By: Lee S Gliddon Jr
Only a mad man would try to thwart the will of the people by sending his goons in to overthrow a state government.
Public Workers retire with MEGA-BUCKS yet pay nothing for their retirement! Public Workers pay almost nothing towards their Medical Insurance while the private sector pays a full 50% of their own.
Wisconsin is nearly $4 BILLION in the red and due to Unions there is no solution other than having Public Employees pay their FAIR share!
Obama should be ashamed of himself but his narcissistic attitude prohibits that from ever happening!
The solution is, FIRE the people that are causing the problem and hire new people while having the new-hires contribute to their Pensions and fairly pay towards their Health Care Plans.
While we are at it...let's fire Obama!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
- Submitted byMellie B on February 17, 2011 at Patriot Action Network
I just learned that ALL FOURTEEN MISSING WISCONSIN SENATORS are held up at the Clock Tower Hotel in Rockford IL on East State St. at I-90 in Rockford, IL. If you are ANYWHERE in the vacinity get to the Clock Tower RIGHT NOW for a flash rally.
The Rockford Tea Party just chased the Wisconsin democrats out of the Best Western. They just boarded their bus and are leaving the Best Western!
Thanks Roland Brill for this Information!!
Obama’s Gay Reeducation for Marines on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” By Ben Johnson, FloydReports.com |
The Left's drive to homosexualize the American military is about to take its next major leap forward, as the most resistant branch of the military, Marines currently fighting Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan, will receive re-education classes about open homosexuality. The propaganda push comes as the brass implements the new law, signed by President Obama, allowing open homosexuals into the armed forces. Maj. Gen. Richard Mills (yes, "General Mills") revealed that Marines currently in combat will receive these classes as part of a teleconference this week from Afghanistan's Helmand Province. He promised troops in Helmand and Nimroz will receive the re-education "as soon as we can get them in an environment where they can pay attention." |
Read More and Comment: |
House votes to overthrow 'czars'
- Submitted by Asst Natl Dir Mellie B on February 17, 2011 at Patriot Action Network
By ROBIN BRAVENDER | 2/17/11 7:20 PM EST
The House voted Thursday to dethrone nine White House “czars.”
Republicans successfully added an amendment to the continuing resolution that would leave President Barack Obama’s senior advisers on policy issues including health care, energy and others out of a job.
“These unappointed, unaccountable people who are literally running a shadow government, heading up these little fiefdoms that nobody can really seem to identify where they are or what they’re doing,” Scalise said Thursday. “But we do know that they’re wielding vast amounts of power.”
Republicans successfully added an amendment to the continuing resolution that would leave President Barack Obama’s senior advisers on policy issues including health care, energy and others out of a job.
The vote was 249-179.
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) offered the amendment that blocks funding for various policy advisers to combat what he called “a very disturbing proliferation of czars” under Obama.“These unappointed, unaccountable people who are literally running a shadow government, heading up these little fiefdoms that nobody can really seem to identify where they are or what they’re doing,” Scalise said Thursday. “But we do know that they’re wielding vast amounts of power.”
TSA Agents Accused of Stealing $40G From Luggage
Published February 17, 2011
| FoxNews.com
NEW YORK – Two Transportation Security Administration agents have been arrested on charges of stealing $40,000 from luggage at a New York City airport.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown says the theft occurred at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Jan. 30 when TSA agent Persad Coumar X-rayed a piece of luggage and spotted what appeared to be a wad of cash in it.
The district attorney says Coumar phoned fellow TSA officer Davon Webb and they worked together to steal $40,000 from the bag. He says they met in a bathroom, divided up the cash and hid it in their clothes.
Brown says the money was recovered from their homes.
Coumar and Webb were being held Wednesday and couldn't be reached for comment. They were awaiting arraignment on charges including grand larceny.
Inflation Could Bounce Obama in 2012
By Liz Peek
Published February 17, 2011
| FoxNews.com
President Obama must know that he’s playing with fire. Already under the gun for failing to address our nation’s jobs crisis, he will soon be slammed for bringing on inflation. If he thinks the crowds in Tahrir Square were rowdy, wait till the Tea Party members see their fixed incomes shattered by higher prices. Some of us have seen this picture before, during the brief and unlamented presidency of Jimmy Carter. It did not end well – for the country, or for Carter.
Rightly or wrongly, the administration’s loose money policies will be blamed for inflation that will, in fact, have many sources. The inexorable growth of populations and living standards in Asia, the newfound investor interest in commodities, poor crop yields – all of these factors have boosted prices for foods and materials around the world. In the U.S., rising costs have been masked by our excess of housing and by the government’s efforts to squash interest rates. Also, companies recovering from the financial crisis have enjoyed soaring productivity, which has postponed the need to pass along rising costs. High levels of unemployment mean that companies do not face any imminent surge in labor costs.
Dear Conservatives,
Two years ago today President Obama gave us one of his infamous "teachable moments" when his massive $814 billion government stimulus boondoggle passed Congress.
The president promised his $814 billion spending spree would keep unemployment below 8 percent; it didn’t happen. He said it would save or create millions of jobs; but millions of jobs in the private sector were lost while the number of government bureaucrats increased.
The president used the same tired big government playbook of jacking up spending on the backs of current and future taxpayers to advance his liberal ideology. But his scheme failed, like most liberal ideas, and thanks to grassroots activists like you who worked tirelessly to educate our fellow citizens on the disastrous impact of the stimulus boondoggle the American public knows it. In fact, now President Obama and his friends on the Left don't even utter the word "stimulus"!
Two years ago today President Obama gave us one of his infamous "teachable moments" when his massive $814 billion government stimulus boondoggle passed Congress.
The president promised his $814 billion spending spree would keep unemployment below 8 percent; it didn’t happen. He said it would save or create millions of jobs; but millions of jobs in the private sector were lost while the number of government bureaucrats increased.
The president used the same tired big government playbook of jacking up spending on the backs of current and future taxpayers to advance his liberal ideology. But his scheme failed, like most liberal ideas, and thanks to grassroots activists like you who worked tirelessly to educate our fellow citizens on the disastrous impact of the stimulus boondoggle the American public knows it. In fact, now President Obama and his friends on the Left don't even utter the word "stimulus"!
ALABAMA - We The People Newsletter 02/18/2011
In this issue, We the People - Alabama finishes publishing the detailed list of the Specific Standards for Representatives
by which the job performance of our elected representatives will be partially measured.
The Failure of a President
By: Lee S Gliddon Jr
A man sits in the White House and is not only inept but is also purposely allowing Liberals to dictate everything that is destructiveve to the American way of life.
Unemployment surged in February (see Gallup) and Obama continues to defend his intended raising of taxes on America's businesses.
States such as Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida as well as others are finding that State Employees who have superior health care plans pay little or nothing towards the cost of those plans. This same situation applies to their Retirement Plans. They pay nothing yet enjoy retirement programs that pay them a sum equal to 90 percent HIGHER then the workers that earned far less than they for doing the same type of work.
By: Lee S Gliddon Jr
A man sits in the White House and is not only inept but is also purposely allowing Liberals to dictate everything that is destructiveve to the American way of life.
Unemployment surged in February (see Gallup) and Obama continues to defend his intended raising of taxes on America's businesses.
States such as Wisconsin, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida as well as others are finding that State Employees who have superior health care plans pay little or nothing towards the cost of those plans. This same situation applies to their Retirement Plans. They pay nothing yet enjoy retirement programs that pay them a sum equal to 90 percent HIGHER then the workers that earned far less than they for doing the same type of work.
Budget Battle: Democrats Who Left State are Located
By The WTMJ News Team
Story Created: Feb 17, 2011
Story Updated: Feb 17, 2011
Story Updated: Feb 17, 2011
MADISON - Democratic State Senators who protested the budget repair bill by leaving the state have been found.
The lawmakers are in the Best Western Clock Tower Resort in Rockford Illinois.
Law enforcement officials have been looking for at least one Democratic senator to bring in for a quorum required for a fiscal measure, but Democratic Senator Jon Erpenbach confirmed to Newsradio 620 WTMJ that he and all of his Democratic colleagues boarded a bus and left the state.
"We're not in Wisconsin right now," Erpenbach said. "The reason why we're doing this is because there are some jurisdictional issues that we'd be dealing with."
The Senate's Sergeant at Arms cannot compel Senators' attendance in an open session if they are outside of state lines.
According to the Twitter account of Democrat State Senator Chris Larson from Bay View, "For those looking for us, we are right here, standing with the people of Wisconsin."
When asked by TODAY'S TMJ4's Tom Murray why he would not divulge his location, he said "I don't want those details to take away from the message being sent by the people of Wisconsin
The lawmakers are in the Best Western Clock Tower Resort in Rockford Illinois.
Law enforcement officials have been looking for at least one Democratic senator to bring in for a quorum required for a fiscal measure, but Democratic Senator Jon Erpenbach confirmed to Newsradio 620 WTMJ that he and all of his Democratic colleagues boarded a bus and left the state.
"We're not in Wisconsin right now," Erpenbach said. "The reason why we're doing this is because there are some jurisdictional issues that we'd be dealing with."
The Senate's Sergeant at Arms cannot compel Senators' attendance in an open session if they are outside of state lines.
According to the Twitter account of Democrat State Senator Chris Larson from Bay View, "For those looking for us, we are right here, standing with the people of Wisconsin."
When asked by TODAY'S TMJ4's Tom Murray why he would not divulge his location, he said "I don't want those details to take away from the message being sent by the people of Wisconsin
Headlines - Thursday, February 17, 2011
- UC-Davis ousts religious discrimination definition that characterized Christians as oppressors February 17, 2011
- Taxpayers v. Public Teacher Unions: Wisconsin battle may have long term national implications February 17, 2011
- ADF response to Calif. Supreme Court’s decision to hear 9th Cir. question in marriage amendment case February 17, 2011
- 2nd Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Street Preacher’s Challenge To Noise Ordinance February 17, 2011
- Ohio bill limits public employee unions February 17, 2011
- Hawaii Senate Passes Same-Sex Civil Unions Bill February 17, 2011
- Cal. Supreme Court to decide whether Prop 8 proponents can defend when state refuses February 17, 2011
ADF in the News
Dear Conservatives,
I need your help today -- right now, in fact -- to stop the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from falling into the hands of the most extreme union boss puppets in HISTORY.
President Obama has just nominated Lafe Solomon, a lifelong lackey for Organized Labor, to the most powerful labor law position in the ENTIRE federal government -- General Counsel to the NLRB.
If confirmed, Solomon could be the KEY to imposing “Card Check” -- the union bosses’ scheme to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections -- BY REGULATORY FIAT!
Now, don’t get me wrong. Since its creation under FDR, the NLRB has always been a nest of pro-forced-unionism bureaucrats.
But especially with Lafe Solomon added to the mix, this new crowd of Obama radicals make previous NLRBs look tame
I need your help today -- right now, in fact -- to stop the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from falling into the hands of the most extreme union boss puppets in HISTORY.
President Obama has just nominated Lafe Solomon, a lifelong lackey for Organized Labor, to the most powerful labor law position in the ENTIRE federal government -- General Counsel to the NLRB.
If confirmed, Solomon could be the KEY to imposing “Card Check” -- the union bosses’ scheme to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections -- BY REGULATORY FIAT!
Now, don’t get me wrong. Since its creation under FDR, the NLRB has always been a nest of pro-forced-unionism bureaucrats.
But especially with Lafe Solomon added to the mix, this new crowd of Obama radicals make previous NLRBs look tame
Sen. Rand Paul Wants $500 Billion cut in one year With the federal budget at $3.5 trillion, the deficit at $1.4 trillion, and the national debt more than $14 trillion, lawmakers are busy talking about how to trim spending. No plan has garnered more attention than one sponsored by freshman Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a Tea Party Republican, who introduced legislation Jan. 25 to cut spending across-the-board by $500 billion in one year to help get America out of its economic red. Read More |
Florida Gov. Saves $2.4 Billion, Scraps High-speed rail Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday rejected the federal government’s offer of $2.4 billion to build the line — prompting cheers from his tea party base, and harsh criticism from leading Florida Republicans and Democrats alike — squashing a project that has been decades in the making. “The truth is that this project would be far too costly to taxpayers and I believe the risk far outweighs the benefits,” Scott said. Read More |
Submitted by: Myke
As you may have heard, thousands of union workers have stormed the State Capitol in Wisconsin, and are attempting to bully lawmakers into siding with public employee unions just as Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, is attempting to instill some fiscal responsibility to that state's budget.Politico has broken the news this morning that Obama's campaign arm "Organizing for America" is responsible for most of the chaos, and has been filling bus after bus with protestors and shuttled them to the State Capitol. This was not a spontaneous uprising - this was an organized effort by Barack Obama to further his radical, leftist agenda.
Below is the "Workers' Rights" graphic from Organizing for America, Obama's campaign arm along with a picture from the Wisconsin mob.
Obama's "Organizing for America" has been promoting the effort to instill chaos in Wisconsin, using email lists, Twitter, and Facebook urging liberals in the state to bully lawmakers into siding against Governor Walker. They sent out 54 messages on Twitter alone!
This is one more reminder why it is that we must Defeat Barack Obama once and for all. Friends, we have to fight back if we're going to save our great nation.
This President's Day weekend we are launching a $20,012 fundraising drive for our "Defeat Barack Obama" campaign committee, and we really could use your help in the form of a contribution to our committee.
You can contribute as little as $5 all the way up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.
Campaign To Defeat ObamaP.O. Box 601684Sacramento, CA 95860-1684
As you may have heard, thousands of union workers have stormed the State Capitol in Wisconsin, and are attempting to bully lawmakers into siding with public employee unions just as Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, is attempting to instill some fiscal responsibility to that state's budget.Politico has broken the news this morning that Obama's campaign arm "Organizing for America" is responsible for most of the chaos, and has been filling bus after bus with protestors and shuttled them to the State Capitol. This was not a spontaneous uprising - this was an organized effort by Barack Obama to further his radical, leftist agenda.
Below is the "Workers' Rights" graphic from Organizing for America, Obama's campaign arm along with a picture from the Wisconsin mob.
This is one more reminder why it is that we must Defeat Barack Obama once and for all. Friends, we have to fight back if we're going to save our great nation.
This President's Day weekend we are launching a $20,012 fundraising drive for our "Defeat Barack Obama" campaign committee, and we really could use your help in the form of a contribution to our committee.
You can contribute as little as $5 all the way up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.
If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:
Submitted by: Myke
England's PM Cameron is learning a history lesson. 'Nations that allow Multiculturalsim Fall.'
In america Liberals demand multiculure be practiced knowing full and well that it will destroy this nation!
Submitted by: Myke
Obama is spending our TAX DOLLARS as if he earned it himself!
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Cons — Kristol Hails Egyptian "Awakening," Muslim Brotherhood Waits In The Wings
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder02/16/2011
The night they drove old Hosni down — and all the neo-cons were singing. Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol was the kapellmeister.
Prior to the exit of Beast Mubarak, Kristol (in yet another of his Olympian pronouncements), thundered: “The United States must support the Egyptian awakening, and has a paramount moral and strategic interest in real democracy in Egypt and freedom for the Egyptian people. The question is how the U.S. government can do its best to help the awakening turn out well.”
How do we know neo-cons aren’t really conservatives? Conservatives are realists. They confront reality without ideological blinders. They do their best to perceive the world as it is, not as they wish it was.
Neo-cons think democracy is the magic elixir — good for what ails the downtrodden, regardless of their benightedness and barbarism. The neo-cons’ touching faith in the universalism of democratic longings is like the liberals’ faith in economic interventionism.
Cons — Kristol Hails Egyptian "Awakening," Muslim Brotherhood Waits In The Wings
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder02/16/2011
The night they drove old Hosni down — and all the neo-cons were singing. Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol was the kapellmeister.
Prior to the exit of Beast Mubarak, Kristol (in yet another of his Olympian pronouncements), thundered: “The United States must support the Egyptian awakening, and has a paramount moral and strategic interest in real democracy in Egypt and freedom for the Egyptian people. The question is how the U.S. government can do its best to help the awakening turn out well.”
How do we know neo-cons aren’t really conservatives? Conservatives are realists. They confront reality without ideological blinders. They do their best to perceive the world as it is, not as they wish it was.
Neo-cons think democracy is the magic elixir — good for what ails the downtrodden, regardless of their benightedness and barbarism. The neo-cons’ touching faith in the universalism of democratic longings is like the liberals’ faith in economic interventionism.
Submitted by: Kurt J Fitsch
I Am the Democratic Liberal-Progressive's Worst Nightmare.
I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker.
I am a Master leatherworker. I work hard and long hours with my hands to earn a living.
I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don't push it on others.
I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and drive American-made cars, and I believe in Americanproducts and buy them whenever I can.
I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal governmental functionary, Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don't work!anything. Get over it!
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English.
I believe there should be no other language option.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.
I Am the Democratic Liberal-Progressive's Worst Nightmare.
I am a White, Conservative, Tax-Paying, American Veteran, Gun Owning Biker.
I am a Master leatherworker. I work hard and long hours with my hands to earn a living.
I believe in God and the freedom of religion, but I don't push it on others.
I ride Harley Davidson Motorcycles, and drive American-made cars, and I believe in Americanproducts and buy them whenever I can.
I believe the money I make belongs to me and not some liberal governmental functionary, Democratic or Republican, that wants to share it with others who don't work!anything. Get over it!
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac or any other item, you should do it in English.
I believe there should be no other language option.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.
Submitted by: Tony Caputo
On February 15, KRGV-TV reported that Mexican military personnel, armed with automatic weapons, in a military truck. The truck crossed the international border and drove on a bridge, almost a mile into United States territory before turning around. At some point, while in American territory, the truck and soldiers stopped a vehicle, surrounded it and searched it.
After ten minutes or so in America territory, the soldiers got back in their truck and left. The reasons why the car was stopped and searched are not clear, nor is it even known who the occupants of the car were.
There is a term for sending armed members of a nation’s military across another country’s border. It is called war.
This is not the first time Mexican military forces have crossed into American territory. The Obama regime has not uttered a peep about this violation of American sovereignty. Of course, he does not want the border secured, so why should he complain about this?
On February 15, KRGV-TV reported that Mexican military personnel, armed with automatic weapons, in a military truck. The truck crossed the international border and drove on a bridge, almost a mile into United States territory before turning around. At some point, while in American territory, the truck and soldiers stopped a vehicle, surrounded it and searched it.
After ten minutes or so in America territory, the soldiers got back in their truck and left. The reasons why the car was stopped and searched are not clear, nor is it even known who the occupants of the car were.
There is a term for sending armed members of a nation’s military across another country’s border. It is called war.
This is not the first time Mexican military forces have crossed into American territory. The Obama regime has not uttered a peep about this violation of American sovereignty. Of course, he does not want the border secured, so why should he complain about this?
Watch the events in Egypt closely! There will be more wholesale slaughter by sects dedicated to Islamic rule!
Submitted by: John Butler
NaturalNews) While most of the country has been focused on the tragic shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), the murder of Judge John McCarthy Roll, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, remains largely and strangely missing from most of the mainstream press coverage of this event.
Judge Roll, considered by some to be one of the most constitutionally-centered judges in history, was a defender of liberty who, prior to his murder, had begun working with Rep. Giffords to build a new courthouse and to assert Arizona's sovereignty in dealing with illegal immigration. In essence, Rep. Giffords and Judge Roll were effectively breaking down the false 'left/right' political paradigm that paralyzes Americans from fighting back against government tyranny. This unique alliance between 'left' and 'right', and the potential it had to dismantle a whole host of encroaching federal interventions in state affairs, may be one of the reasons why Judge Roll's murder is conveniently being left out of the spotlight.
Worth noting here is that Jared Lee Loughner's two primary victims were a significant and growing threat to the political status quo. Giffords is a Democrat, and Judge Roll was a conservative. But the two had begun working hand-in-hand to accomplish real goals for the people they served, both in Arizona and across the country.
Judge Roll, considered by some to be one of the most constitutionally-centered judges in history, was a defender of liberty who, prior to his murder, had begun working with Rep. Giffords to build a new courthouse and to assert Arizona's sovereignty in dealing with illegal immigration. In essence, Rep. Giffords and Judge Roll were effectively breaking down the false 'left/right' political paradigm that paralyzes Americans from fighting back against government tyranny. This unique alliance between 'left' and 'right', and the potential it had to dismantle a whole host of encroaching federal interventions in state affairs, may be one of the reasons why Judge Roll's murder is conveniently being left out of the spotlight.
Worth noting here is that Jared Lee Loughner's two primary victims were a significant and growing threat to the political status quo. Giffords is a Democrat, and Judge Roll was a conservative. But the two had begun working hand-in-hand to accomplish real goals for the people they served, both in Arizona and across the country.
Submitted by: Tony Caputo
Financial crooks brought down the world’s economy — but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them
By Matt Taibbi – Rolling StoneOver drinks at a bar on a dreary, snowy night in Washington this past month, a former Senate investigator laughed as he polished off his beer.
“Everything’s fucked up, and nobody goes to jail,” he said. “That’s your whole story right there. Hell, you don’t even have to write the rest of it. Just write that.”
I put down my notebook. “Just that?”
“That’s right,” he said, signaling to the waitress for the check. “Everything’s fucked up, and nobody goes to jail. You can end the piece right there.”
Nobody goes to jail. This is the mantra of the financial-crisis era, one that saw virtually every major bank and financial company on Wall Street embroiled in obscene criminal scandals that impoverished millions and collectively destroyed hundreds of billions, in fact, trillions of dollars of the world’s wealth — and nobody went to jail. Nobody, that is, except Bernie Madoff, a flamboyant and pathological celebrity con artist, whose victims happened to be other rich and famous people.
News With Views REPORTS:
Vote to halt the 50,000 immigrants annually jackpot
Each year, 50,.000 third world people hit the jackpot with the Visa Lottery for a free pass and all expenses paid to become citizens of the United States. Later, they can ‘chain migrate’ their relatives into America. It’s an unending ‘jackpot’ extravaganza costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars as well as overloading our population......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Vote to halt the 50,000 immigrants annually jackpot
Each year, 50,.000 third world people hit the jackpot with the Visa Lottery for a free pass and all expenses paid to become citizens of the United States. Later, they can ‘chain migrate’ their relatives into America. It’s an unending ‘jackpot’ extravaganza costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars as well as overloading our population......
by Frosty Wooldridge
News With Views REPORTS:
Obama's Budget and the Media: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
The liberal media is either stupid, insane or totally in the tank for Obama. My gut tells me it is the latter. Folks, America is in deep trouble. The liberal media's blind all consuming idolatry of the first black president trumps national security, our economy and America itself. I'm talkin' off the chain Obama-mania. In the eyes of the liberal media, it is ALL about Obama, mm, mm, mm. How else can you explain Obama presenting his budget which continues to spend trillions we do not have.....
by Lloyd Marcus
The liberal media is either stupid, insane or totally in the tank for Obama. My gut tells me it is the latter. Folks, America is in deep trouble. The liberal media's blind all consuming idolatry of the first black president trumps national security, our economy and America itself. I'm talkin' off the chain Obama-mania. In the eyes of the liberal media, it is ALL about Obama, mm, mm, mm. How else can you explain Obama presenting his budget which continues to spend trillions we do not have.....
by Lloyd Marcus
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