Previously posted ...
Disrespect of our Confederate Flag ...
Desecration by Hatred !!!
✡ ✡ ✡
Yavoh ~ He is coming !
Yahweh - Yeshua - Ruach Ha-Kodesh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Black leader: 'Finish the mission, kill slave masters' |
The rhetoric from some fringe black leaders in America is now getting racial, threatening and violent. We've got disturbing video of one famous name urging blacks to "finish the mission" and kill today's "slave masters" ... |
Read the latest now on
As further proof
that the Republicans who were wrong on Gov. Brian Sandoval’s $1.4 billion tax
hike were the Republicans who voted for it, not the ones who voted against it,
the Carson City Republican Central Committee Executive Board last week approved
and distributed the following statement…
Plans, Trans, and Auto-RepealsFor years, the Obama administration has argued that it's cheaper to "let sick people die" than treat them. And to prove it, they wrote a little something into the President's signature law authorizing 15 unaccountable bureaucrats to make decisions from Washington about whether you deserve care -- and from whom. They called it the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), or "death panel," as most people know it. Of course, the administration never hid IPAB's real agenda. In fact, the head of Medicare at the time, Donald Berwick, was quite blunt about its role in rationing care. |
“Each law enacted by the Legislature shall embrace but one subject, and matter, properly connected therewith, which subject shall be briefly expressed in the title.”
Too Late: GOP Ignores Session’s Fast-Track Warning Go To Full Post: Too Late: GOP Ignores Session’s Fast-Track Warning |
Obama to Negotiate w/ISIS, Legalize Paying RansomsIf you like your Jihad, you can keep your Jihad. Read more » |
"Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing its absurdity." ~ Vaclav Havel |
Obama Lowers Crime Rate By Legalizing Illegality |
Posted On America's Conservative News We couldn't make it up if we tried ... You just won't believe what the Obama Regime is doing now ... Read The Full Story |
FBI Files Dig Up Shocking Dirt From Top Obama Adviser’s Past That Could Explain A LotJun 24, 2015 02:42 pmShe had strong ties to Frank Marshall Davis. This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth Read More and Comment: FBI Files Dig Up Shocking Dirt From Top Obama Adviser’s Past That Could Explain A Lot |
“If the people are capable of understanding, seeing and feeling the differences between true and false, right and wrong, virtue and vice, to what better principle can the friends of mankind apply than to the sense of this difference?” —John Adams (1775)
Judicial Watch: Federal Judge Orders IRS to Account for “Lost” Emails -- Judicial
Watch announced that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to report to him by June 29 the status of the recovery and release of emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials...READ MORE |