Obama to Sign Global Gun Control Agreement With only a little more than a week left of the August recess, we know that Barack Obama is dangerously close to adding his signature to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Before lawmakers left Washington Jay Carney said not only that the Obama Administration “looks forward” to signing the Treaty, but will do so “before the end of August.” This stated, the supranational gun-control treaty could take Obama’s signature at any moment. Read More |
Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad) Recent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News report from last month, victories for the rebels had become “increasingly rare” and that the Muslim Brotherhood-backed opposition fighters were sustaining “some of their heaviest losses” near Damascus. Read More |
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
GRASSTOPS USA 08/28/2013
In The Middle East Section, There Was Great Weeping and Gnashing Of Scorecards ... |
WorldNetDaily As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government. Read The Full Story |
A Monumental Event Is Coming... |
Why Are Star Parker, Ken Blackwell, Armstrong Williams, Bishop Harry Jackson Jr., Kay Cole James, Ben Kinchlow, And Other Notable Black Conservatives Gathering In Chicago On August 29-31...? Read The Full Story |
Obama To Americans: “I Adore Incompetent People!”
Aug 28, 2013 01:58 pmAs a candidate, Barack Obama offered to govern as the most “open and honest” administration in history. Sadly, we’ve learned at great expense that these empty words are just another example of the corruption of Obama’s tenure. I was reminded again… Continue to Post
Read More and Comment: Obama To Americans: “I Adore Incompetent People!”
Video: Glenn Beck Shocking Video – This Is Who We Are Helping In Syria!
Aug 28, 2013 01:29 pmRead More and Comment: Video: Glenn Beck Shocking Video – This Is Who We Are Helping In Syria!
Submitted by Nancy Battle
Not anymore.
Today I was in a professional development session for my school district. Our school system has swallowed the Common Core curriculum whole. Why wouldn't they? The federal system has said that it is "voluntary", but "voluntary" means that the district gets cut off from major federal funding if it does not adopt the standards, so "voluntary" is subjective. Here is what the Washington Post reported Sen. Charles Grassley has to say about Common Core:
Current federal law makes clear that the U.S. Department of Education may not be involved in setting specific content standards or determining the content of state assessments. Nevertheless, the selection criteria designed by the U.S. Department of Education for the Race to the Top Program provided that for a state to have any chance to compete for funding, it must commit to adopting a "common set of K-12 standards" matching the description of the Common Core.
The Washington Post also reported,
All of that sounds like something that makes NO connection whatsoever to most parents or teachers or American citizens as to why they should fight this curriculum. Here, I am going to provide you with a concrete example that shows the ugly heart of the Common Core. There is something deeply dark and offensive in this lesson created to support Common Core. It is a lesson designed to corrupt essential human decency.
The unit – sorry "module" – that I am using as an example is centered around To Kill a Mockingbird with the theme of "How individuals demonstrate individuality in the face of outside pressures." At the beginning of all of this, it looks good. I love the book; it is a great American classic and I have taught it many times. The module includes 30 days of lessons associated with the novel and multiple additional short reading assignments. However, as I looked this module over, I became more and more concerned. For me to break down the many problems with this module in detail would take quite a while, so I am going to show you an example of one lesson on one short reading assignment that left me speechless with horror.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/monstrous-story-monstrous-curriculum-ugly-heart-common-core/#ixzz2dITKT4sc
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/monstrous-story-monstrous-curriculum-ugly-heart-common-core/#QXWGK0vTSh1llGvm.99
The Ugly Heart of the Common Core Monster
I am a high school English
teacher. I became a teacher because I believe that literacy, which goes
beyond just reading the words on the page, is an absolute necessity
for maintaining our Republic. Proof of that is found in the many laws
against reading certain texts, or against reading altogether, that have
been passed down by every tyrant since literacy became available to the
general population. A few examples of such tyrannical laws are the
Taliban banning reading for any female or laws against teaching slaves
to read or the Soviet Union's banning of such books as A Wrinkle in
Time, Where's Waldo, and To Kill a Mockingbird. The communist Khmer
Rogue in Cambodia so hated literacy that just wearing glasses was
cause for execution. Literacy leads to freedom and tyrants know it.
I have been teaching for over twenty years. Generally, I have been
given either no curriculum or curriculum that was focused on skills,
not specific texts. I would have to get those skills taught in whatever
way I wanted to get there. Sometimes I was given more direction and
that direction was generally pretty good including texts, key terms,
supplemental stories, and suggested writing assignments. These
directions were created at a school level by the teachers in the
school. I helped write some myself. Mostly, I have had a lot of freedom
in how I could achieve the learning goals.Not anymore.
Today I was in a professional development session for my school district. Our school system has swallowed the Common Core curriculum whole. Why wouldn't they? The federal system has said that it is "voluntary", but "voluntary" means that the district gets cut off from major federal funding if it does not adopt the standards, so "voluntary" is subjective. Here is what the Washington Post reported Sen. Charles Grassley has to say about Common Core:
Current federal law makes clear that the U.S. Department of Education may not be involved in setting specific content standards or determining the content of state assessments. Nevertheless, the selection criteria designed by the U.S. Department of Education for the Race to the Top Program provided that for a state to have any chance to compete for funding, it must commit to adopting a "common set of K-12 standards" matching the description of the Common Core.
The Washington Post also reported,
"The Republican National Committee recognizes the CCSS for what it is — an inappropriate overreach to standardize and control the education of our children…"For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Common Core, it is a curriculum created in the private sector but pushed onto states by the federal government and endorsed by Bill Gates. The cost of implementing the program runs from millions to billions depending on the state. It is untested and unresearched. It has been criticized for being not as rigorous as proponents claim, clearly biased to a liberal perspective, so much so that many see it as indoctrination, and it is being forced on the states in spite of the fact that a federal curriculum is unconstitutional violating the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which established the principle that"…the "power" to oversee education belongs to the states. This longstanding principle of local control of education is reiterated throughout our laws and government codes."
All of that sounds like something that makes NO connection whatsoever to most parents or teachers or American citizens as to why they should fight this curriculum. Here, I am going to provide you with a concrete example that shows the ugly heart of the Common Core. There is something deeply dark and offensive in this lesson created to support Common Core. It is a lesson designed to corrupt essential human decency.
The unit – sorry "module" – that I am using as an example is centered around To Kill a Mockingbird with the theme of "How individuals demonstrate individuality in the face of outside pressures." At the beginning of all of this, it looks good. I love the book; it is a great American classic and I have taught it many times. The module includes 30 days of lessons associated with the novel and multiple additional short reading assignments. However, as I looked this module over, I became more and more concerned. For me to break down the many problems with this module in detail would take quite a while, so I am going to show you an example of one lesson on one short reading assignment that left me speechless with horror.
This assignment in the module includes a short story by Guy de Maupassant,
19th century writer famous for The Necklace. Again, this seems rather
innocent; this story is often included in high school texts, but not
this particular story and, more importantly, not with this particular
writing assignment.
The short story is The Mother of Monsters (link).
A quick summary of the story is that a gentleman on vacation is
introduced to the Mother of Monsters, a local oddity described as a
"peasant" and the "Devil". Her story is that she finds herself pregnant
while she is working as a simple serving girl. She binds her body with
boards and cords to hide her growing belly. Her child is born horribly
deformed. She takes care of the child, but resents it, until a sideshow
man comes along and offers to buy the "thing" and to pay a yearly
stipend for its use. Once she realizes how much money she can make, she
repeats her pregnancy pattern by birthing monster after monster after
monster of intentionally deformed children to sell to showmen. She
lives a "bourgeois" life as a result (note the stab at the bourgeois
The narrator is reminded of this
"Devil" when he later sees a popular "Parissiane" strolling on a beach
followed by admirers. Her three children are also all deformed because
she wants to maintain her trim figure throughout her pregnancies, so
she keeps her corset tightly cinched. Peasant and lady; different, yet
the same. Both the Mother of Monsters. Both display a level of selfish
evil that most humans would revile.
Now as a high school story, this
story may have a lot of meat to chew on for discussion…for maybe 11th
or 12thgraders, but this is a story assigned to incoming 9th graders,
students who are 13 or 14 years old. Students this age are not ready
to handle the truly disturbing elements of a story which reveals some
of the most perverse sides of human nature. That is bad enough; however,
it gets worse. You may wonder what this story has to do with To Kill a
Mockingbird and the theme of individuality. Here is the writing
assignment associated with this story:
Write an essay that compares the
cultural experience reflected in To Kill a Mockingbird and The Mother
of Monsters and explain how this experience helped a character
demonstrate individuality in the face of outside pressure.
Individuality! Outside Pressure!
These women chose to deform their children for their own selfish gains
or selfish vanity! The first pregnancy of the peasant woman we might
forgive out of mercy, but the purposeful birthing of the rest of the 11
children that she intentionally deformed is unconscionable and
unforgivable. The same holds with the Parisienne.
To judge these women as
demonstrating their INDIVIDUALITY in the face of outside pressure is
absurd and defies human decency. It is like insisting Jeffery Dahmer
was expressing his individuality through cannibalistic murder.
Additionally, it is not a major leap to conclude that if deforming your
children in order to express your own individuality is acceptable,
then killing your children to protect your individuality (or selfish
inhumanity) is perfectly fine too. This is obviously a pro-abortion
message. This story paired with this assignment is a repulsive
perversion of the concept of "lesson"; it is a corruption of anything
descent and good.
There is something deeply
repulsive in this lesson, especially as it is aimed at students as
young as 13. I have been told that I must teach this module. I can make
some adjustments, but not too many. I am struggling to find a way to
NOT perpetuate the ugliness found here. I am certainly NOT going to
teach this story, though I may find myself in trouble with the system
as a result. Some things are worth refusing to do even if there is a
This is what is going on in our
schools. This is what you need to see with open eyes. They are doing
more than trying to increase rigor; they are indoctrinating our
children into one way of thinking—their way! Schools should teach how
to think, but never what to think. This is why we must fight what some
are trying to sell us as "hope and change" to America.
Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/monstrous-story-monstrous-curriculum-ugly-heart-common-core/#ixzz2dITKT4sc
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/monstrous-story-monstrous-curriculum-ugly-heart-common-core/#QXWGK0vTSh1llGvm.99
Excerpt: A jury of 13 military officers sentenced Fort Hood
shooter Nidal Malik Hasan to death on Wednesday for the murder of 13 people and
attempted murder of dozens more in the November 2009 shooting spree at the Texas army base. Hasan
acted as his own attorney during the trial, and declined to address the jury.
Must Read: The Indebted States of America: States and localities owe
far, far more than their citizens know. By Steven Malanga
Excerpt: Maria Pappas, the treasurer of Cook County, Illinois,
got tired of being asked why local taxes kept rising. Betting that the answer
involved the debt that state and local governments were accumulating, she began
a quest to figure out how much county residents owed. It wasn’t easy. In some
jurisdictions, officials said that they didn’t know; in others, they
stonewalled. Pappas’s first report, issued in 2010, estimated the total state
and local debt at $56 billion for the county’s 5.6 million residents. Two years
later, after further investigation, the figure had risen to a frightening $140
billion, shocking residents and officials alike. (The collapse is coming. http://tiny.cc/g02s4 ~Bob.)
Submitted by: Donald Hank
'Thousands of missiles' to rain on Israel
Threatens massive strike if military action launched on Syria
WND EXCLUSIVE >>> http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/iran-thousands-of-missiles-to-rain-on-israel/
Submitted by: Debbie Beatty Russia: Obama 'like a monkey with a hand grenade'

when Governor Rick Scott was asked if he supported the data mining
aspect of Common Core, Scott answered ‘no’ to the question. It appears
the Governor did not get the memo from the Florida Department of
Education that public schools have been data mining for years using
“student surveys“
Submitted by Jordan Lord
Random Thoughts for September,
Robert A. Hall
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are now collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty, and Leadership
by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a
service to readers who wish to give a copy to a favorite liberal and watch his
or her head explode. All royalties are
donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
The public is strongly against military intervention in Syria.
But the public is strongly against Obamacare, and strongly for the Keystone
Pipeline and Voter ID laws, so what the people want does not matter a whit to
the elites.
Remember when the anti-war movement was considered to be a
force, before they were bought off by Obama Phones? Good days.
Submitted by: Kurt J Fitsch
Cynthia Lee Meyers–
You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador
Stevens and the other 3 who died. If this doesn't make you
Cynthia Lee Myers Wanted to share the truth of what
happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet but it
airs tonight on FNC.....please read....
"Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple
tips about an Al Qaeda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in
response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days, the
state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at
least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all
clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for
a security force other than his 3 personal guards(One being my cousin)
and a few Libyans who were not armed.
This is a true story and a dirty one
You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador
Stevens and the other 3 who died. If this doesn't make you
Cynthia Lee Myers Wanted to share the truth of what
happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet but it
airs tonight on FNC.....please read....
"Here is my story. A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple
tips about an Al Qaeda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in
response to the killing of Bin Laden. For the next several days, the
state dept and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at
least six times. Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all
clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for
a security force other than his 3 personal guards(One being my cousin)
and a few Libyans who were not armed.
Wednesday Digest
"A universal peace, it is to be
feared, is in the catalogue of events, which will never exist but in the
imaginations of visionary philosophers, or in the breasts of benevolent
enthusiasts." --James Madison
Leading From Behind in Syria
"There, that should do the trick." |
Turning another page in his
Lead-From-Behind World Tour, President Seven-Iron dithered enough that
he perfected U.S. security strategy regarding Syria: Wait so long that
no matter what side we help, we're on the wrong side. Case in point:
Intervening on Bashar al-Assad's behalf seats us next to a
chemical-weapon-using mass murder and madman; on the opposite side,
we're with a coalition of people who hate and want to destroy the U.S.
The good news is that Mr.
Nobel-Peace-Prize-Laureate will no doubt reach deep into his usual bag
of tricks -- ignoring the Constitution, abusing his executive authority
and failing to run any of his plan by Congress even for tacit approval
-- to drag America into yet another war.
Today's Featured Article:
Democrat Hypocrisy on Syria and Iraq
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:
Democrat Hypocrisy on Syria and Iraq
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:
- White Woman Brutally Beaten By Group Of Black Teens Yelling Racial Slurs
- Street Gang Named “Obama Boyz”
- Blacks More Negative About Race After Zimmerman Verdict
- NYT Column: ‘Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal’
- NYPD Designates Mosques as Terrorism Organizations
- Emails Prove FBI Could Have Prevented Fort Hood Attack
CHUCK KOLB 08/28/2013
Alien Warning Message - Researching the Unknowns !!!
NASA EMP Attack Event- "Pattie Brassard" Planet X (13:28)
Survival Food Company Urgently Contacted By FEMA – Is a War Or Disaster Looming?
Recently my friend who owns a preparedness and survival food company was
contacted by FEMA and the questions might scare you.
Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Two links of facts every Conservative must be familiar with.
Two links of facts every Conservative must be familiar with.
BEFORE ITS NEWS 08/28/2013
UN Says Rebels Used Nerve Gas! Large Explosion Rocks Damascus & Assad Flees to Iran! (Video) (video)
Russia Drops Bombshell On Obama: "Don't Even THINK About Military Action In Syria" (video)
GOP USA 08/28/2013
NEWS WITH VIEWS 08/28/2013
Today at NewsWithViews.TV
Who Are Those Guys?: In the old movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid the phrase "Who are those guys" was repeated throughout one of the scenes. That is the same question we should ask today, who are those guys running our lives?
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire
Who Are Those Guys?: In the old movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid the phrase "Who are those guys" was repeated throughout one of the scenes. That is the same question we should ask today, who are those guys running our lives?
--With Coach Dave Daubenmire
Angry Protests vs. Bullets
and Heavy Weapons
Do you see what is happening in Syria, Egypt and the Sudan right now as the "people" try to protest against government abuses? They are mowed down like lambs to the slaughter by the military. Then there is mid twentieth century Germany and Russia who annihilated or starved their people to death by the tens of millions. It is estimated that Chairman Mao killed 70,000,000 of his own people with heavy weapons and starvation. In America's un-civil war in 1861 to 1865, 600,000 soldiers and civilians died in a.......
by Ron Ewart
Do you see what is happening in Syria, Egypt and the Sudan right now as the "people" try to protest against government abuses? They are mowed down like lambs to the slaughter by the military. Then there is mid twentieth century Germany and Russia who annihilated or starved their people to death by the tens of millions. It is estimated that Chairman Mao killed 70,000,000 of his own people with heavy weapons and starvation. In America's un-civil war in 1861 to 1865, 600,000 soldiers and civilians died in a.......
by Ron Ewart
Good thing the Forefathers
Didn’t think That Way
When I ponder the history of the heroes of the faith – Moses confronting the Pharaoh, David confronting Goliath, Gideon and his small army of 300 standing against the oppressive Midianites and King Hezekiah confronted with Sennacherib (the king of Assyria) – I remember that the odds were set against them. When observing their circumstances, I see they had every reason in the world to think that defeat was.........
by Bradlee Dean
When I ponder the history of the heroes of the faith – Moses confronting the Pharaoh, David confronting Goliath, Gideon and his small army of 300 standing against the oppressive Midianites and King Hezekiah confronted with Sennacherib (the king of Assyria) – I remember that the odds were set against them. When observing their circumstances, I see they had every reason in the world to think that defeat was.........
by Bradlee Dean
ACTIVIST POST 08/28/2013
Top 5 Stories on HuffPo Are About Miley Cyrus As WW3 Looms
Total Fabrication Laid Bare in March to War With Syria
California’s Rim Fire Is The Size Of Chicago
Reuters: US to Strike Syria Before UN Evidence Collected
Imperial Madness
Insanity: new Google Glass app will read other people’s emotions
Top 5 Stories on HuffPo Are About Miley Cyrus As WW3 Looms
Activist Post
Total Fabrication Laid Bare in March to War With Syria
Snipers Fire At UN Inspectors: Another Rebel Crime?
Brandon Turbeville
California’s Rim Fire Is The Size Of Chicago
Chris Carrington
Reuters: US to Strike Syria Before UN Evidence Collected
Tony Cartalucci
Imperial Madness
Stephen Lendman
Insanity: new Google Glass app will read other people’s emotions
Jon Rappoport
COWBOYBYTE 08/28/2013
Palin Backs Effort to Defund ‘Unaffordable Care Act’On Tuesday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin signed the petition to defund Obamacare, throwing her support behind the efforts of Senators like Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). She said the “time for rhetoric” and “ceremonial” votes in Congress … Continue reading → |
Top Cowboy Headlines |
Submitted by: BobJen
To: The
National MiddleClass Network...These columns
are not necessarily our views; more in fairness to both
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask. So far,
those so requesting is virtually zero.
From: John..."Put these NewsBriefers in a folder and use
them against the enemy or training, as
PLEASE Click "FORWARD", scroll down and SCAN the
columns first to verify a complete edition (about 20 top
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer - 8-28-2013
* This is a "DAILY" Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T
see one DAILY, say something", PLEASE.
And don't forget the last
newsbrief at the bottom......
Question: Yesterday, RUSH mentioned a certain person (Sahid?) as BHO's professor at Columbia. Has anyone heard about such a person before, anywhere? What was the source of that information? That we know, Columbia never released any such information.
From: EBau From: Patriot Update
Catholic Bishops Pushing for
From: Devvy......If I lived in NYC, I would go
after them because aiding and abetting illegal aliens for financial gain is a
federal felony:
JIHAD WATCH 08/28/2013
Aug 27, 2013 03:46 pm | Robert
U.S. attack on Syria could turn out to be an Archduke Franz Ferdinand
in Sarajevo moment. "Russia warns of 'catastrophic consequences' if
Syria hit," by Stuart Williams and Anna Smolchenko for AFP, August 27:
Russia on Tuesday warned a military intervention in Syria could have
"catastrophic consequences" for the...
Aug 27, 2013 03:29 pm | Robert
I want to send a special message to the head of this synagogue. When I
come back to Fargo, I’ll make sure you my number one list to come visit.
I got a special package from Gaza I want to deliver to you from Hamas
(profanity.) See about it...
RedState Briefing 08/28/2013
Morning Briefing
For August 28, 2013
Just one post for you today. It's done on purpose. Today is an anniversary worth dwelling on. But
while so many will focus on "I Have a Dream," I think your attention is
worth focusing on "The Street Sweeper" and its enduring message. You'll need to go through to the whole post for some 21st century application.
— Erick
The Street Sweeper
28, 2013, is the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I
Have a Dream” speech. It is a very good speech. But it is not my
favorite Martin Luther King, Jr. speech. My favorite is little known and
even less remembered. It is a speech no leader in America on a stage
such as he commanded would ever think to give. It is a speech about
individuals being the best they can be as the beginning of their way in
life and finding God as the end.
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