Please join me as a charter subscriber to the hottest free weekly
online magazine for America’s new generation of black conservative leaders.

Dear Friend,
America is the
land of
dreams, and it has fulfilled the dreams of so many people
from so many places. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. And by
working hard, embracing my mother's values and seizing opportunity, I was
able to become a neurosurgeon. But I worry that today's generations have
been lulled into a complacency that is destroying the promise of The
The ruling elite has convinced too many young adults that it's OK
to stay at home and live in your parents' basements playing video games or
aimlessly roaming the streets with friends. After all, you can get a
monthly check, a free cell phone and health insurance from Uncle Sam for
doing nothing.
has been replaced by despair. Embracing
values, marriage and family has been ridiculed. Government dependence has
been substituted for
And mediocrity has replaced
I want you to join me today in demolishing this culture of failure and
standing up to the media elite, who for too long have treated black
Americans as a monolithic bloc addicted to a single political dogma. We
need a
new media source
that embraces hard work, moral character, family values, good education
and self-reliance and inspires the next generation with
models who have cast off the chains of mediocre
expectations and proven that
American dream is alive and well.