Many elected officials were honest and almost penniless when first elected. NOT NOW!
Take a look and be sick... (p.s. no one told them 'WE' are the BOSS)
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist
until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public
treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates
promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a
democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a
dictatorship." ~ Professor Alexander Tytler |
And The Coup Goes On ... |
According to Cruz, Barack Obama has engaged in "lawlessness on a breathtaking scale" and he adds that all of America can be transformed into a "promise zone" and we can start by repealing ObamaCare... Read the Full Story |
Video: Watch What Happens When She Takes Out The Bad GuyJan 10, 2014 01:15 pmWatch the Video and Comment: Video: Watch What Happens When She Takes Out The Bad Guy Will Christie’s “Bridgegate” Become Another Benghazigate?Jan 10, 2014 01:13 pmThe media are facing a quandary. After a long build-up of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as their favorite candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, they now are confronted with a scandal that could very possibly end his dream of a run for the White House. Read More and Comment: Will Christie’s “Bridgegate” Become Another Benghazigate? Leftists Bash Actress For Submitting To HusbandJan 10, 2014 01:12 pmThough she offered a sound, logical response to those who question her position, radical feminists have implicitly labeled her Public Enemy No. 1. Read More and Comment: Leftists Bash Actress For Submitting To Husband Neighbors Inconvenienced By Michelle’s Extended VacationJan 10, 2014 12:59 pmShutting down a neighborhood for days on end is nothing compared to yet another “free” vacation. Read More and Comment: Neighbors Inconvenienced By Michelle’s Extended Vacation Happy Birthday, Chairman Mao?Jan 10, 2014 12:57 pmThe reporting on China’s commemoration of the 120th birthday of Mao Zedong all seemed to come from the same angle... Read More and Comment: Happy Birthday, Chairman Mao? We Hate To Disappoint Democrats Again, But…Jan 10, 2014 12:45 pmThe most important aspect of Chris Christie’s Traffic-Gate scandal is that a human life may have been lost because power hungry lowlifes played New Jersey thug politics. This is disgusting and heartbreaking. Read More and Comment: We Hate To Disappoint Democrats Again, But… What About John (McCain)?Jan 10, 2014 12:41 pmThere is no doubt that John McCain is still a leader in the Republican Party, though perhaps not the ‘maverick’ he once billed himself as. The real question is, as McCain declares war on Tea Party Republicans like Ted Cruz, who is likely to win? Read More and Comment: What About John (McCain)? The Supreme Court: Just Another Wizard Of OzJan 10, 2014 12:35 pmYou probably heard much of the screeching and shouting about this topic in the news. But I would like you to think about something that you probably didn’t hear – and maybe haven’t thought about – concerning this issue and other issues that come before the Supreme Court: Read More and Comment: The Supreme Court: Just Another Wizard Of Oz Report: Majority Of Congress Now MillionairesJan 10, 2014 12:28 pmIn the span of one year, 11 additional Congress members joined the millionaire club, the report stated, with 268 of 534 current lawmakers now qualifying. Read More and Comment: Report: Majority Of Congress Now Millionaires Those Racist HypocritesJan 10, 2014 12:17 pmIt is time for the reasonable people to repudiate liberalism for what it is – a pariah within American society. Read More and Comment: Those Racist Hypocrites Why Good Politicians Go BadJan 10, 2014 12:12 pmNow, more than ever, I am convinced the only way to ensure Principles will trump Politics is to return to the timeless question: What would Jesus do? Read More and Comment: Why Good Politicians Go Bad Video: WATCH High School Student Take Down Obama’s Next Government TakeoverJan 10, 2014 12:10 pmRead More and Comment: Video: WATCH High School Student Take Down Obama’s Next Government Takeover Video: “Throwing Jello at Bulldozers”Jan 10, 2014 12:02 pmRead More and Comment: Video: “Throwing Jello at Bulldozers” Video: The One Thing Money Can’t BuyJan 10, 2014 11:56 amRead More and Comment: Video: The One Thing Money Can’t Buy Video: Nuns Threatened With $4.5 Million Fines For Not Violating BeliefsJan 10, 2014 11:44 amRead More and Comment: Video: Nuns Threatened With $4.5 Million Fines For Not Violating Beliefs Video: NY Group Wants Statue Of Satan Next To Ten CommandmentsJan 10, 2014 11:39 amRead More and Comment: Video: NY Group Wants Statue Of Satan Next To Ten Commandments Video: WATCH Home Invasion Take A Bizarre TurnJan 10, 2014 11:33 amRead More and Comment: Video: WATCH Home Invasion Take A Bizarre Turn Video: The Dumbest New Ban in 2014Jan 10, 2014 11:24 amRead More and Comment: Video: The Dumbest New Ban in 2014 Christie Addresses Scandal, Fires StaffersJan 09, 2014 06:22 pm“Ultimately,” he said, “I am responsible for what happens under my watch.” Read More and Comment: Christie Addresses Scandal, Fires Staffers |
Defeat Franken: One Less Obama Henchman Many are outraged that Obama would nominate a cop killer advocate to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division. When will people realize that Obama is a lawless Chicago thug politician who surrounds himself with henchmen? Read More Follow the dark money to find what John Podesta is up to in the White House Last month, when John Podesta signed up for a surprising one-year-only stint on the White House staff as a counselor to President Obama, he brought with him a multibillion-dollar brigade of left-wing phantoms. Read More Huckabee 2016? He’s one of the most well-liked and well-known national figures in the Republican Party. His name is Mike Huckabee. And make no mistake, he’s running for president in 2016. Read More Obama: America’s clear and present danger President Obama recently repeated former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s outrageous claim that “unemployment benefits stimulate our economy.” Read More |
The Reno
Republican Women’s Club hosted a debate yesterday between moderate Assemblyman Randy “Kirner Tax” Kirner (RINO-Kirner
Tax) and his conservative challenger, Lisa
Krasner…and it sure sounds like Krasner emerged as the clear winner.
challenger Lisa Krasner wasted no time Thursday in attacking Assembly District
26 incumbent Randy Kirner in the first Northern Nevada political debate of the
2014 election year,” Ray Hagar of
the Reno Gazette-Journal reported on
his blog last night.
reportedly hit Kirner for his support of the Kirner Tax - an effort to circumvent
the Gibbons Tax Restraint law by shifting responsibility for approving a Washoe
County tax hike from legislators to county commissioners.
said that if elected she wouldn’t vote to extend the $600 million worth of “temporary”
tax hikes the way Kirner has…twice.
pointed out that she has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which Kirner
has refused to sign.
Americans Have the Right to Know |
WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) praised House passage of the Health Exchange Security & Transparency Act, legislation
introduced by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) that requires the administration
to notify Americans if their information has been compromised on the
ObamaCare exchanges. A total of 67 Democrats voted for the measure:
have the right to know if the president’s health care law has put
their personal information at risk, and today’s bipartisan vote
reflects that concern. It shouldn’t take an act of Congress for the
White House to provide that information, but the lack of transparency
surrounding the security of the ObamaCare website has proven that’s the
case. The House took an important step to help Americans protect
themselves in the event of a security breach, and we will continue our
oversight of the president’s health care law. The Senate ought to
bring up this bill and pass it immediately.”
I've often said the final gift that Marc gave me was his teammates, his brothers. If you have never served in the military it would be hard for you to understand the bond that develops. Marc tried to explain that to me before he died, telling me he was as close to his teammates as he was his own brother. I couldn't understand how that could be. The week after Marc died we had 5 of his SEAL brothers in our home and my eyes were opened as I saw they loved Marc just as much as we did and were grieving as much as we were. That was the week that I became Momma Lee to them and they became my adopted boys. |