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For those who want further information about the topics covered in this blog, I recommend the following sites. I will add to this as I find additional good sources.
Hooray, hooray, it's the First of May!
American Cab Driver
Took a cab home from a meeting in downtown Chicago late Friday night. The black driver had one of those lilting, African accents, so I asked where he was from. "I am from Nigeria, Sir. But I am a citizen and I have been in this great country 23 years." I mentioned the turmoil in Nigeria and asked if he was from the South or the North. "I am a Christian from southern Nigeria, sir. It is the Muslims in the north who are creating the trouble. I do not know what it is about that religion that it makes so many people want to hate and kill." Me either. But I told him I was glad he was here, and that we need more immigrants like him who wanted to be Americans, not destroy America.
'Atlas Shrugged' Producer Promises Two Sequels Despite Terrible Reviews, Poor Box Office
Excerpt: The man who says he spent $10 million of his own money to bring Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 to the big screen vowed Wednesday to go through with his plans to make the next two installments, even though critics hate the movie and business at movie theaters has fallen off a cliff. In fact, said John Aglialoro, the co-producer and financier, it's the monolithic view from critics that say the movie stinks that is motivating him to make Parts 2 and 3, he told The Hollywood Reporter. And he defended his film Wednesday by accusing professional film reviewers of political bias. How else, he asks, to explain their distaste for a film that is liked by the audience? At Rottentomatoes.com, 7,400 people gave it an average 85% score.