From 1967 borders, even with Obama's duplicitous back-peddling rhetoric of "territory trades" or "land swaps" — any compromise portends destruction for our only true and free Middle Eastern ally.
Barack Hussein Obama is the first American president to overtly seek to compel Israel to a position of disastrous weakness against those who would annihilate her. He has stated that Israel must withdraw to its indefensible 1967 "borders," that all negotiations with her Arab enemies ("peace partners") be based on what in fact were the armistice lines of 1949. This is the truth; all media and Obama faction spin to the contrary are lies.There are appalling and inescapable consequences to the shocking pronouncement by Obama than no amount of flim-flam can avoid, including indefensible borders that have historically proved an incitement to Arab aggression, the creation of 300,000 Jewish refugees in a new Arab state committed to Israel's destruction, and the overall security nightmare Obama's demands would create. Over 300,000 of Israel's residents currently live in the territories Obama just demanded that the Jewish state cede to a future "state of Palestine." The literal impossibility for Israel to protect her people and defend herself against future Arab attacks, (wars currently forestalled only by the presence of buffer zones and IDF personnel outside the lines Obama has declared Israel must cede) are obvious to anyone who can read a map.
It is a bold and promiscuous Obama lie that this speech is not a new departure — throughout it Obama carved out and systematically destroyed long-standing American assurances to Israel for her security and survival as a Jewish state. Obama proposed that Israel be obliged to negotiate with terrorists, in the new "coalition" of the Palestinian Authority's shared governance with the terrorist organization Hamas; that Israel withdraw to the indefensible 1967 borderlines; that this outrage proceed with Israel stripped of any American diplomatic guarantees regarding the right of return or disposition of Jerusalem.