Their tricks and deceptions & fear are just now working for them.....'the light has shone on the COCKROACHES' !!
I'd like to share some of the things we are hearing from military officials: "I believe there is a purging of the military. The problem is worse than we have ever seen." "Morale is at an unprecedented low." -- Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush The "bigger picture" is that "the U.S. armed forces have been under relentless attack by the occupant of the Oval Office for five years." -- Retired Navy Capt. Joseph John, a Naval Academy graduate who served three tours of duty in Vietnam, served as an al-Qaida expert for the FBI, and was a commanding officer with SEALs embedded on special operations |
"Reason, like the Sun, is common to all; and 'tis for want of examining all by the same light and measure, that we are not all of the same mind: For all have it to that end, though not all do use it so." ~ William Penn |
Blah, Blah, Pusillanimous Blah ... |
Posted On America's Conservative News You know your calls and faxes to Washington are having an effect when Republicans step forward and start trying to float "alternate plans" as to what should be done instead of impeaching Barack Hussein Obama ... Read The Full Story |
Obama Inc. Now in Talks to Qatar About Taliban Commanders He ReleasedIt really makes you nostalgic for the national security policy of the Carter administration. Read more » |
SOLD OUT: Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest
AFDI and Jihad Watch are sponsoring tomorrow’s
Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas to stand for
the freedom of speech and free society against violent intimidation.
Stand with us. “SOLD OUT: May 3rd Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest in
Garland, Texas (Photos),” by Bob Price, Breitbart, May 2, 2015: AFDI Art
Contest […] |
by Chuck Muth
May 3, 2015
After my blog post on Friday about the situation in Baltimore,
suggesting that it was a bad idea for Freddie
Gray to run away from the cops, Nevada Democrat Senate Minority Leader Aaron Ford responded on Facebook…