Promise Made, Promise Kept: “Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket”
Jun 02, 2014 07:30 pm
Go To Full Post: Promise Made, Promise Kept: “Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket”
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
LIFE NEWS 06/03/2014
Shocking Government Study Put Lives of Premature Babies at Risk
A shocking report from the new conservative news web site The Daily Signal is making the waves around the Internet today.
When it comes to premature babies, parents already face tremendous pressure to have abortions. And when the government comes in and tells parents of premature babies there is a new government study they can be involved with that will benefit babies born well before their normal delivery date, there is a certain level of trust one ought to be able to expect.
When it comes to premature babies, parents already face tremendous pressure to have abortions. And when the government comes in and tells parents of premature babies there is a new government study they can be involved with that will benefit babies born well before their normal delivery date, there is a certain level of trust one ought to be able to expect.
Bowe Ties Obama to another Foreign Policy Blunder
Stuck in a cycle of scandals, President Obama was ready to do anything to change the conversation -- including, we now know, unleashing five of the world's most deadly terrorists on the rest of society. Four days into the administration's large-scale distraction, the White House is probably wishing it were still answering questions about the VA. So far, the "feel good" story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's release from the Taliban doesn't feel good to anyone reading the steady drip of news about the five-year Taliban captive -- and the steep price Americans paid to return him.JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND THOMAS JEFFERSON ALL SAW ISLAM AS A SUSPECT RELIGION!
Submitted by: Doris Parker
. Correspondence from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson on July 16, 1814, reveals John Adams’ true feelings about Islam: Adams states that Mohammed is “a military fanatic” who “denies that laws were made for him; he arrogates everything to himself by force of arms.”John Adams did indeed own a Quran — the copy he owned contained the following in the preface:
. Correspondence from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson on July 16, 1814, reveals John Adams’ true feelings about Islam: Adams states that Mohammed is “a military fanatic” who “denies that laws were made for him; he arrogates everything to himself by force of arms.”John Adams did indeed own a Quran — the copy he owned contained the following in the preface:
CHUCK KOLB 06/03/2014
7:45pm EDT - Feast of Shavuot - Chag
Sameach - Pentecost - NOW !!!
Previously posted ...
INTEL - Soebarkah Plan to use the Military against Citizens !!!
Shavuot is traditionally regarded as the time God gave the law to Israel ...
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21: 2-4 KJV
Previously posted ...
INTEL - Soebarkah Plan to use the Military against Citizens !!!
Shavuot is traditionally regarded as the time God gave the law to Israel ...
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and
there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21: 2-4 KJV
Liberty Counsel Action
Mathew Staver
June 3, 2014
There's widespread agreement in the legal community that President Barack H. Obama broke the law by failing to give Congress a 30 day notice before releasing five al-Qaida terrorist leaders from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Yesterday, I told you about CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who said Obama's prisoner-swap "clearly broke the law."
Mathew Staver
June 3, 2014
Obama's decision this past weekend to swap five "high-risk" al-Qaida
leaders for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is being called outrageous by
many and treasonous by some.
Most legal experts agree that our Commander-in-Chief broke the law by failing to give Congress 30 days notice of this questionable prisoner exchange. But the Obama administration insists the urgent nature of Bergdahl's release was necessary "to save his life."
Grassroots Americans across the country are scratching their heads wondering why the President of the United States would release five dangerous terrorists -- Taliban leaders who Sen. John McCain (a former POW himself) called "the hardest of the hard core... the highest high-risk people." Find out one possible, and disturbing, reason in my update below –Mat.
Most legal experts agree that our Commander-in-Chief broke the law by failing to give Congress 30 days notice of this questionable prisoner exchange. But the Obama administration insists the urgent nature of Bergdahl's release was necessary "to save his life."
Grassroots Americans across the country are scratching their heads wondering why the President of the United States would release five dangerous terrorists -- Taliban leaders who Sen. John McCain (a former POW himself) called "the hardest of the hard core... the highest high-risk people." Find out one possible, and disturbing, reason in my update below –Mat.
There's widespread agreement in the legal community that President Barack H. Obama broke the law by failing to give Congress a 30 day notice before releasing five al-Qaida terrorist leaders from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Yesterday, I told you about CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who said Obama's prisoner-swap "clearly broke the law."
ACTIVIST POST 06/03/2014
Anti-NDAA "Take Back Concert Tour" Comes to Albany, New York June 7th
Panera Bread to Dump All Artificial Food Additives
Is The Fed's Gold Ponzi Scheme About To Pop?
Anti-NDAA "Take Back Concert Tour" Comes to Albany, New York June 7th
South Carolina Governor Signs Bill Effectively Nullifying Federal Ban On Industrial Hemp
Activist Post
Panera Bread to Dump All Artificial Food Additives
Heather Callaghan
Is The Fed's Gold Ponzi Scheme About To Pop?
Wendy McElroy
Submitted by Nancy Battle
Alarming news! Radiation levels rise in the U.S. and no MSM reports!
Alarming news! Radiation levels rise in the U.S. and no MSM reports!
Submitted by Debbie Beatty
Transparency-Barack Obama's best-kept secret-part 9
Transparency-Barack Obama's best-kept secret-part 9
"The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are
those with something to hide".-Barack Obama-to Newsday, Aug.22,2010
the above words Barack Obama both identified and indicted himself. Lies
and deception dominate his every action or response whenever the issue
of his presidential eligibility arises. Examples below will confirm.
JIHAD WATCH 06/03/2014
Jun 02, 2014 10:43 pm | Robert Spencer
Israeli government officials said: “We are deeply disappointed by the
comments of the State Department regarding working with the Palestinian
unity government. This Palestinian government is a government backed by
Hamas, which is a terror organization committed to Israel’s
destruction.” It is refreshing, and rare, to see these unpopular truths
being spoken by anyone […]RESTORING LIBERTY 06/03/2014
Jun 03, 2014 06:30 am

By News Editor
Boy, nothing warms the cockles of your heart like watching grinning, happy terrorists hailed as heroes after being released from Guantanamo Bay by our feckless president.
Liberal Law Professor Turley: Obama Broke the Law (+video)
By News Editor
Boy, nothing warms the cockles of your heart like watching grinning, happy terrorists hailed as heroes after being released from Guantanamo Bay by our feckless president.
Liberal Law Professor Turley: Obama Broke the Law (+video)
Shocking New Report Reveals Truth the Mainstream Media Have Kept Hidden!
Yours FREE
Fellow Investor,
While U.S. news media have been focusing in recent weeks on the slow collapse of Obamacare ...
Another, potentially far more disastrous, Administration policy has proceeded without delay but with very little notice:
The shipment of massive amounts of advanced weaponry to al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups in Syria.
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins/Alex
The following is not for the faint hearted. This news item is
posted here because there is still no Garda or State outcry or
investigation. If you wish to help fund a memorial stone for the 800
babies - the contact details are at the end of this post.
The following exerpts are from national newspapers -
If you dominate women’s fertility, as the Catholic clergy did for decades, you control society. If you long to keep that control alive, as the extremists do, you’ll cling to the strategies that worked in the past and you certainly won’t be thinking of the demented, sexually-frustrated evil nuns and brothers who took their rage out on the unfortunates - Here is a grave containing the remains of eight hundred babies and toddlers. Eight hundred! And yet the national police force has so far failed to make any inquiries. Why are we not shouting about this from the rooftops?
[link to]
800 Children Bodies found in a mass Septic Tank Grave, Catholic Church Ireland
The following exerpts are from national newspapers -
If you dominate women’s fertility, as the Catholic clergy did for decades, you control society. If you long to keep that control alive, as the extremists do, you’ll cling to the strategies that worked in the past and you certainly won’t be thinking of the demented, sexually-frustrated evil nuns and brothers who took their rage out on the unfortunates - Here is a grave containing the remains of eight hundred babies and toddlers. Eight hundred! And yet the national police force has so far failed to make any inquiries. Why are we not shouting about this from the rooftops?
[link to]
NEWS WITH VIEWS 06/03/2014
Bundy Standoff-A Century of Federal Abuse, Part 3
It is not generally known that the real reason the two acts were passed, and it borders on the bizarre. After an exhaustive study of how these blatantly unconstitutional Acts were passed, Wayne Hage, who was a dogged researcher and victim of the BLM and USFS himself, found a clear paper trail in the National Achieves back to the “northern core.” The core was made up of very powerful Northeastern progressive financiers and industrialists who wanted to control the West for its minerals, hydro power, and other natural resources. Controlling water was the key.......
by Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D
It is not generally known that the real reason the two acts were passed, and it borders on the bizarre. After an exhaustive study of how these blatantly unconstitutional Acts were passed, Wayne Hage, who was a dogged researcher and victim of the BLM and USFS himself, found a clear paper trail in the National Achieves back to the “northern core.” The core was made up of very powerful Northeastern progressive financiers and industrialists who wanted to control the West for its minerals, hydro power, and other natural resources. Controlling water was the key.......
by Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D
THE POINT 06/03/2014
2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate Calls Taliban “Freedom Fighters”
If Elizabeth Warren doesn't run, progressives may have a new dreamboat 2016 candidate.
Read more »
Submitted by Nancy Battle
I probably shouldn't say this
the risk of putting yet another target on my back, I want to let you in
on a little family business. While I don't travel as much as I used to,
I have been in some tenuous situations, especially in Africa. My wife
and I have a longstanding agreement between us--that if I ever were
taken hostage or in a situation where the American government had to
choose whether to use deadly force, negotiate a bad deal for my release
or be held hostage because of me, by all means use deadly force and I
will fend for myself. I never wanted the United States to compromise its
principles because of me. No negotiations with terrorists or
kidnappers. It's this or that. I have held this view since the Iran
hostage situation.
Prof. Krugman Praises VA Hospitals. They Prove Government Health Care Works.
David Stockman spotted a website that dug down into the Web’s memory hole to retrieve these gems from Nobel Prize-winning Keynesian economist, Prof. Paul Krugman of Princeton. 2006 American health care is desperately in need of reform. But what form should change take? Are there any useful examples we can turn to for guidance? Well, […] READ MORE
David Stockman spotted a website that dug down into the Web’s memory hole to retrieve these gems from Nobel Prize-winning Keynesian economist, Prof. Paul Krugman of Princeton. 2006 American health care is desperately in need of reform. But what form should change take? Are there any useful examples we can turn to for guidance? Well, […] READ MORE
Obama’s POW Exchange Could Have Just Unleashed His Worst Nightmare
Jun 03, 2014 02:18 pmFormer Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy describes exactly what could happen to Obama
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Obama’s POW Exchange Could Have Just Unleashed His Worst Nightmare
Why Are “Catholic” Colleges Promoting Homosexual Agenda?
Jun 03, 2014 02:17 pmEven among some Catholic priests, anti-Catholicism seems to be accept and practiced.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Why Are “Catholic” Colleges Promoting Homosexual Agenda?
Obama Makes Terrifying Admission About Released Terrorists
Jun 03, 2014 02:12 pm“I wouldn’t be doing it if I thought..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Obama Makes Terrifying Admission About Released Terrorists
The REAL Reason Obama Traded Taliban Defector Bergdahl For Five Terrorists
Jun 03, 2014 02:03 pmBergdahl appears to have led his fellow soldiers into a trap!
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: The REAL Reason Obama Traded Taliban Defector Bergdahl For Five Terrorists
Harry Reid Is About To Regret Spending So Much Time Attacking The Kochs…
Jun 03, 2014 02:00 pmMartin explained that such a campaign has not been waged by a senator in “generations.”
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Harry Reid Is About To Regret Spending So Much Time Attacking The Kochs…
New Information Could Lead To Death Penalty For Bowe Bergdahl
Jun 03, 2014 01:57 pm“Death is still a lawful sentence..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: New Information Could Lead To Death Penalty For Bowe Bergdahl
Contrasting Conservatism To Obama’s Policy Failures
Jun 02, 2014 08:33 pmHere are a few areas where conservative political policies would make such a difference to the country.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Contrasting Conservatism To Obama’s Policy Failures
Feeding The Beast: Taxpayer Dollars Funding Total Incompetance
Jun 02, 2014 08:19 pmInstead of saying "thank you" to our vets, they said "screw you."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Feeding The Beast: Taxpayer Dollars Funding Total Incompetance
WATCH: Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi On The NSA
Jun 02, 2014 08:06 pm"Uh...uh..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: WATCH: Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi On The NSA
WATCH: Muslim Brotherhood-Supporting US Diplomat Lies To Congress About Palestinian Support For Terrorists
Jun 02, 2014 08:02 pmKnown Muslim Brotherhood supporter caught lying.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: WATCH: Muslim Brotherhood-Supporting US Diplomat Lies To Congress About Palestinian Support For Terrorists
The Case Against Michigan’s Same-Sex Marriage Law: Part 2 Of 3
Jun 02, 2014 07:50 pm“It is the Court’s fervent hope..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: The Case Against Michigan’s Same-Sex Marriage Law: Part 2 Of 3
Yup, Obama’s Still Arming And Training Al Qaeda
Jun 02, 2014 07:43 pmOnce again, American has been lied to by the Community Organizer in Chief.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Yup, Obama’s Still Arming And Training Al Qaeda
An Open Letter From An American To Barack Obama
Jun 02, 2014 07:25 pmI’m a white, Christian, heterosexual male who believes in the right to life...
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: An Open Letter From An American To Barack Obama
Fixing The Department Of Veterans Affairs
Jun 02, 2014 07:05 pmThis is not going to be easy or quick.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Fixing The Department Of Veterans Affairs
Watch: Former CIA Officer Analyzes What Bob Bergdahl Actually Said At The White House
Jun 02, 2014 06:42 pmHis words were translated and analyzed by a former CIA operations officer...
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Watch: Former CIA Officer Analyzes What Bob Bergdahl Actually Said At The White House
No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines
Jun 02, 2014 06:32 pmIn fact, more atmospheric CO2 will spur crop growth – if we let it
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines
“You Just Have To Put It Out Of Your Mind!”
Jun 02, 2014 06:12 pmHere are a few examples of his own experiences in thanking veterans! We all need to live for what they sacrificed their lives for!
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: “You Just Have To Put It Out Of Your Mind!”
Words That Don’t Offend Liberals
Jun 02, 2014 06:00 pmA Liberal has a problem for every solution.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Words That Don’t Offend Liberals
The Death Of Conscience
Jun 02, 2014 05:44 pmFor many years in our country, we have seen increasing numbers of people who do not appear to have any conscience, either good or bad.
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: The Death Of Conscience
Leaked Documents: NSA Is Collecting People’s Photos For Facial Recognition
Jun 02, 2014 05:30 pmOfficials declined to comment on the leaked documents...
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Leaked Documents: NSA Is Collecting People’s Photos For Facial Recognition
These Are 5 Explosive Things You Need To Know About Bowe Bergdahl
Jun 02, 2014 04:30 pmThere are a number of disturbing allegations...
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: These Are 5 Explosive Things You Need To Know About Bowe Bergdahl
Wow: Judge Jeanine Tears Into Obama Over And Over Regarding Veteran Deaths
Jun 02, 2014 04:20 pm"Mr. President, why don't you admit that this job is too much for a community organizer?"
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Wow: Judge Jeanine Tears Into Obama Over And Over Regarding Veteran Deaths
More to read:
DEBUNKED: The Myth Of The 97% Climate Change ConsensusTed Cruz Slams Obama: “Have We Just Put A Price On Other U.S. Soldiers?”
Details Emerge About Taliban Prisoner Bowe Bergdahl That Are Truly Disturbing
This Is How Obama Is Essentially Forming “Hitler Youth” Under The Guise Of Common Core
These Two Major Restaurant Chains Just Joined The Anti-Gun Movement
ALLEN WEST: Just Built The Case For The Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama Allen B West – This morning on WMALs “Morning on the Mall” radio show with hosts Brian and Larry I was asked a simple question relating to the Taliban prisoner release and impeachment of the […] ...READ MORE |
EVEN ALJAZEERA THINKS PRISONER EXCHANGE WAS INSANE: ‘The Guilty Go Free, The Innocent Remain’ by Clive Stafford Smith Controversy has arisen over the U.S. government deal that released five Taliban prisoners held for years in Guantánamo Bay in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, an American soldier captured and held ... READ MORE |
"To be prepared for war, is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." --George Washington, First Annual Message, 1790TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKS
Bergdahl Is No 'Sergeant'
Submitted by Donald Hank:
Al-Qaida-linked Islamists crucifying prisoners in Syrian rebellion - National Law Enforcement |
Come on, Examiner. Don't treat us like children. It's not
just the Obama administration that's carrying Al Qaeda's water for them. John
McCain sided early on with Obama in wanting to support ISIS. He posed for a
photo op with one of its bloody leaders.
Let's get beyond the right-left BS, shall we?
The GOP has shown by its actions in Congress that their
diffferences from Obama are paper thin.
What difference does it make'?, to quote a mediocre
government official.
Don Hank
Al-Qaida-linked Islamists crucifying prisoners in Syrian rebellion - National Law Enforcement |
Today's Featured Story:
WATCH: 16-Year Old Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi on NSA Spying
WATCH: 16-Year Old Teen Confronts Nancy Pelosi on NSA Spying
Trending Today:
GOP USA - THE EAGLE 06/03/2014
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Please help return our legislature to a Conservative, Pro-Family,
Pro-Traditional Values, Pro-Life, Pro-Enforcement, Pro-Lower Taxes,
Pro-Freedom and Pro-2nd Amendment, Pro-1st Amendment and the Entire
Constitution. Like Christine says, if you want to be a Republican then
vote like one.
Well the "Gang of Fifteen" have dwindled to the "Gang of Eight" but they still pose a real danger to our Representative Republican Government and must not be re-elected. Please, if you are in these districts: !!!!!!!!!!!!
LD 8: Vote for Darla Dawald and NOT for Shope nor Pratt
LD 15: Vote for David Burnell Smith and John Allen and NOT for Heather Carter.
LD 28: Vote for Shawnna Bolick and NOT for Kate Brophy McGee
LD 18: Vote for John King and Jill Norgaard and NOT for Robson
LD 18: Vote for Tom Morrissey and NOT for Jeff Dial
LD 25: Vote for Dr. Ralph Heap and NOT for Worsley.
LD 16: Vote for John Fillmore and Kelly Townsend and NOT Doug Coleman
Work for these people and against the Gang of Eight!
Note that word has it that both Heather Carter and Kate Brophy McGee are trying to make a deal with the House Democrats to vote them into leadership positions in exchange for prime committee along with Steve Pierce and Jeff Dial with Senate Democrats chairmanships. That makes perfect sense as they supported the Democrats to over throw Conservative leadership in order to get Obamacare/Medicaid Expansion, Abortion funding, raising taxes, standing with the Dems against Religious Freedom and in support of the Homosexual Agenda. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the original Gang of 15, Michele Reagan, wants a promotion as a reward for rolling the Republicans the last two sessions...we cannot allow her to be Secretary of State. Watch out for her there because if she is nominated, that will make it easier for Terry Goddard to take that office for the Blues. This is a state wide office so everyone on this list can work against her .!!!!!!!!!!!!
In addition, these solid Conservatives deserve your vote:
LD 1 : Vote Noel Campbell
LD 5 : Vote Sonny Borelli, Kelli Ward, Sam Medrano
LD 6 : Vote Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe and Chester Crandell
LD 8 : Vote Irene Littleton, Darla Dawald
LD 11: Vote Steve Smith, Leach, Finchem
LD 12: Vote Andy Biggs, Eddie Farnsworth and Warren Petersen
LD 13: Vote Steve Montenegro, Darin Mitchell and Don Shooter
LD 14: Vote Gail Griffin, David Gowan and David Stevens
LD 15: Vote Nancy Bartp, David Smith and John Allen
LD 16: Vote David Farnsworth, John Fillmore and Kelly Townsend
LD 17: Vote Steve Yarbrough, J.D. Mesnard and Jeff Weninger
LD 18: Vote Tom Morrissey, Jill Norgaard, John King
LD 20: Vote Carl Seel, Kimberly Yee, Anthony Kern
LD 21: Vote Debbie Lesko, Bryan Hackbarth
LD 22: Vote Judy Burgess, David Livingston and Phil Lovas
LD 23: Vote John Kavanagh, Michelle Ugenti and Jay Lawrence
LD 25: Vote Dr. Ralph Heap and anyone but “Udall”
LD 26: Vote Dale Eames (Independent) and James Roy
LD 23: Vote John Kavanagh, Jay Lawrence and Michelle Ugenti
LD 28: Vote Shawnna Bolick
LD 29: Vote Aaron Borders
Well the "Gang of Fifteen" have dwindled to the "Gang of Eight" but they still pose a real danger to our Representative Republican Government and must not be re-elected. Please, if you are in these districts: !!!!!!!!!!!!
LD 8: Vote for Darla Dawald and NOT for Shope nor Pratt
LD 15: Vote for David Burnell Smith and John Allen and NOT for Heather Carter.
LD 28: Vote for Shawnna Bolick and NOT for Kate Brophy McGee
LD 18: Vote for John King and Jill Norgaard and NOT for Robson
LD 18: Vote for Tom Morrissey and NOT for Jeff Dial
LD 25: Vote for Dr. Ralph Heap and NOT for Worsley.
LD 16: Vote for John Fillmore and Kelly Townsend and NOT Doug Coleman
Work for these people and against the Gang of Eight!
Note that word has it that both Heather Carter and Kate Brophy McGee are trying to make a deal with the House Democrats to vote them into leadership positions in exchange for prime committee along with Steve Pierce and Jeff Dial with Senate Democrats chairmanships. That makes perfect sense as they supported the Democrats to over throw Conservative leadership in order to get Obamacare/Medicaid Expansion, Abortion funding, raising taxes, standing with the Dems against Religious Freedom and in support of the Homosexual Agenda. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the original Gang of 15, Michele Reagan, wants a promotion as a reward for rolling the Republicans the last two sessions...we cannot allow her to be Secretary of State. Watch out for her there because if she is nominated, that will make it easier for Terry Goddard to take that office for the Blues. This is a state wide office so everyone on this list can work against her .!!!!!!!!!!!!
In addition, these solid Conservatives deserve your vote:
LD 1 : Vote Noel Campbell
LD 5 : Vote Sonny Borelli, Kelli Ward, Sam Medrano
LD 6 : Vote Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe and Chester Crandell
LD 8 : Vote Irene Littleton, Darla Dawald
LD 11: Vote Steve Smith, Leach, Finchem
LD 12: Vote Andy Biggs, Eddie Farnsworth and Warren Petersen
LD 13: Vote Steve Montenegro, Darin Mitchell and Don Shooter
LD 14: Vote Gail Griffin, David Gowan and David Stevens
LD 15: Vote Nancy Bartp, David Smith and John Allen
LD 16: Vote David Farnsworth, John Fillmore and Kelly Townsend
LD 17: Vote Steve Yarbrough, J.D. Mesnard and Jeff Weninger
LD 18: Vote Tom Morrissey, Jill Norgaard, John King
LD 20: Vote Carl Seel, Kimberly Yee, Anthony Kern
LD 21: Vote Debbie Lesko, Bryan Hackbarth
LD 22: Vote Judy Burgess, David Livingston and Phil Lovas
LD 23: Vote John Kavanagh, Michelle Ugenti and Jay Lawrence
LD 25: Vote Dr. Ralph Heap and anyone but “Udall”
LD 26: Vote Dale Eames (Independent) and James Roy
LD 23: Vote John Kavanagh, Jay Lawrence and Michelle Ugenti
LD 28: Vote Shawnna Bolick
LD 29: Vote Aaron Borders
Today is the one-year anniversary of Mark Hutchison voting not once, not twice, but three times to implement ObamaCare in Nevada.
as we all know now, the Nevada ObamaCare exchange that Mark has been
defending so vigorously throughout this campaign has turned out to be an
absolute and total disaster. As the kids say, "Epic fail."
So bad, in fact, that the program's own board had called for its elimination!
ObamaCare was shoved down the nation's throat four years ago by back room deals orchestrated by Harry Reid.
year ago today, Mark Hutchison voted three times for spoonfuls of sugar
to help the socialized medicine go down here in Nevada.
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 06/03/2014
Yellowstone Eruption, Not 'If' But 'When' - Evacuations Plans In Place? (video)
The World Is Nine Meals From Widespread Revolution
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
The World Is Nine Meals From Widespread Revolution Dave Hodges The
Common Sense Show The World Bank is boldly proclaiming that extreme food
shortages and subsequent food riots will take place in the near future
largely due to the rapid increase in food prices. In their recent
report, only released...
NDAA: Dictator Obama's Illegal Martial Law Blocked By 7th City/County
"Mega Earth" The Announcement Of Planet X (Shocking Video!) (video)
Hideous Demonic Prince Over USA Makes Himself Known--and, MASS ZOMBIE Outbreak! (Must-See Videos) (video)
Man Has a Shocking Vision of The Future and You'll Be Amazed By What He Saw... (video)
Watch Obama's Face As Bergdahl's Dad Invoked Allah In Arabic (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: The Liberator.
American Thinker Thomas Lifson When Bob Bergdahl launched in Arabic,
invoking Allah while standing next to President Obama in the White House
Rose Garden, a number of Americans were startled. Claire Lopez, a
former CIA operations officer, a strategic policy and intelligence
expert with a focus on Middle East, national...
12 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Will Revolutionize Your Health
Keiser Report: Bond Bubble Burst (E609) (video)
from RussiaToday In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and
Stacy Herbert discuss investors picking up nickels in front of
steamrollers as both stocks and bonds soar. In the second half, Max
interviews Ian Fraser, author of Shredded: Inside RBS, The Bank That
Broke Britain. They discuss how...
Real Ghost Orb Caught in High Definition (Video) (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormics.
This video was caught by my son who told us that he was seeing ghosts
or spirits in his bedroom. He used his laptop and a Microsoft LifeChat
cam to record the ghost, spirit, or Orb. He set it to record when he
went to sleep and this ghost is...
CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America
CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die
Something Bad Is Coming! It's Not at the Door...It's HERE! Christians, Patriots, Veterans, Be Ready! (video)
We're now in the final days of the primary, and our campaign is gearing up for the final push to the Republican Primary Election Day on June 10th.
Our volunteers are ready to do their part to help us secure the nomination-we just need your help to fully fund our important Get Out the Vote effort.
Our Get Out the Vote Effort will ensure our identified supporters cast their ballots and offer one final appeal to undecided voters.
Right now, we're just $4,500 short of fully funding our Get Out the Vote Effort, which starts tomorrow.
Can you help us reach our goal of fully funding our "Get out the Vote" effort? If so, please click here to donate $25, $50, $100, or more within the next 24 hours.
Your dollars will help us reach voters on several different fronts. For example:
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