One Thing Is Certain. Negotiations Are A Farce.
Any "negotiation" on raising the debt ceiling is a losing proposition for the American people. Say what they will, the political elites know that the end result of any negotiation is that the debt ceiling WILL go up and agreed upon spending cuts WILL NEVER be implemented.
Farah again: "By definition, a vote to raise the debt limit permits the Democrats to spend more money than Washington collects. Republicans will, in effect, give Democrats license to keep overspending and increasing debt by approving a debt limit increase."
But don't take our word on it or even Farah's word on it. Let history be your guide:
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
It appears as if Gingrich supports Obamacare! If so, it finishes him in my case!
Nancy Battle comments: Gingrich, just another Socialist/Communist !!!!
I can't believe he thinks the American people would EVER WANT HIM FOR OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send this to EVERYONE !! Oh, and by the way he gave these bravado speeches about how he wants to support Our Constitution...blah-blah!!-- Nancy
Submitted by: Doris Parker
What is going on at the White House? First, Obama announces that he will no longer provide 'staged' news photos for reporters. Then, today it was announced that the White House will 'go dark,' that is, the press today was barred from live-casting the daily news briefings provided by Press Secretary Jay Carney.
Increasingly the White House is distancing itself from news reporters, withholding vital information from the press and the public, and essentially dictating to the media when and where they are allowed to video or take pictures of the President.
What is going on at the White House? First, Obama announces that he will no longer provide 'staged' news photos for reporters. Then, today it was announced that the White House will 'go dark,' that is, the press today was barred from live-casting the daily news briefings provided by Press Secretary Jay Carney.
Increasingly the White House is distancing itself from news reporters, withholding vital information from the press and the public, and essentially dictating to the media when and where they are allowed to video or take pictures of the President.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
by Lawrence Auster at View from the Right, "the right blog for the right"
I haven't written lately about the Libyan intervention because it's so insane it makes me feel insane. NATO and the U.S. have long since dropped the limited mission, as lawless as that was, of "protecting civilians." They are openly waging war against the Libyan government and are seeking to kill Kaddafi.
I haven't written lately about the Libyan intervention because it's so insane it makes me feel insane. NATO and the U.S. have long since dropped the limited mission, as lawless as that was, of "protecting civilians." They are openly waging war against the Libyan government and are seeking to kill Kaddafi.
What Would You Say to the RNC/GOP??
The Tea Party is massive, it can turn an election as was proven in November 2011! We are proud and loud....and WE VOTE!
But, I see on here constantly 'they' don't listen to us. I think they do because the Tea Party has influenced policies both in the states and nationally. However, if YOU don't feel heard, then the RNC/GOP has a big problem heading into 2012 because for every one person who makes it to an event, there are hundreds of others who can't be there but who support Conservative principles.
But, I see on here constantly 'they' don't listen to us. I think they do because the Tea Party has influenced policies both in the states and nationally. However, if YOU don't feel heard, then the RNC/GOP has a big problem heading into 2012 because for every one person who makes it to an event, there are hundreds of others who can't be there but who support Conservative principles.
Submitted by: Kurt J Fitsch
The world's largest army
A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:
There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin .
Allow me to restate that number.
Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world with more men under arms than in Iran .
More than in France and Germany combined.
The world's largest army
The world's largest army...
A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:
There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin .
Allow me to restate that number.
Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world with more men under arms than in Iran .
More than in France and Germany combined.
Submitted by:Nancy Battle
It is a KNOWN FACT THAT the globalists were trying to figure out a way to at least kill 500 million people out of 7 billion people that were counted globally....the 'object' was to figure out a way to do if they can use HAARP to create 'disasters' ex: earthquake in Japan, destroy that nuclear plant--then radiation will float in the air, contaminate the animals, food water etc. ....then cause floods, destroying farms and make food go sky high and deplete 'our sources of living', create droughts and on and on PLUS stop any investigations about it, control what the media will report----they would be well on their way for 'de-population of the planet.'
Just listen to this video if you think this is just foolish talk !!!!!---------Nancy
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Obama Sends Wildfire Aid To Mexico, Not Texas - Wildfires - Fox Nation
Texas may as well be told, "Let's face facts, Illegal Aliens helped elect Obama, you Texans did not!"
Obama Sends Wildfire Aid To Mexico, Not Texas - Wildfires - Fox Nation
Texas may as well be told, "Let's face facts, Illegal Aliens helped elect Obama, you Texans did not!"
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Taipan Daily’s Weekly Wrap-Up: Greece Debt Crisis Enters Next Phase
by Ryan Cole, Contributing Editor, Taipan Daily
by Ryan Cole, Contributing Editor, Taipan Daily
Rumors swirl as Athens faces mounting problems.
The next leg down in Europe's sovereign debt crisis is upon us.
On May 6, Der Spiegel broke the story that Greece was mulling departure from the euro and, possibly, the EU.
Why? Quite simply, Greece is on its way to bankruptcy, one way or another. Despite the bailout the country received last year, Greece's debt is simply too great to hold up under pressure. It's small surprise that Greek debt was just downgraded to B, from BB-, by Standard & Poor's.
Waterboarding is Not Unconstitutional
- Submitted by Darla Dawald, National Director on May 14, 2011 at Patriot Action Alerts
- May 14, 2011
By William A. Levinson
The Constitution does not forbid the infliction of physical pain on another person to force his compliance with certain courses of action. The Bill of Rights says specifically that no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" and it also bans cruel and unusual punishments. It is therefore unconstitutional to use torture to (1) force somebody to confess to a crime, or (2) as a punishment.
Let's review the context in which these statements were written. It was standard practice in many European countries to torture suspects to force them to confess to crimes and also to name accomplices. Tortures such as breaking on the wheel and burning alive were meanwhile used as punishments in most parts of Europe. The Founding Fathers decided quite rightly that neither practice had any place in their new Republic.
MUTH'S TRUTHS 05/13/2010
As I’ve written here many times, there is no level in this budget battle too low to which higher ed officials at Hyperbole U won’t stoop to protect their precious taxpayer subsidies. Indeed, at least three university officials and the former chancellor all publicly blamed late UNR president Milt Glick’s death last month on Gov. Sandoval’s proposed budget.
So I guess it was only a matter of time before some numbnut professor would whip out the ol’ Nazi card. From Ben Spillman in a Las Vegas Review-Journal story this morning…
John Farley, a physics professor at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said earlier cuts to the Nevada System of Higher Education already have made it difficult for colleges and universities in Las Vegas and Reno to retain faculty members.
Farley listed several professors who have left or are in the process of leaving, including one at University of Nevada, Reno, who was responsible for attracting millions of dollars of grants to the university.
Geithner Predicts Double-Dip if Congress Fails to Lift Debt Ceiling
Published on on May 14, 2011
The presidential nominating process is a lot like the US Open tennis tournament. There is a final (the Republican v. Obama), a semifinal (the top conservative against the top moderate for the GOP nomination) and a quarter final (the conservatives against each other and the moderates competing together for the right to enter the semis).
Mitt Romney and Donald Trump are centrists. Businessmen, economic growth free market types who will vie with each other for the moderate nomination. In 2008, Romney fought and lost to Huckabee for the conservative nod to oppose McCain. But, because of his health care position, he now has to fight it out on the moderate court.
Published on on May 14, 2011
The presidential nominating process is a lot like the US Open tennis tournament. There is a final (the Republican v. Obama), a semifinal (the top conservative against the top moderate for the GOP nomination) and a quarter final (the conservatives against each other and the moderates competing together for the right to enter the semis).
Mitt Romney and Donald Trump are centrists. Businessmen, economic growth free market types who will vie with each other for the moderate nomination. In 2008, Romney fought and lost to Huckabee for the conservative nod to oppose McCain. But, because of his health care position, he now has to fight it out on the moderate court.
Really. In this Convention: |
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
"Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals"
This is not going to stop until legal citizens take the bull by the horn and get involved in cleaning this mess up. The legislators nor Perry will not do anything to protect our home land.
Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals
Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily
Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan
"Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness." - James Thurber
Read more: Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily DOING HIS BEST TO 'KILL MILITARY MORALE'
Soldiers Already Report Getting HALF PAY - Fight Back!
U.S. Soldiers Report Paychecks Cut In HALF After KILLING Osama bin Laden -- Tell Congress to Say NO to Obama's Political Games:
ALERT: While all of America was rejoicing over the news that Osama bin Laden had finally been KILLED by U.S. Soldiers...
Barack Obama was already trying to get those soldiers' paychecks CUT IN HALF -- and was threatening to hold their ENTIRE paychecks back, if he didn't "get his way" on his budget-busting plan to put America trillions of dollars deeper in debt!
Obama, of course, is taking the credit for killing bin Laden. And Americans are graciously willing to give him a pass on that, because we're just so dang glad we finally got that S.O.B.
Have you heard of what's called the "Military LES"? Officially called the "Leave and Earnings Statement," it's a document given on a monthly basis to members of the U.S. military which lists their pay and leave status each month. In other words, it's basically like a "projected pay stub" that lets soldiers know how much their take-home pay will be at the end of the month.
Well, take a look at just a few of the THOUSANDS of recent "Twitter" status updates from soldiers and military family members, talking about the LES:
THIS IS INSANITY. Our brave military go over there and get the job done... and Barack Obama wants to USE them in his political games to try to INCREASE the largest deficit this country's ever seen!
Once again, Obama, Reid, and Boehner are going head-to-head to work out a "deal" to raise the already outrageous U.S. debt ceiling, to avoid a government "shutdown." And everyone knows that the Democrats are LOSING that fight in the polls. The American people want REAL budget cuts, and we're willing to see large chunks of the federal government shut down if that's what it takes.
BUT... did you know that part of the Democrats' "deal" is to HOLD MILITARY PAYCHECKS during any kind of "shutdown" that might happen?
YOU READ THAT RIGHT: Obama and his minions in Congress are saying that the military won't get paid, and are using our men and women in uniform... AS POLITICAL PAWNS IN THEIR BUDGET GAME!
These kinds of Saul Alinsky political games MUST BE STOPPED NOW. Our brave men and women in uniform ARE NOT "NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL" -- and we need to MAKE SURE that they get the pay they deserve!
The conservative website dropped this unbelievable bombshell, discussing Obama's plans to hold back military pay, just before Congress recessed:
You see, if the government were to shutdown, a Directive issued in the 1980s by the Office of Management and Budget lists what parts of government will keep running -- what they call
"essential personnel" -- and what parts will close down -- which are staffed by "non-essential personnel." So what did the White House OMB say were included among "essential personnel"? Just what you'd expect: all of the important functions of government, like national security, the military, air traffic control, border security, Social Security payments, and so forth. All of those will keep running, even if the government "shuts down."
And what about those functions that DO shut down -- the ones they call "non-essential personnel"? Well, it looks to ME like we've just found a way to start CUTTING THE TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET -- just CUT A BUNCH OF THOSE JOBS. Why do we need these hundreds of thousands of "non-essential personnel" for an extended period of time, and we don't have people "dying in the streets" as a result... why exactly do we need those employees at all?
But instead of looking at eliminating non-essential federal government jobs, Barack Obama has decided instead to hold the paychecks of MILITARY PERSONNEL until a budget "compromise" that HE likes is worked out! The magazine Government Executive, the number one magazine read by federal managers, reports:
THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! While SPEND-SPEND-SPEND politicians in Washington play political games over the budget crisis, America's men and women in uniform -- AND THEIR FAMILIES -- are the ones that are going to suffer!
What Barack Obama and the Democrats, who want to play POLITICAL GAMES with our troops, don't seem to realize is, there are a LOT of young soldiers with families who struggle to make ends meet NOW just with their uninterrupted pay!
How will military men and women, most of whom are already living paycheck-to-paycheck, be able to feed their families, pay their bills & just live in general? How can a soldier fighting for our freedom on the front lines in Iraq or Afghanistan (or any of the other countries that the politicians are sending our brave troops to) focus on performing all of his critical life and death missions -- like killing Osama bin Laden! -- if he's worried about his wife and children being left hungry or homeless?
Will Congress and the President ALSO suspend their OWN pay? Yeah, RIGHT -- what do YOU think?
Don't forget, the whole reason we're looking at a government shutdown is because the Democrat-controlled Congress -- for the first time in 30 years -- failed to pass a budget. But you won't hear that from the liberals, of course -- they're too busy saying that the Republicans who are trying to save our country from going down in bankruptcy, are engaging in "the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians," or Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying they'll bring "catastrophic consequences" that will "precipitate a crisis," or Nancy Pelosi's claim that they've declared a "war on women," or even the REVEREND Jesse Jackson comparing the budget battle to the American Civil War!
BUT we do NOT have to stand silent -- we ARE NOT powerless to do anything about this... because WE THE PEOPLE have a loud voice that we can use to speak up demanding it!
Thankfully, patriotic conservatives in both houses of Congress have introduced a bill called the "Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act of 2011" (H.R. 1297 & S. 724). The bill has 186 co-sponsors in the House, and 80 co-sponsors in the Senate. It would authorize the Secretary of Defense to continue to provide pay and allowances without interruption to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps who perform service during any funding gap. Without action on the measure such funds could be delayed or withheld.
We cannot let that happen. That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send "Blast Faxes" to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of BOTH the U.S. House AND the U.S. Senate AT ONCE, demanding that they say NO to Obama's plan to use our troops in his partisan political games!
For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Representatives, Senators, Democrats, Republicans -- EVERYONE in the U.S. Congress, DEMANDING that they say NO to Obama's plan to hold military pay HOSTAGE for crass political ploys!
The shutdown could happen at ANY TIME after mid-May -- we need to take action NOW, before our troops become political pawns!
Don't let Obama and his minions in Congress get away with using our troops for political gain. Please, take action right away to tell Congress to STOP this outrage, BEFORE it happens! Thank you!

William Greene, President
P.S. All of the most reliable latest polls show that a VAST majority of Americans OPPOSE raising the debt ceiling yet again. We want Congress to finally START CUTTING SPENDING.
U.S. Soldiers Report Paychecks Cut In HALF After KILLING Osama bin Laden -- Tell Congress to Say NO to Obama's Political Games:
ALERT: While all of America was rejoicing over the news that Osama bin Laden had finally been KILLED by U.S. Soldiers...
Barack Obama was already trying to get those soldiers' paychecks CUT IN HALF -- and was threatening to hold their ENTIRE paychecks back, if he didn't "get his way" on his budget-busting plan to put America trillions of dollars deeper in debt!
Obama, of course, is taking the credit for killing bin Laden. And Americans are graciously willing to give him a pass on that, because we're just so dang glad we finally got that S.O.B.
Have you heard of what's called the "Military LES"? Officially called the "Leave and Earnings Statement," it's a document given on a monthly basis to members of the U.S. military which lists their pay and leave status each month. In other words, it's basically like a "projected pay stub" that lets soldiers know how much their take-home pay will be at the end of the month.
Well, take a look at just a few of the THOUSANDS of recent "Twitter" status updates from soldiers and military family members, talking about the LES:
- "They already cut military pay in half for the next paycheck according to the LES..."
- "military LES already showing pay stopped."
- "Military LES already reflects gov't shutdown. Our LES shows pay only through the 8th. We will only get 1 weeks pay instead of 2."
- "EXCEPT that the military was paid in 1995. Now it is too late...husband in Iraq just sent LES showing 1/2 a paycheck."
- "If your active military look at your LES and your half paycheck already"
- "yes the LES which is the military pay stub has already been posted online and its is for less than what we would get for the period."
- "To all my military tweeps, make sure you look at your LES. Midmonth pay is already posted and its 1/2 paycheck."
- "Just pulled up my husband's LES on MyPay and it's already stating he will only get half on the 15th. UGH."
- "The military sent out our "LES" only half pay." BOO to Congress! Get your act together and support our troops & their families!"
- "I guess the Army is REALLY an all volunteer force. LES's already showing shut down effect."
THIS IS INSANITY. Our brave military go over there and get the job done... and Barack Obama wants to USE them in his political games to try to INCREASE the largest deficit this country's ever seen!
Once again, Obama, Reid, and Boehner are going head-to-head to work out a "deal" to raise the already outrageous U.S. debt ceiling, to avoid a government "shutdown." And everyone knows that the Democrats are LOSING that fight in the polls. The American people want REAL budget cuts, and we're willing to see large chunks of the federal government shut down if that's what it takes.
YOU READ THAT RIGHT: Obama and his minions in Congress are saying that the military won't get paid, and are using our men and women in uniform... AS POLITICAL PAWNS IN THEIR BUDGET GAME!
These kinds of Saul Alinsky political games MUST BE STOPPED NOW. Our brave men and women in uniform ARE NOT "NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL" -- and we need to MAKE SURE that they get the pay they deserve!
The conservative website dropped this unbelievable bombshell, discussing Obama's plans to hold back military pay, just before Congress recessed:
During the 1995 shutdown, the Clinton Administration followed the OMB guidance issued during the Reagan Administration. The Obama Administration, it seems, is tacking a different direction.In other words, when there were temporary government shutdowns during both Ronald Reagan's and Bill Clinton's presidency, soldiers were treated as essential. Barack Obama has decided that they're NOT.
You see, if the government were to shutdown, a Directive issued in the 1980s by the Office of Management and Budget lists what parts of government will keep running -- what they call
And what about those functions that DO shut down -- the ones they call "non-essential personnel"? Well, it looks to ME like we've just found a way to start CUTTING THE TRILLION DOLLAR BUDGET -- just CUT A BUNCH OF THOSE JOBS. Why do we need these hundreds of thousands of "non-essential personnel" for an extended period of time, and we don't have people "dying in the streets" as a result... why exactly do we need those employees at all?
But instead of looking at eliminating non-essential federal government jobs, Barack Obama has decided instead to hold the paychecks of MILITARY PERSONNEL until a budget "compromise" that HE likes is worked out! The magazine Government Executive, the number one magazine read by federal managers, reports:
Military personnel and exempt Defense Department civilian employees are required to continue working without pay during a government shutdown, according to guidance from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT: our soldiers will be required to keep working if the government shuts down; but THIS time, says Obama and the Democrats, THEY WILL NOT GET PAID during that shutdown!
In a memo prepared earlier this month, Defense officials noted that service members and some civilian workers, including those involved in national security and the protection of life and property, still must report for duty but will not be paid until Congress appropriates funds to reimburse them for that period of service. All other employees will be furloughed, the memo stated.
THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! While SPEND-SPEND-SPEND politicians in Washington play political games over the budget crisis, America's men and women in uniform -- AND THEIR FAMILIES -- are the ones that are going to suffer!
What Barack Obama and the Democrats, who want to play POLITICAL GAMES with our troops, don't seem to realize is, there are a LOT of young soldiers with families who struggle to make ends meet NOW just with their uninterrupted pay!
Will Congress and the President ALSO suspend their OWN pay? Yeah, RIGHT -- what do YOU think?
Don't forget, the whole reason we're looking at a government shutdown is because the Democrat-controlled Congress -- for the first time in 30 years -- failed to pass a budget. But you won't hear that from the liberals, of course -- they're too busy saying that the Republicans who are trying to save our country from going down in bankruptcy, are engaging in "the functional equivalent of bombing innocent civilians," or Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying they'll bring "catastrophic consequences" that will "precipitate a crisis," or Nancy Pelosi's claim that they've declared a "war on women," or even the REVEREND Jesse Jackson comparing the budget battle to the American Civil War!
BUT we do NOT have to stand silent -- we ARE NOT powerless to do anything about this... because WE THE PEOPLE have a loud voice that we can use to speak up demanding it!
Thankfully, patriotic conservatives in both houses of Congress have introduced a bill called the "Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act of 2011" (H.R. 1297 & S. 724). The bill has 186 co-sponsors in the House, and 80 co-sponsors in the Senate. It would authorize the Secretary of Defense to continue to provide pay and allowances without interruption to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps who perform service during any funding gap. Without action on the measure such funds could be delayed or withheld.
We cannot let that happen. That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send "Blast Faxes" to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of BOTH the U.S. House AND the U.S. Senate AT ONCE, demanding that they say NO to Obama's plan to use our troops in his partisan political games!
For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Representatives, Senators, Democrats, Republicans -- EVERYONE in the U.S. Congress, DEMANDING that they say NO to Obama's plan to hold military pay HOSTAGE for crass political ploys!
The shutdown could happen at ANY TIME after mid-May -- we need to take action NOW, before our troops become political pawns!
Don't let Obama and his minions in Congress get away with using our troops for political gain. Please, take action right away to tell Congress to STOP this outrage, BEFORE it happens! Thank you!
William Greene, President
P.S. All of the most reliable latest polls show that a VAST majority of Americans OPPOSE raising the debt ceiling yet again. We want Congress to finally START CUTTING SPENDING.
Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Obama thinks he is a comedian. He isn’t funny but if the situation were not so tragic, we would be laughing at him, as he is a joke of a President.
Obama went to El Paso, TX and made a joke about border security. He said the Republicans wanted to build a moat and put alligators in it.
America is not laughing, Barry.
For those on the border, border security isn’t the punch line to a joke or a throw away line in a political speech. It is a matter of life and death.
Obama thinks he is a comedian. He isn’t funny but if the situation were not so tragic, we would be laughing at him, as he is a joke of a President.
Obama went to El Paso, TX and made a joke about border security. He said the Republicans wanted to build a moat and put alligators in it.
America is not laughing, Barry.
For those on the border, border security isn’t the punch line to a joke or a throw away line in a political speech. It is a matter of life and death.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
We supported butchers and Christian killers in Iraq, Ivory Coast, Egypt, now Libya. Isn't it time to stop and take stock of what we are doing?
What Qualities are you looking for in a Conservative Presidential Candidate?
I post articles because I think they are of interest. Doing so doesn’t mean that I necessarily agree (or disagree) with every—or any—opinion in the posted article. Help your friends and relatives stay informed by passing the digest on.
Longer Digest today as I was out-of-pocket Saturday, no computer time. So two-days worth, lots of great articles, worth the time.
The Coming Collapse of the American Republic
Info about my book. All royalties go to wounded veterans. Please forward and post where possible.
Worth Reading: Mark Steyn: Romney's Fix
Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who thinks a collapse is possible. ~Bob. Exchange: Unless things change, the man (or woman) elected in 2012 will be the last American president to preside over the world’s leading economy. If things get really bad, he will find himself presiding over the early stages of American collapse. Not “decline” but “collapse.” “Decline” is what happens when you’re Britain in the 1940s and you cede global dominance to a major ally that shares your language, legal system, cultural inheritance, and broad geopolitical objectives. That deal isn’t on offer this time round.
N Korea and Iran 'sharing ballistic missile technology'
Excerpt: The report was written by a UN panel of experts monitoring Pyongyang's compliance with the sanctions. It said that "prohibited ballistic missile-related items are suspected to have been transferred between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea [North Korea] and the Islamic Republic of Iran", using regular scheduled flights on national carriers Air Koryo and Iran Air. For arms and related material, "whose illicit nature would become apparent on any cursory physical inspection", Pyongyang appeared to prefer the use of chartered cargo flights, Reuters quoted it as saying. The flights would travel "from or to air cargo hubs which lack the kind of monitoring and security to which passenger terminals and flights are now subject". This presented "new challenges to international non-proliferation efforts", said the panel. The report said North Korea's uranium enrichment programme was "primarily for military purposes" and so Pyongyang should be "compelled to abandon" it and have it placed under international monitoring. It also raised concerns about safety at the nuclear complex at Yongbyon, warning of an "environmental disaster" if it were to be decommissioned or dismantled without care.
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Taken from the top, these sentiments imply that the financial crisis was caused by fraud;It was. The common law of business balance prohibits getting something for nothing. Absent concealment (that is, fraud) these deals don’t get made on-balance.
that people who take big risks should be subject to a criminal investigation; that executives of large financial firms should be criminal suspects after a crash;If they engaged in fraud, they should.
that public revulsion indicates likely culpability; that it is inconceivable (to Madoff, anyway) that people could lose so much money absent a conspiracy; and that Wall Street bears collective guilt for which a large part of it should be incarcerated.Again, if you engaged in fraud, you should be.
Submitted by: Phil Bulfinch and Nancy Battle
INDIANAPOLIS | Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna
Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have
no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
INDIANAPOLIS | Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna
Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have
no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.
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