Conservative American,
It's very possible that you have already been
deceived by the Islamic propaganda of Shariah Law?
We need to support a bill (H.R. 973) to PREVENT the misuse of foreign law in United States courts, including the use of Shariah Law! I plead with you: Don't let our Justice System be INFILTRATED by radical, foreign religious law!
Here in America we have the
First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It is unique in the world and unheard of in most countries, especially those which adhere to Shariah Islam. The
Supreme Court recently ruled in a case involving the Topeka, Kansas based
Westboro Baptist Church, that even "hurtful speech" is protected under the
First Amendment. The Supreme Court ruled that noxious, highly-offensive protests conducted outside solemn
military funerals are protected by the First Amendment when the "protests take place in public and address matters of public concern."
In other words:
Now let me be clear. I do not agree with Qur'an-burning
Pastor Terry Jones, or the members of the Westboro Baptist Church in their methods.
HOWEVER, in the
U.S. Constitution, which is based upon Judeo-Christian values, both are protected and cannot be silenced so long as they obey the law and address matters of public concern.
Certainly, Shariah Law is of public concern!
Shariah Law is the geo-political, military, judicial, financial and social system that underpins and provides succor to those who violently protest and murder anyone who criticizes Islam or the prophet Mohammed. Criticism of Shariah Islam is FORBIDDEN by the tenets of Shariah Islam and punishable by DEATH! This law must not enter our U.S. judicial system!
Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of our U.S. Congress to support H.R. 973, to prevent the misuse of foreign law in United States federal courts, including Shariah Law! Don't let our Justice System be infiltrated by radical, foreign religious laws!
The comparison is stark and worthy of understanding by the free world, which I define as those people not under the yolk of a dictator, Communist regime or Islamic state. There are core common threads that flow through oppressive ideologies. They are: