Thursday, March 26, 2015
Hall files ethics
complaint against Sheriff & Supreme Court Justice...and more political news
BREAKING NEWS! Pro-Amnesty Dem Booed Off Stage Holding Spanish-Only Town Hall…Read the latest now on American Freedom Fighters, Washington's bullies are at it again. Obama is bringing in all the reinforcements he can muster to push amnesty through—at any and all cost. Obama and his bullies at the Department of Homeland Security are threatening US sheriffs that if the Republicans do not fund amnesty then they're not getting federal grant money they are counting on. Now isn't that just like Obama and his thugs? |
Obama Traded 5 Taliban For This Traitor Mar 25, 2015 06:05 pm Go To Full Post: Obama Traded 5 Taliban For This Traitor |
To Stop Iran's Bomb, Bomb Iran
The New York Times | March 26, 2015
For years, experts worried that the Middle East would face an uncontrollable nuclear-arms race if Iran ever acquired weapons capability. Given the region's political, religious and ethnic conflicts, the logic is straightforward.
As in other nuclear proliferation cases like India, Pakistan and North Korea, America and the West were guilty of inattention when they should have been vigilant. But failing to act in the past is no excuse for making the same mistakes now. All presidents enter office facing the cumulative effects of their predecessors' decisions. But each is responsible for what happens on his watch. President Obama's approach on Iran has brought a bad situation to the brink of catastrophe.
The New York Times | March 26, 2015
For years, experts worried that the Middle East would face an uncontrollable nuclear-arms race if Iran ever acquired weapons capability. Given the region's political, religious and ethnic conflicts, the logic is straightforward.
As in other nuclear proliferation cases like India, Pakistan and North Korea, America and the West were guilty of inattention when they should have been vigilant. But failing to act in the past is no excuse for making the same mistakes now. All presidents enter office facing the cumulative effects of their predecessors' decisions. But each is responsible for what happens on his watch. President Obama's approach on Iran has brought a bad situation to the brink of catastrophe.
Hillary Hit with Racketeering Lawsuit
RENEW AMERICA 03/26/2015
March 26, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — President Obama's interview
with The Huffington Post (HuffPost) has been treated as if the on-line
publication is somehow respectable and legitimate. The topics of the
interview included budget sequestration, the Iran nuclear talks,
presidential pardons, overtime pay, athletic scholarships and sleep.... (more)
March 26, 2015
BOB UNRUH — The Department of Defense on Wednesday
announced that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was released by the Taliban
only after President Obama gave up five terror leaders held at
Guantanamo Bay, is being charged with desertion.... (more)
March 26, 2015
NEWSMAX — A top administrator at Cornell
University has said that the institution would be open to the creation
of a group supporting the Islamic State (ISIS) and to hosting a training
camp for militants on campus.... (more)
March 26, 2015
SUSAN FERRECHIO — The House on Wednesday
approved a $3.8 trillion spending plan for fiscal 2016 that balances
the budget in a decade, reforms Medicare and Medicaid, and eliminates
Obamacare.... (more)
March 26, 2015
JEROME R. CORSI — As the Senate Judiciary
Committee considers the role of attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch
in allowing HSBC to avoid criminal charges in a massive money-laundering
scheme, the banking giant is facing a possible shutdown or splitting of
its U.S. operations under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.... (more)
March 26, 2015
CHERYL CHUMLEY — Megyn Kelly of "The Kelly
File" quizzed Sen. Ted Cruz on Fox News about his Capitol Hill record,
asking him bluntly at one point: What have you done?... (more)
March 26, 2015
THE HILL — The conservative group Freedom
Watch has filed a racketeering lawsuit against former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton that accuses her of failing to produce documents under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).... (more)
March 26, 2015
ANN COULTER — When "NBC Nightly News"
anchor Brian Williams crashed and burned over all the tall tales he had
told, there must have been mirth in the hallways at ABC.... (more)
March 26, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Less than a third of
Americans are now concerned about global warming and climate change: 32
percent fret about those environmental factors says the annual Gallup
Environmental survey, released Wednesday... (more)
March 25, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — When a group of imams tried to bring a form of "Shariah light" to Texas, they met an unlikely foe --
Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. Now, Van Duyne has been thrust into the
national media spotlight, and her city is being called "ground zero" in
the battle to prevent Islamic law from gaining a foothold, no matter how
small, in the U.S. legal system.... (more)
March 25, 2015
AARON KLEIN — Lost in much of the news coverage of alleged Israeli espionage activities reported Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal is that the same newspaper report revealed the U.S. actively spied on the Jewish state.... (more)
March 25, 2015
POLITICO — A Department of Homeland Security watchdog report issued Tuesday
blasted the agency's No. 2 official for repeatedly intervening on
behalf of well-connected participants in an investor-visa program,
including Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Va.) and Tony Rodham, a brother of
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.... (more)
March 25, 2015
BOB UNRUH — A federal judge who earlier
determined that President Obama's amnesty-by-executive-memo strategy
likely is illegal and suspended work on it now is being asked by a
popular leader in America's law-enforcement community to sanction the
president's administration for lying in court.... (more)
March 25, 2015
CHERYL CHUMLEY — Ben Carson, an emerging
presidential candidate for the Republican Party, was captured in an
unguarded moment by a GQ reporter calling President Obama a "psychopath"
for the seeming ease with which he lies to the American public.... (more)
March 25, 2015
NEWSMAX — Google executives and lobbyists
have met with top Obama administration officials as many as 230 times
since President Barack Obama took office in 2009 -- including visits as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated the Internet giant for antitrust violations.... (more)
March 25, 2015
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — Since the costs will
come due only after Obama has left the White House, I guess he doesn't
care how high are those costs. But the costs are horrendous, as just
added up by our country's foremost authority on such things, Robert
Rector of the Heritage Foundation.... (more)
March 25, 2015
MICHELLE MALKIN — They just can't help themselves --
and their agenda-driven media enablers never, ever learn. This week,
the NAACP made national front-page headlines with a local press release
demanding that the feds investigate the hanging death of a local man in
Port Gibson, Miss. Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP Mississippi
State Conference, immediately invoked the specter of a "hate crime." In
response, the Obama Justice Department flooded the zone with a whopping
30 federal agents.... (more)
March 24, 2015
CHERYL CHUMLEY — Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, the fiery tea party Texan, followed his near-midnight
Twitter announcement to seek the White House in 2016 with a hearkening
at Liberty University to what he described as the greatness of America:
that our rights come from God.... (more)
March 24, 2015
JOSEPH FARAH — It's been a long time since
I've heard any political figure do what Sen. Ted Cruz did yesterday in
his announcement he is seeking the Republican nomination for the
presidency. He delivered an electrifying, motivational, rousing case for
liberty -- explaining why it's not too late, why
Americans don't need to lower their expectations, how this country has
overcome greater odds in its history.... (more)
March 24, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — A seismic shift? Things
will change now that Sen. Ted Cruz has entered the White House race,
some say. "Every Republican candidate for president will have to move
significantly to the right, starting with Jeb Bush and Scott Walker... (more)
March 24, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Sen. Ted Cruz announced a bid for the White House on Monday,
drawing praise from grassroots conservatives but a fierce backlash from
Hispanic groups that said they were appalled at the prospect of the
first Hispanic to announce for president this cycle being such a firm
champion of a crackdown on illegal immigrants.... (more)
March 24, 2015
PAUL BEDARD — Democrats reacted swiftly to
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's entry into the 2016 presidential race, dubbing him
the epitome of what they hate about Republicans... (more)
March 24, 2015
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — What I most appreciate
about Ted Cruz is his willingness to deal with the actual causes of the
problems that our country confronts. Before announcing his candidacy
for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday,
he re-introduced an Iran-sanctions bill last week. Unlike other
proposals aimed at derailing President Obama's disastrous plan to enable
the mullahs' nuclear-weapons ambitions, Senator Cruz's proposal takes
aim at the actual challenge: the Iranian regime itself.... (more)
March 24, 2015
AARON KLEIN — Egypt provided the United
States with information that ISIS is attempting to purchase chemical
materials such as chlorine gas that can be utilized in terrorist
attacks, an Egyptian intelligence official told WND.... (more)
March 24, 2015
BOB UNRUH — Attorney Larry Klayman, who won
a court judgment that the National Security Agency's spy-on-Americans
program likely is unconstitutional and should be halted, now is asking
the judge to question a witness in secret.... (more)
Mike Huckabee Shares Touching ‘Medal Of Honor Day’ TributesMar 25, 2015 07:44 pmHe presented three heroes from three separate wars. This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom Read More and Comment: Mike Huckabee Shares Touching ‘Medal Of Honor Day’ Tributes |
Mar 26, 2015 07:59 am

By News Editor
Soon after he became the first 2016 presidential hopeful to formally announce his candidacy, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the subject of numerous media reports. One such article, penned by the New Yorker’s John Cassidy, described the Tea Party favorite as he believes “many Americans” see him.
New Yorker Under Fire For Describing Ted Cruz With Racist Term
By News Editor
Soon after he became the first 2016 presidential hopeful to formally announce his candidacy, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the subject of numerous media reports. One such article, penned by the New Yorker’s John Cassidy, described the Tea Party favorite as he believes “many Americans” see him.
New Yorker Under Fire For Describing Ted Cruz With Racist Term
JIHAD WATCH 03/26/2015
Islamic State hacking group that posted hit of U.S. military personnel says it has penetrated military websites
“The hacker declined to provide any proof, though, saying he didn’t
want to lose access to the sites.” If this is true, we will see that
soon enough. But it may just be another attempt to “strike terror into
the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). “ISIS hacking group:
We’re inside military websites,” […] |
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