Submitted by: P McMillan
Warning: Did DOJ ‘Strong Cities’ Put US Under Islamic Law?
Written By:
Jerry McGlothlin February 3, 2016
On September 30, 2015, at the UN, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced a new worldwide law enforcement initiative, the
Strong Cities Network,
to be set up in certain American cities. What this actually is is the
UN plan for global police, using the Department of Justice. It’s the
overriding of American law by the Obama administration in conjunction
with the UN, without Congressional input.
What’s the initiative
all about? Officially, it’s to prevent and combat “violent extremism in
all of its forms” without linking it “with any particular religion,
nationality or ethnic group.” The emphasis is on inclusiveness,
collaboration, and non-discrimination. Although it doesn’t mention any
specific religion, using the language of Obama-speak, its goal of
“building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism” actually
means peacekeeping between Muslims and non-Muslims, “mostly by making
sure that non-Muslims don’t complain too loudly about, much less work
against, rapidly expanding Muslim populations and the Islamization of
their communities,” according to Pamela Geller.
VIDEO: Did DOJ ‘Strong Cities’ Put US Under Islamic Law?
is a reasonable interpretation. Instead of “building social cohesion,”
the flood of Islamic refugees and immigrants are destroying social unity
in Western nations; yet they’re being welcomed by governments despite
public outcry. And the FBI recently sent out a bulletin to law
enforcement warning of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists,”
even though there’s no proof of any imminent attacks. In DHS reports,
we’ve also seen the Obama administration target conservatives such as
Christians, gun-owners and pro-lifers as dangerous.
Who’s set to
head this “worldwide initiative”? A Jordanian Muslim, Prince Zeid Ra’ad
al-Hussein, the UN’s new High Commissioner of Human Rights, of course.
The UN is a sharia-compliant organization, and there’s been a great deal
of movement toward silencing critics of Islam in nations around the
world, fueling speculation that this will be used to enforce Islamic
blasphemy laws. According to Foreign Policy, “in 2013, the ministers of
justice of the League of Arab States approved an extremely wide-ranging
draft blasphemy law that not only aims at criminalizing allegedly
blasphemous utterances…but also envisaged extraterritorial jurisdiction,
meaning that someone deemed to have blasphemed in the United States or
Europe would be liable to prosecution in Arab League member states.”
SCN’s stated aim is to “connect cities and other local authorities on
an international basis, to enhance local level approaches” by
“facilitating information sharing” and creating “new and innovative
local practices.” The practical effect is to strip authority from local
law enforcement as it destroys American sovereignty. Initially, 23
cities will be involved. Constitutional lawyer John Whitehead
states that this is an initial step toward a global police force, which is being imposed on us whether we want it or not.
Read full story here…..............................
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