Study Finds 44% Increased Breast Cancer Risk for Women Having Abortions
A new systematic review and
meta-analysis of abortion and breast cancer (ABC link) in China was just
published four days ago in the prestigious, peer-reviewed international
cancer journal, Cancer Causes and Control.
In this meta-analysis (a study
of studies, in which results from many studies are pooled), Dr. Yubei
Huang et al. reported that, combining all 36 studies on the ABC link in
China that have been published through 2012, the overall risk of developing
breast cancer among women who had at least one induced abortion was significantly
increased by 44%.
Family Finds Obamacare Health Insurance Plan Won’t Cover Their
Infant DaughterWitness this family in New York. Cornelius Kelly had no issues securing health insurance under the state Obamacare exchange for his family and some of their children, but their 18-month-old daughter was left out in the cold. He was told she would be required to have her own health insurance policy costing the Kelly family as much as $369 a month.