Morning Briefing
For June 19, 2014
The Redskins Get Their Trademark Yanked by Aggrieved White Liberals
The Washington Redskins were just standing there looking all
privileged and stuff on the back of American Indians. So they were
targeted by a class of men who pee sitting down.
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Protecting the Precious
In Washington today, the circle of jerks covering President Obama is
more interested in scalping the Redskins than getting to the bottom of
how 7 employees of the IRS could suddenly have their emails erased with
no backups. So many of their spouses work for President Obama, they feel
their chief duty is to protect their precious.
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Members of Congress Should Support Marlin Stutzman
The leadership shake up in the wake of Eric Cantor’s defeat is
maddening. Raul Labrador looks to be more of a protest vote than a
serious challenge.
In the whip spot to replace McCarthy there are three candidates: Scalise, Peter Roskam, and Marlin Stutzman.
Roskam is pretty terrible. He has a 52% on Heritage’s scorecard. He’s
not trusted by conservatives. And he is terrible on spending issues
among others. The guy is just awful.
But a number of conservatives are supporting Roskam because Steve
Scalise worked tireless behind the scenes to marginalize conservatives.
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Jindal Smartly Follows The Winds On Common Core
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal followed through on previous public
statements about his increasing dissatisfaction with the state’s
implementation of the controversial Common Core standards and announced
his desire to pull out of Partnership of Assessments for College and
Career Readiness (PARCC) testing – a key feature of the educational
“reform” program.
In doing so, Jindal signaled a complete reversal from just a few
years ago, when Louisiana wholeheartedly signed on for the full and
speedy implementation of the standards. At the time, Louisiana’s Common
Core participation wasn’t considered overly controversial; if anything,
it was ignored amid some far more high-profile educational reform
efforts Jindal had pursued with the state legislature. Teacher tenure
reform, rapid charter school and course choice expansion and educational
vouchers were headline-grabbers, but Common Core was unknown until
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Under ObamaCare Scheme, Union Bosses Win While Workers And Taxpayers Lose
The most recent example of a bad idea gone worse was illustrated last
week when UNITE-HERE—a union representing 270,000 workers throughout
the U.S. and Canada who work in the hotel, gaming, food service, and
laundry industries— protested last week outside the U.S. Capitol where
‘dozens’ of Sodexo workers “demanded” the closing of an ObamaCare
loophole that allows companies to reclassify workers to part-time
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Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, CT bans RedState!
54° 40' Or Fight! has the simultaneously flattering, and creepy,
details: we’re going to address this in more detail later, but suffice
it to say that some progressive goodthinker at the Nonnewaug High School
system decided to block conservative sites – including this one! –
while leaving liberal ones up and running. ‘Hate speech,’ don’t you
know. Which is really awkward, given that the school is
blocking the state Republican party while letting the state Democratic
party through.
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The immediate dividends of Cantor’s defeat
Over at Talking Points Memo, their “senior congressional reporter,” a
guy named Sahil Kapur, bemoans Eric Cantor’s loss. This has to be taken
with a grain of salt as Kapur was one of the “journalists” who
criticized Matt Drudge for reporting he’d paid Obamacare taxes. For the
sake of argument, we’ll assume that Kapur knows more about Congress than
he does about economics or tax law.
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Scott Walker, Voter ID and The Virulent Racial Toxicity of The New Republic
There really are times when life imitates The New Republic. These are
rarely pleasant or laudable times; but it does happen. A recent play in
Brazil’s opening World Cup match vs. Croatia reminded me a lot of a
recent article by Alec McGillis in TNR. I’ll describe each and you’ll
immediately see the resemblance.
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Bob Corker: Another Reason to Not Support David Perdue
Bob Corker wants a 12 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax. He
does not want to eliminate the hybrid car subsidy that is causing the
highway trust fund’s deficit. He just wants to raise taxes.
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson