Conservatives –
I'm sick and tired of the mess in Washington.
The failed leadership of President Obama and Democrats in Washington is digging us a fiscal hole so deep, it could take generations to reverse course if we don't act now.
Will you help me hold Washington accountable?
With your help, we will hold Congress' feet to the fire with the No Budget, No Pay Act—if Congress doesn't pass a budget on time it won't get paid.
Our campaign to rein in Washington's fiscal mess, take back the future of our country and restore the American Dream for all Nevadans is quickly gaining momentum thanks to your support.
That's why I'm writing today.
In just one week, our campaign will reach a critical FEC fundraising deadline. In order to keep our momentum building, we need your help meeting our goal of 175 new grassroots donor by midnight on May 23rd.
Please contribute $6 today to help us reach our goal!
Thank you for all that you do,
Dean Heller
P.S. Show our opposition that it's your hard work that pays off—everyone knows we can't do this without you. Please contribute $6 today.