Is Obama Lacking Common-Sense or Is He Hell Bent on The Destruction of The U.S.A.?
By Lee S Gliddon Jr
As thousands of children stream across our border with Mexico Obama says, "May I have another beer?"
As ISIS terrorists capture low grade fissionable material and issues threats against the USA Obama says, "We cannot afford the military levels currently in existence."
Then Obama meets with Governor Rick Perry in Texas and utilizes Saul Alinsky tactics to avoid questions about visiting the border.
The Main Stream Media (MSM) continues it's protection of Obama and seems to forget that their reports of the years Bush was in office said, "No WMDs in Iraq!" Although 6.2 metric tons of yellowcake were shipped from Iraq to Canada, "There is no trace of WMDs in Iraq."
Now, "Chemical Warfare plants captured by ISIS along with 90 pounds of fissionable material," articles are reported in small items in hidden pages of newspapers.
"Obama presses Congress for $3.7 Billion to handle Border Children Problem." All the while not one word about military cutbacks!
We hear of Senator Harry Reid demanding action to stop the use of the word 'Redskin' by a sports team, but not a word about our Employment Problems. Border Problems, IRS Problems, NSA Snooping Problems, or anything that might benefit the citizens of the great nation.
(By the way...Some one might want to tell Senator Reid, Oklahoma means, Okla, (Choctaw language), means 'people,' and Humma means 'red.')
Our common-sense tells us, 'Do not disarm when threatened!'
The MSM has given Obama passes on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, and scores of outrageous scandals and now supports him in blaming Republicans for the border situation caused by his reckless use of Executive Orders to grant the Dream Act to younger Illegal Aliens. Question is, 'will they ever wake up or are they too invested in their own destruction?
Obama, by his own actions, has proven his love of Islam and the destruction of Christianity. Is he now going to sacrifice this nation to the altar of heathenism?
So, I ask again - Is Obama lacking in common-sense or is he hell-bent on the destruction of this great nation?
As Congress refuses to do it's job in protecting the People of the USA, will I be the first to greet them in a camp especially constructed for Conservatives?
Thursday, July 10, 2014
GOOD NEWS! “Ground offensive into Gaza may happen very soon”
by BareNakedIslam
all the FEEL GOOD PHOTOS coming out of Gaza. Hamas will pay for their
barrage of attacks on Israeli civilians. Israel says, "We will cripple
and eviscerate Hamas' ability to launch rockets once and for all."
CNN Israeli airstrikes pounded targets in Gaza, killing scores of people
Wednesday as dozens of militant rockets streaked into […]
ACTIVIST POST 07/10/2014
Obama's Banned Aid for Hurting Kids
The President won't lock down the border, but he has no problem locking out the church. With reports of over 50,000 unaccompanied minors having already crossed the border, a number which is estimated to climb to 90,000, it appears the only ones unwelcome in America are Christian pastors and their churches. Like a lot of nearby congregations in Arizona, Pastor Kyle Coffin's CrossRoads Church in Tucson wanted to pitch in and help. It wasn't an unreasonable idea -- or so he thought.With taxpayers potentially on the hook for another $3.7 billion in emergency aid, Coffin assumed the Feds would take all the help they could get. He was wrong. "Back in the day, if you were in trouble and poor, the first thing you thought of was going to the church," he told Fox News's Todd Starnes. "Whether it was for food, clothing, shelter or helping pay bills -- the church was the front line. Now it's the government who is the front line."
Sen. Ted Cruz sounds off on Obama’s approach to immigration reform
Jul 09, 2014 08:24 pm
Go To Full Post: Sen. Ted Cruz sounds off on Obama’s approach to immigration reform
Jul 09, 2014 08:24 pm
Go To Full Post: Sen. Ted Cruz sounds off on Obama’s approach to immigration reform
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
NATIONAL PARK – Firehole Lake Drive in Yellowstone National Park has
been temporarily closed due to a damaged road surface, park officials
said Thursday.
to a press release, extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas has
caused thick oil to bubble to the surface, damaging the blacktop and
creating unsafe driving conditions on the popular and scenic road off
the Grand Loop Road halfway between Old Faithful and Madison Junction in
the park’s Lower Geyser Basin.
The 3.3-mile loop drive takes visitors past Great Fountain Geyser, White Dome Geyser and Firehole Lake.
LIFE NEWS 07/10/2014
Abortion Backer Who Assaulted Pro-Lifers: I Had The Right to Attack Them
The abortion backer who attacked a pro-life teen in a profane rant captured on video yesterday is defending her actions and has no intention of apologizing.
Pro-life activist Seth Drayer was physically attacked (video below) while leading a group of pro-life students in sharing the pro-life message in downtown Columbus, Ohio today. The video shows a woman in a Burger King shirt attacking the pro-lifers.
Pro-life activist Seth Drayer was physically attacked (video below) while leading a group of pro-life students in sharing the pro-life message in downtown Columbus, Ohio today. The video shows a woman in a Burger King shirt attacking the pro-lifers.
Muslims Rape Christian Women - 600 Christians Take Up Arms And Make One Final And Heroic Stand Against Muslim Jihadists
Today's Articles
- John Boehner: “We have a system of government outlined in our Constitution” But I won’t follow it Concerning Impeachment of Barack Obama
- Muslim Terrorists Paying $50,000 to Sneak Across US Southern Border
- Security Alert: ISIS Insurgents Seize Uranium in Iraq: “Can Be Used In Weapons of Mass Destruction”
CHUCK KOLB 07/10/2014
NO Borders/Nation - ILLEGAL
Immigrants/pResident - GAZA War !!!
an extensive post for an extensive time such as this mash smash ...
Previously posted ...
Bi Bi ! Maoz Israel - Israel is under very heavy attack !!!
an extensive post for an extensive time such as this mash smash ...
Previously posted ...
Bi Bi ! Maoz Israel - Israel is under very heavy attack !!!
COWBOYBYTE 07/10/2014
Different attackers in Benghazi?Ready to strike when the opportunity arose. Check it out: Newly revealed testimony from top military commanders involved in the U.S. response to the Benghazi attacks suggests that the perpetrators of a second, dawn attack on a CIA complex probably … Continue reading → |
Top Cowboy Headlines |
FREEDOM WORKS 07/10/2014
1. Be Careful What You Ask For
I strongly oppose the new Common Core curriculum for K-12 and all-day kindergarten that are in the process of being implemented into Region 16. Contrary to what proponents are saying, Common Core will dumb down our students' education; it is important that parents and taxpayers understand this.
First, I will point out that Common Core is unconstitutional because it is a federal take-over of education when education is the responsibility of parents with their local communities. In addition, Common Core is bad for parents, teachers, taxpayers, as well as students. Read more here...
I strongly oppose the new Common Core curriculum for K-12 and all-day kindergarten that are in the process of being implemented into Region 16. Contrary to what proponents are saying, Common Core will dumb down our students' education; it is important that parents and taxpayers understand this.
First, I will point out that Common Core is unconstitutional because it is a federal take-over of education when education is the responsibility of parents with their local communities. In addition, Common Core is bad for parents, teachers, taxpayers, as well as students. Read more here...
GOP USA - THE EAGLE 07/10/2014
"It is on great occasions only, and after time has been given for cool and deliberate reflection, that the real voice of the people can be known." --George Washington, letter to Edward Carrington, 1796TOP 5 RIGHT HOOKS
Illegal Minors and MS13
Conservatives, First, I wanted to say thank you for your support during the campaign. I cannot put into words just how appreciative I was of the overwhelming support I received during the campaign. Campaigns are a team effort, and your contribution was invaluable. Together, we were able mount an honest and effective campaign against an establishment Republican who had the backing of Nevada's state and national party leaders. We took a stand and fought for real conservative values. We brought issues to the campaign debate that the establishment doesn't have the courage to take on. Unfortunately, while I believe we made an impact, we came up short in the end. In the final days of the campaign, we gave it everything we had-- and more. In fact, we incurred expenses that went beyond our original budget. We believed these expenses could be paid once the nomination was secured; however, this didn't happen. |
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
Act of War on America – Mexico and Guatemala Sign Agreement to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S.
by Rick Wells |
A Monday
joint press conference was held by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina to announce their agreement
to jointly cooperate in and facilitate the invasion of their northern
neighbor, the United States.
Labeled “The Southern
Border Program to Improve Passage,” it is an officially-sanctioned,
coordinated effort on the part of Mexico and the nations of Central
America to invade the United States.
JIHAD WATCH 07/10/2014
Jul 09, 2014 03:54 pm | Robert Spencer
suspect, identified in the newspaper report as Ali M, reportedly said
he would target French landmarks including the Eiffel Tower, Louvre and
‘cultural events that take place in the south of France in which
thousands of Christians gather for a month.’” Remember: opposing this is
“hatred” and “bigotry.” “Terror plot targeting Eiffel Tower, Louvre […]GRASSTOPS USA 07/10/2014
"That no free government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles." ~ George Mason |
Warning That Congress Might Read Her Emails |
By Todd Beamon Former IRS supervisor Lois Lerner emailed colleagues urging them to be careful about what they put in their own messages because the information could be discovered by congressional investigators. Read The Full Story |
Border activists deploy 'reality checkpoints' in El Paso
Rep. Lenar Whitney is the most outspoken,
conservative member of the Louisiana Legislature.
Now she's running for congress.
Recently, she shook the liberal hornet's nest with a viral video, where she called man-made Global Warming a hoax. Global warming is not just the biggest hoax in the world, it's literally changing economic policy around the world.
THE POINT 07/10/2014
Hamas Scales Up to Nuclear Terrorism
Hamas has shown that it is capable of infinite malice
Read more »
Lois Lerner Was Hoping They Wouldn’t Find This Email, But Investigators Just Did
Jul 10, 2014 03:00 pm“we need to be cautious..."
This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Informing And Equipping Americans Who Love Freedom
Read More and Comment: Lois Lerner Was Hoping They Wouldn’t Find This Email, But Investigators Just Did
Breaking News:
- Harry Reid and Senate Lead Charge to Overturn Hobby Lobby Decision
- Everything is Racist – The Nebraska Float Controversy
- VA Scandal Worsens and Obama's Legacy Rots Away
- Could America Be Headed For A Civilization-Destroying Famine?
Yours in freedom,
Unfiltered Patriot
- Harry Reid and Senate Lead Charge to Overturn Hobby Lobby Decision
- Everything is Racist – The Nebraska Float Controversy
- VA Scandal Worsens and Obama's Legacy Rots Away
- Could America Be Headed For A Civilization-Destroying Famine?
Yours in freedom,
Unfiltered Patriot
ALT 07/10/2014
ALT Headlines Featured Stories for July 10, 2014 | ||||
Crony Capitalist-opoly:
Where the Odds are Stacked Against the Little Guy
beloved board game Monopoly has spawned all manner of themed spinoffs. There’s Dog-opoly, Chocolate-opoly,
KISS-opoly, Muppet-opoly, Elvis-opoly and even Las Vegas-opoly.
isn’t yet a Nevada-opoly, but if there was, the rules of the game would have to
be changed significantly to be realistic.
Arabs came to the land of Israel because of what the Jews did thereby BareNakedIslam |
So, why are they trying so hard to destroy it? h/t Don L
Terror-linked CAIR demands NYPD drop everything and investigate anti-Islam graffiti in Brooklynby BareNakedIslam |
woman says she is "so scared for her safety." Ryan Mahoney, (Irish?
president of CAIR) says, "anti-Muslim graffiti writers have hateful
opinions of other minority groups, too." ( can hate Muslims
without hating anybody else) RELATED STORY: muslims-shocked-when-anti-islam-graffiti-shows-up-in-brooklyn-during-ramadana-ding-dong
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 07/10/2014
Fracking Earthquakes Move Across State Lines — From Oklahoma To Kansas (Videos) (video)
FIX THIS NATION 07/10/2014
Your #1 Conservative News Source
>> Concealed Carry - Are You Making These Five Mistakes? <<
>> Seattle Group Strikes Back at $15/Hour Minimum Wage Law <<
>> Gun Buybacks: Why Are We Bothering With This Nonsense? <<
>> Largest Newspaper Admits "We Were Wrong" on Obama <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
>> Concealed Carry - Are You Making These Five Mistakes? <<
>> Seattle Group Strikes Back at $15/Hour Minimum Wage Law <<
>> Gun Buybacks: Why Are We Bothering With This Nonsense? <<
>> Largest Newspaper Admits "We Were Wrong" on Obama <<
In Freedom,
Steven Williams
Jul 10, 2014 07:30 am

By News Editor
At least one Democratic congressman is “very very upset” with the idea that President Obama was shooting in Denver with Colorado governor John Hickenlooper today rather than visiting the southwestern border.
Dem. Congressman: ‘Floored Me’ to See Obama Shoot Pool Rather than Visit Border
By News Editor
At least one Democratic congressman is “very very upset” with the idea that President Obama was shooting in Denver with Colorado governor John Hickenlooper today rather than visiting the southwestern border.
Dem. Congressman: ‘Floored Me’ to See Obama Shoot Pool Rather than Visit Border
Submitted by: BobJen
National MiddleClass Network DAILY Briefer – 7-10-14
National MiddleClass Network DAILY Briefer – 7-10-14
Note: This is
a "DAILY" Briefer. "If you DON'T get one DAILY, say something".
...and don’t miss Rush and the Aiiens
Telethon at the end.
Vincent Gioia...Texas Judge Clay Jenkins: We’re Not
Going to Tolerate 1st Amendment Protests Against Illegals
RedState Briefing 07/10/2014
Morning Briefing
For July 10, 2014
The Christian Thing to Do
Christians are used to hearing people say “it’s the Christian thing to do.” Most often, it is by people deeply hostile to Christianity who say it. I get this all the time — even more so since I announced I am going to seminary. Liberals with no sense of Christianity want to tell Christians how they must behave and, by and large, hate us when we behave as Christians.
Now, I know many of you do not share my faith. But there is a larger point that must be made here so bear with me. Tolerance is not a Christian value. It is necessary in the course of civil and democratic society to be tolerant of other people’s ideas and opinions, but tolerance for the sake of tolerance is not a Christian value.
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