erev Sukkot
Yeshua is Born ! Celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles !!!
Previously posted ...
Alternate Media Delivers Truth and Accountability !!!
14 Tishrei, 5775 - Erev Sukkot
Yeshua is Born ! Celebrate The Feast of Tabernacles !!!
JIHAD WATCH 10/10/2014
Oct 09, 2014 07:51 pm | Robert Spencer
the Pope write him back and explain how “authentic Islam and the proper
reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence”? “Fort Hood
shooter sends letter to Pope Francis espousing ‘jihad,’” by Catherine
Herridge, Fox News, October 9, 2014: EXCLUSIVE: Convicted Fort Hood
shooter Nidal Hasan has written to Pope Francis […]RESTORING LIBERTY 10/10/2014
Oct 10, 2014 07:30 am

By News Editor
Both Homeland Security Secretary Secretary Jeh Johnson and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on Wednesday that 150 people a day arrive in the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea, the three West African countries that have been hit by the Ebola virus.
150 People Enter U.S. Per Day from Ebola-Stricken Countries–or 4,500 Per Month
By News Editor
Both Homeland Security Secretary Secretary Jeh Johnson and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden said on Wednesday that 150 people a day arrive in the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea, the three West African countries that have been hit by the Ebola virus.
150 People Enter U.S. Per Day from Ebola-Stricken Countries–or 4,500 Per Month
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 10/10/2014
Face of Satan Has Arrived In the USA: Most Traumatic, Gut Wrenching Report Ever—and It Is Just About To Happen! You've Never Seen Anything Quite Like This—You and Your Kids ‘Will Be’ Affected! (Complete Video Footage) (video)
Dear Kitten...Regarding the
Ask not about Republicans Robert Meyer http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/meyer/141004
Ask not about Republicans Robert Meyer http://www.renewamerica.com/
RedState Briefing 10/10/2014
The White House Dogs |
In “Silver Blaze,” a short story about Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a prized race horse went missing the night before a major race. Holmes, investigating the disappearance and the related death of the horse’s trainer, refers “o the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” The curious incident was that the dog did not bark. The dog at the stables made no sound as the thief stole the horse because the dog knew the thief. |
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