Today’s Top Patriot Headlines:
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Powerful Arab Magnate Urges Peace with Israel; CLICK for Latest from Israel! |
Submitted by: Terry Payne
The Thirty Year Machiavellian Modus Operandi Of Robert Mueller
Apr 27, 2019 Read More Articles by J.W. Bryan
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The Thirty Year Machiavellian Modus Operandi Of Robert Mueller
Apr 27, 2019 Read More Articles by J.W. Bryan
OOPS! NASA “Accidentally” Debunks Global Warming/Climate Change…
By Lisa Haven The mainstream media is constantly igniting fear in climate change alarmists by constantly promoting the idea that carbon dioxide is harmful to Read more…
by Lisa Haven on April 27th, 2019
NEWS WITH VIEWS 04/28/2019
JIHAD WATCH 04/28/2019
“Populist” Hungary donates millions to help foreign persecuted Christians and victims of Jihad.
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Apr 27, 2019 05:50 pm
“The Hungarian government has pledged an initial 9 million forints (roughly $31,000 U.S.) in emergency aid to the survivors of the recent attacks on Christians and Christian churches in Sri Lanka” and Hungary is considering an even larger donation. That’s in addition to millions spent on other aid projects to help persecuted Christians and victims […]Read in browser »
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
US deploys two carrier strike groups in Mediterranean – first time since 2016.........
April 24, 2019
Submitted by: W.G.E.N.
Washington State Bill HB 1225 requires law enforcement to confiscate all the guns at the residence they are called to for a Domestic Violence Report and hold them for a minimum of five days. That’s not a “Red Flag Law” – that’s ANY report of Domestic Violence, even if no violence occurred. Not only that bill, but HB 1465requires an extra waiting period for people who ALREADY HAVE a concealed carry license. These anti-gun bills are examples of Democrats run amok. Oh…and the bills have passed both houses and await Governor Jay Inslee’s signature. He’s anti-gun, so there’s no chance he won’t sign them.
Washington state activist Ira Moser was among 200 stalwarts who braved a downpour to rally for their rights Saturday. (Dave Workman)
Washington state seems to be vying for gun-haters of the year. And it’s working. The anti-gun lobby in the state has gone hog-wild against law abiding gun owners without any thought of consequences.
Advocates of the bills say that it’s just “too dangerous” for law enforcement to stand between two people who are arguing without being able to confiscate those weapons. What if the person refuses the confiscation and decides they aren’t taking his/her guns? What then? More law enforcement deaths? More citizen deaths?
KEPR TV reported:
As far as the extended “wait time” goes, if you are a victim of domestic violence and are ready to obtain a firearm, waiting even longer to obtain it could be fatal. They’ve already paid for the gun, they’ve already proven that they are not a convicted felon, but now they’ll have to wait longer to pick it up than the standard time. Is the logic that gee, we’ve already taken their guns so there’s no danger?
Except that it never works that way. And the only people potentially harmed by these two laws are ordinary citizens, not violence-prone bad guys. The FBI no longer conducts “ quick checks” for Concealed Permit carriers – there should be no need and they are overwhelmed with background check requests. But advocates for this law said that gosh once they get a “quick check” system up and running by the State, the wait time will go back to what it was.
Do you believe them?
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our friends at Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative front-page founded by ex-military!
Washington State HB 1225: If you Call Police on any Domestic Violence Report, They’re Taking All of Your Guns.By
Faye HigbeeWashington State Bill HB 1225 requires law enforcement to confiscate all the guns at the residence they are called to for a Domestic Violence Report and hold them for a minimum of five days. That’s not a “Red Flag Law” – that’s ANY report of Domestic Violence, even if no violence occurred. Not only that bill, but HB 1465requires an extra waiting period for people who ALREADY HAVE a concealed carry license. These anti-gun bills are examples of Democrats run amok. Oh…and the bills have passed both houses and await Governor Jay Inslee’s signature. He’s anti-gun, so there’s no chance he won’t sign them.
Washington state seems to be vying for gun-haters of the year. And it’s working. The anti-gun lobby in the state has gone hog-wild against law abiding gun owners without any thought of consequences.
Advocates of the bills say that it’s just “too dangerous” for law enforcement to stand between two people who are arguing without being able to confiscate those weapons. What if the person refuses the confiscation and decides they aren’t taking his/her guns? What then? More law enforcement deaths? More citizen deaths?
KEPR TV reported:
- Trending: AT&T CEO: Employees Need to Stop Blocking Conservatives from Advertising Platforms
- Representative Brad Klippert said the wait might turn potential violent crime victims into sitting ducks.
- He says he’s strongly opposed to HB 1225 requiring law enforcement to confiscate all weapons from homes they’re called to for domestic violence.
- “How does the victim protect themself should that person come back and threaten them? This dances on the line of taking away their right to possess a weapon to protect themselves,” he says. “We always want to protect victims of domestic violence from any harm or future harm, but we also have to always consider the constitution.”
As far as the extended “wait time” goes, if you are a victim of domestic violence and are ready to obtain a firearm, waiting even longer to obtain it could be fatal. They’ve already paid for the gun, they’ve already proven that they are not a convicted felon, but now they’ll have to wait longer to pick it up than the standard time. Is the logic that gee, we’ve already taken their guns so there’s no danger?
Except that it never works that way. And the only people potentially harmed by these two laws are ordinary citizens, not violence-prone bad guys. The FBI no longer conducts “ quick checks” for Concealed Permit carriers – there should be no need and they are overwhelmed with background check requests. But advocates for this law said that gosh once they get a “quick check” system up and running by the State, the wait time will go back to what it was.
Do you believe them?
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
- Washington State just voted to completely destroy Second Amendment Video
- Washington State Senate race draws big anti-gun bucks
- ‘Gun sanctuary’ movement spreads in four states; Dem majorities miffed
- As Washington AG wants new gun law enforced, he’s quiet on…
- Eastern Washington police chief refuses to enforce new gun control measure
If you haven’t checked out and liked our Facebook page, please go here and do so. You can also follow us on Twitter at@co_firing_line. Please be sure to check out our MeWe page here and check us out at ProAmerica Only here.
If you appreciate independent conservative reports like this, please go here and support us on Patreon and get your conservative pro-Trump gear here.
And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our friends at Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative front-page founded by ex-military!
Submitted by: P McMillan
This op-ed fisks itself. The chutzpah by Felonia von Pantsuit accusing someone else of obstruction of justice and partisanship is amazing, especially since the whole Russian collusion bullshit was made up by her campaign on election night as an excuse for her losing the election. I mean this is the person who deleted 33,000 e-mails instead of turning them over to the FBI and who smashed cellphones. Now that’s obstruction of justice. Or BJ’s meeting with Loretta Lynch. More obstruction of justice...............
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 04/28/2019
Antigravity - They Hid It To Enslave Us! We Know What You Did! (video)
CURATOR: Glenn Canady. Huge information revealed about antigravity and how they hid it from us in these two videos. Basically everything you've been told is a lie. We haven't needed rockets to get into space for over 100 years! We haven't needed to pay for electricity or to drive a vehicle either! Nikola...
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