Ground Zero Mosque — New Imam, New Terror Ties
ALERT: New GZM Imam has high praises for 9/11 conspirator AND demands jail for those who preach against Islam!
Our efforts to expose radical Imam Feisal Rauf have apparently caught the attention of the terrorist puppet masters behind the Ground Zero Mosque. Rauf has been relegated to a “behind the scenes” role and a seemingly kinder, gentler Imam - Shaykh Abdullah Adhami - has been enlisted to act as

the new GZM front man. Here’s the problem — the only thing “kinder and gentler” about Adhami is he’s been smart enough to cover
most of his tracks. Unlike Rauf, he hasn’t written a book calling down a day of Sharia style judgment on America, he’s been smart enough not to shoot his mouth off to Islamic press, he hasn’t headlined fundraisers for Hamas, and he’s scrubbed transcripts of his hate speeches, otherwise known as "sermons" from the Internet. Born near the Washington, DC beltway, Adhami apparently mastered DC’s favorite game — obfuscation. But I learned a few things in DC too, namely how to recognize and shout out the truth against a chorus of lies and deceit.