Thursday, February 6, 2014
LIFE NEWS 02/06/2014
Irony: Obama Tells Prayer Breakfast: “We Believe in the Dignity of Every Person”
President Barack Obama gave a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast
Thursday with language striking pro-life themes — ironic given the
massive pro-abortion record he has compiled in two terms as president.
Obama took the podium at the 62nd National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton and spoke to a crowd of about 3,500. Boycott, Girl Scouts Hide Support for Planned Parenthood, Abortion
displayed on every Daisy, Brownie, and Girl Scout uniform is the World
Trefoil Pin, to “represent their connection to the worldwide sisterhood
of Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding.”
THE POINT 02/06/2014
ObamaCare Causes Huffington Post Parent Company to Cut Benefits
Armstrong could have cut Arianna Huffington's $4 million a year salary.
Read more »
ObamaCare’s Insane Race Questionnaire Lists “Singaporean” as a Race
But the best ethnicity yet, may be the Canal Zone.
Read more »
ACTIVIST POST 03/05/2014
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Temper Tantrum During Meeting With Syrian Christian Leaders After They Detail
Atrocities Carried Out By His Rebel Allies
GOP Senator
Apologizes for McCain Tantrum at Syrian Christian Leader
February 05,
2014 - Judicial Watch
Hell-bent on
arming opposition forces in Syria-despite strong evidence that they're run by
Islamic terrorists-John McCain displayed behavior unbecoming of a United States
Senator during a recent meeting with Syrian Christian leaders touring Capitol
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
EPA's Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People
seems that even wood isn’t green or renewable enough anymore. The EPA
has recently banned the production and sale of 80 percent of America’s
current wood-burning stoves, the oldest heating method known to mankind
and mainstay of rural homes and many of our nation’s poorest residents.
The agency’s stringent one-size-fits-all rules apply equally to heavily
air-polluted cities and far cleaner plus typically colder off-grid
wilderness areas such as large regions of Alaska and the American West.
Move up t Move down
CONBUSTIBLE 02/05/2014
LIFE NEWS 02/06/2014
UN Committee Attacks Catholic Church, Pressures Vatican to Support Abortion
A United Nations committee is coming under fire today from a British
pro-life group that says it is attacking the Catholic Church and
pressuring it to support abortion.
Officials with the England-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) say the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child overstepped its mandate in its pro-abortion attack on the Catholic Church. SPUC is recognised officially by the UN as a non-governmental organization (NGO), and provides most of the pro-life lobbying efforts at the UN institutions in New York and Geneva.
Baby Born With Brain Outside Her Skull Thrives After Parents Reject Abortion
Martin was born with a birth defect called a cystic hygroma. Some
abortion advocates are quick to dehumanize babies with this or similar
conditions, calling them less than human and saying they should be
aborted because their quality of life is supposedly too low.
faithmartinShe was diagnosed during a pregnancy scan and her parents were told she would probably not be able to breathe at birth and wouldn’t be resuscitated, according to a London Daily Mail report. They were warned that even if she survived she could be severely disabled.
Officials with the England-based Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) say the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child overstepped its mandate in its pro-abortion attack on the Catholic Church. SPUC is recognised officially by the UN as a non-governmental organization (NGO), and provides most of the pro-life lobbying efforts at the UN institutions in New York and Geneva.
Baby Born With Brain Outside Her Skull Thrives After Parents Reject Abortion
faithmartinShe was diagnosed during a pregnancy scan and her parents were told she would probably not be able to breathe at birth and wouldn’t be resuscitated, according to a London Daily Mail report. They were warned that even if she survived she could be severely disabled.
NEWS WITH VIEWS 02/06/2014
Click Here to see our Selection of
DVDs and Books
Busting Up the Bag of Pus
I am sure that I am not the only one who is sick of what is going on in Washington D.C. My fellow writer Devvy Kidd likes to call it the District of Criminals. Can you think of any place in America where more thievery takes place than in the seat of our government along the banks of the Potomac River? Most of what goes on there would never be accepted as a means of doing business in any other area of America.......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Busting Up the Bag of Pus
I am sure that I am not the only one who is sick of what is going on in Washington D.C. My fellow writer Devvy Kidd likes to call it the District of Criminals. Can you think of any place in America where more thievery takes place than in the seat of our government along the banks of the Potomac River? Most of what goes on there would never be accepted as a means of doing business in any other area of America.......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
JIHAD WATCH 02/06/2014
Feb 05, 2014 07:09 pm | Robert Spencer
a naive kid working up some fireworks, you greasy Islamophobe.
“Explosive device, gasoline found in burned student’s apartment,” by
Alexis Stevens for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, February 5 (thanks
to Benedict): A suspected Molotov cocktail and several plastic bottles
filled with gasoline and kerosene were found in the Midtown apartment of
a Georgia Tech graduate […]
Feb 05, 2014 06:57 pm | Robert Spencer
the big deal? A couple of allies, a couple of people of like mind meet —
it happens all the time. “Muslim Brotherhood Leader Meets Obama in
White House,” by Adam Kredo for the Washington Free Beacon, February 5
(thanks to Pamela Geller): A senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood was
recently hosted at […]
Submitted by: Bob Cash
Katrina Pierson for US Congress - TX32
Tea Party Express is holding press conferences throughout the Dallas,
Texas area to endorse Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson for U.S.
Congress in Texas' 32nd Distrct to replace Pete Sessions (R) who votes
with Nancy Pelosi and the Socialist Democrats 30% of the time
Katrina Pierson for US Congress - TX32
Tea Party Express is holding press conferences throughout the Dallas,
Texas area to endorse Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson for U.S.
Congress in Texas' 32nd Distrct to replace Pete Sessions (R) who votes
with Nancy Pelosi and the Socialist Democrats 30% of the time
RedState Briefing 02/06/2014
Morning Briefing
For February 6, 2014
*Trust* David Plouffe, Democrats. He is all-knowing, and always right.
David Plouffe, Barack Obama's campaign strategist, has some excellent advice for Democrats worried about the 2014 elections . . . please click here for the rest of the post ->
The President can’t make law, Congress shouldn’t let him — Take Action!
One week ago, President Barack Obama stood before the nation and committed himself to a Year of Action… “with or without Congress.”
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Cops endorse legislation to stop federal gun grabbing laws and agencies
The campaign to stop federal violations of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment at the state and local level got two big boosts with the introduction of the Second Amendment Preservation Act in Arizona and an important police endorsement for a similar bill pending in Florida ...
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School requires students to answer sensitive questions about family members for ‘bullying prevention’ game
This "game" should never be "played" in school ..
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One week ago, President Barack Obama stood before the nation and committed himself to a Year of Action… “with or without Congress.”
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Cops endorse legislation to stop federal gun grabbing laws and agencies
The campaign to stop federal violations of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment at the state and local level got two big boosts with the introduction of the Second Amendment Preservation Act in Arizona and an important police endorsement for a similar bill pending in Florida ...
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School requires students to answer sensitive questions about family members for ‘bullying prevention’ game
This "game" should never be "played" in school ..
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COWBOYBYTE 02/06/2014
The Obamacare security nightmare: It gets worseFraudsters on the inside, hackers on the outside. Here we are, stuck in the middle with the security nightmare called Obamacare. Can it get any worse? Yes, it can. Check it out: After the spectacular website crashes during last fall’s … Continue reading → |
Top Cowboy Headlines |
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
New Book Documenting Battle Released
By Bill Ames
This article is the introduction to the left’s overall war on America’s traditional values & culture. It’s a tale of how this larger war relates to the left’s War on History in Texas’ public schools.
A major element of the left’s agenda is to indoctrinate our youth while they are still young and impressionable students in our public schools.
Bill Ames’ new book, Texas Trounces the Left’s War on History, describes how, in 2009 and 2010, conservative members of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), along with 100′s of mainstream Texans, battled back to defeat the left’s agenda to take over the social studies curriculum, especially the U. S. History Curriculum in Texas public schools.
The left’s war on American culture
In February 1999, Second Amendment advocate and National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston said in a speech to the Harvard Law School Forum,
New Book Documenting Battle Released
By Bill Ames
This article is the introduction to the left’s overall war on America’s traditional values & culture. It’s a tale of how this larger war relates to the left’s War on History in Texas’ public schools.
A major element of the left’s agenda is to indoctrinate our youth while they are still young and impressionable students in our public schools.
Bill Ames’ new book, Texas Trounces the Left’s War on History, describes how, in 2009 and 2010, conservative members of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), along with 100′s of mainstream Texans, battled back to defeat the left’s agenda to take over the social studies curriculum, especially the U. S. History Curriculum in Texas public schools.
The left’s war on American culture
In February 1999, Second Amendment advocate and National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston said in a speech to the Harvard Law School Forum,
Daily Digest for Thursday
"It will be remembered, that a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is solemnly enjoined by most of the state constitutions, and particularly by our own, as a necessary safeguard against the danger of degeneracy, to which republics are liable, as well as other governments, though in a less degree than others." --James Madison, Report of the Virginia ResolutionsRonald Reagan's Birthday
February 6, 2014, marks the 103rd anniversary of President Ronald Wilson Reagan's birthday, or as he would have phrased it, the 64th anniversary of his 39th birthday.Either way, we are grateful beyond measure for his great service to our country, the shining City on a Hill, and his steadfast devotion to Essential Liberty.
Black Student Union and Allies Want Crime Alerts Censored
The Black Student Union at the University of
Minnesota has a grievance: the UM Police Department includes race in
campus crimes alerts for students. ... READ MORE
America the Pill Popping Nation America's pill popping stats stats here are astounding! Our nation's fastest growing industry? Pharmaceuticals baby! Maybe the way to deal with Obamanation? ... READ MORE |
GRASSTOPS USA 02/06/2014
"The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects – his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity." ~ Henry Hazlitt |
What Is Obama's End Game? |
Posted On America's Conservative News Is it possible that the Obama family’s legacy will one day be etched in history books under the heading of: "How a family of terrorists fooled America?" Read the Full Story |
Dear Conservatives,
Far too many pulpits across America have become silent when it comes to the issues of our day. As Reverend Finney said nearly 140 years ago, it is time Christians take back right ground. We have developed a website that takes a large step in that direction.
Pastors, lay leaders, and concerned Christian citizens will have a resource to turn to for timely information on the current issue. They will also have access to information to combat two large enemies of liberty: the ACLU and Barry Lynn's organization - Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
For years I believed that if we could just regain a strong, conservative majority in Congress and win back the White House, then we could turn the ship around.
Far too many pulpits across America have become silent when it comes to the issues of our day. As Reverend Finney said nearly 140 years ago, it is time Christians take back right ground. We have developed a website that takes a large step in that direction.
Pastors, lay leaders, and concerned Christian citizens will have a resource to turn to for timely information on the current issue. They will also have access to information to combat two large enemies of liberty: the ACLU and Barry Lynn's organization - Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.
For years I believed that if we could just regain a strong, conservative majority in Congress and win back the White House, then we could turn the ship around.
Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder (And This Guy Proves It!)
Feb 06, 2014 01:31 pmAfter the obligatory liberal attack on Fox News and a completely incongruent, but equally obligatory swipe at Sean Hannity, Ambinder attempted to establish that he was disappointed because BOR’s questions were not sufficiently tough.
Read More and Comment: Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder (And This Guy Proves It!)
DOG FOOD ALERT 02/06/2014
Dear Fellow Dog Lover,
Because you signed up on my website and asked to be notified, I'm sending you this special recall alert.
Pro-Pet LLC of St. Marys, Ohio, has announced it is recalling three brands of its dog and cat foods due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.
To learn which products are affected, please visit the following link:
Pro-Pet Dog Food Recall
Please be sure to share the news of this alert with other pet owners.
Mike Sagman, Editor
The Dog Food Advisor
P.S. Not already on our dog food recall notification list? Sign up to get critical dog food recall alerts sent to you by email. There's no cost for this service.
Because you signed up on my website and asked to be notified, I'm sending you this special recall alert.
Pro-Pet LLC of St. Marys, Ohio, has announced it is recalling three brands of its dog and cat foods due to possible contamination with Salmonella bacteria.
To learn which products are affected, please visit the following link:
Pro-Pet Dog Food Recall
Please be sure to share the news of this alert with other pet owners.
Mike Sagman, Editor
The Dog Food Advisor
P.S. Not already on our dog food recall notification list? Sign up to get critical dog food recall alerts sent to you by email. There's no cost for this service.
February 6, 2014
H.R. 2954 -
The Public Access and Lands Improvement Act
Lummis (R-WY), Labrador (R-ID) – Amendment No. 2
– Amends Title VIII (Grazing Improvement Act) to conform with the
to FLPMA in the Senate companion bill, allows the Secretary to
consolidate environmental reviews, clarifies the definition of current
grazing management, and ensures a timely response for temporary trailing
and crossing applications (considered to be the manager’s
amendment to the Grazing Improvement Act). – ADOPTED BY VOICE
ALERT: Lawmakers welcome impeachment, note Obama's 'wholesale violation' of his Presidential Oath. Fax Congress and Demand IMPEACHMENT!
American Conservative,
The outrage is building ...
More lawmakers are supporting the idea of impeaching Barack Obama and removing him from office.
U.S. Representative Paul Broun signaled that would support impeaching the President on Saturday at a candidates forum held by Georgia's Gilmer County Tea Party. Broun later confirmed his stance with the Daily Caller, saying:
Dear Conservatives
It’s vital you act TODAY to stop tax-and-spend politicians from extending our fiscal catastrophe, which could happen as early as TOMORROW.
As I send you this email, Congress is set to vote on yet another debt ceiling increase, despite the $17 TRILLION debt already on the book.
The last debt ceiling deal extended the borrowing deadline to this Friday, February 7, and like Chicken Little, Barack Obama’s Treasury Department wails that we’ll hit economic Armageddon by the end of the month.
Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are using that message of fear to push an unconditional, YEAR-LONG raise, with no spending cuts whatsoever.
It’s vital you act TODAY to stop tax-and-spend politicians from extending our fiscal catastrophe, which could happen as early as TOMORROW.
As I send you this email, Congress is set to vote on yet another debt ceiling increase, despite the $17 TRILLION debt already on the book.
The last debt ceiling deal extended the borrowing deadline to this Friday, February 7, and like Chicken Little, Barack Obama’s Treasury Department wails that we’ll hit economic Armageddon by the end of the month.
Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are using that message of fear to push an unconditional, YEAR-LONG raise, with no spending cuts whatsoever.
CHUCK KOLB 02/06/2014
Hanging Around for TREASON !!!
Previously posted ...
Gnosticism is Satan's Tool !!!
A Republican candidate for Florida House District 68, Joshua Black said President Barack Obama should be
hanged for war crimes. "I'm past impeachment," Joshua Black wrote on Twitter. "It's time to arrest and hang him high." "I make no apologies for saying that the President is not above the People.
If ordinary Americans should be executed for treason, so should he."
Thanks, again, and we wish you all the best with your campaign.
Previously posted ...
Gnosticism is Satan's Tool !!!
A Republican candidate for Florida House District 68, Joshua Black said President Barack Obama should be
hanged for war crimes. "I'm past impeachment," Joshua Black wrote on Twitter. "It's time to arrest and hang him high." "I make no apologies for saying that the President is not above the People.
If ordinary Americans should be executed for treason, so should he."
Thanks, again, and we wish you all the best with your campaign.
MUTH'S TRUTHS 02/06/2014
Sandoval won’t seek
that which he can’t have and doesn't deserve
by Chuck Muth
6, 2014
we get started today, I have a couple announcements to make…
I will not be seeking an Academy Award for my performance in “Jenna’s 12th
Birthday Party” video this year.
Secondly, I will not be seeking the Miss Congeniality Award in the Miss
America Pageant. And lastly, I will not
be seeking a Nobel Peace Prize for my successful intervention in Kristen and CJ’s
dispute over whose turn it was to empty the dishwasher.
while we’re on the subject of making announcements that we’re not seeking that
which we are highly unlikely to get…
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
Note: This is a "DAILY"
Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something".
And don't forget the last newsbrief at the end......Barack In Two Places at the Same Time?
From: Anita Hynds, ......Support Senator Jeff Session calling to (202)224-4124. Let him
know that we agree with him. We do not want AMNESTY AND NO IMMIGRATION REFORM.
We want them to enforce the Law.
"Get right with the law" is the
trendy new poll-tested slogan that's supposed to make both amnesty-resistant
Americans and illegal aliens accept whatever so-called immigration reform
Congress considers. LINK
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