ALT Headlines Featured Stories for March 20, 2014 | ||||
Thursday, March 20, 2014
ALT 03/20/2014
GRASSTOPS USA 03/20/2014
"To insist on strength is not war-mongering. It is peace-mongering." ~ Barry Goldwater |
Shocking! Operatives Fastracking From The Inside |
Posted On America's Conservative News And no, they didn't take the IRS by force. Read The Full Story |
CHUCK KOLB 03/20/2014
Malaysian Moon !!!
Previously posted ...
MAD Mahdi Breaking the Seven Seals !!!
Excellent synopsis on NBC - Natural Born Citizen - from Col Lawrence Sellin
...Subject: History of the Obama cover-up - the whole 100 yards
with recorded history in the early summer of 2012. It gives a good summary of the political history of how and
why the Democrats, Republicans and the media agreed not question Obama's eligibility and personal history.
Ret.Col. Lawrence Sellin Explains Why Barack Obama Is Not In Jail
robert danny -
Previously posted ...
MAD Mahdi Breaking the Seven Seals !!!
Excellent synopsis on NBC - Natural Born Citizen - from Col Lawrence Sellin
...Subject: History of the Obama cover-up - the whole 100 yards
with recorded history in the early summer of 2012. It gives a good summary of the political history of how and
why the Democrats, Republicans and the media agreed not question Obama's eligibility and personal history.
Ret.Col. Lawrence Sellin Explains Why Barack Obama Is Not In Jail
robert danny -
LIFE NEWS 03/20/2014
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Sees Number of Clinics Drop to Lowest Point Since Roe
new report released today provides excellent news for the pro-life
movement as it shows the number of clinics run by the Planned Parenthood
abortion business drop to its lowest figure since Roe v. Wade, the
infamous Supreme Court decision that allowed unlimited abortions.
Conducted by American Life League, the latest survey of Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States shows the number of clinics and geographic areas served is the lowest number of clinics for Planned Parenthood since 1973. Ironically, while the Planned Parenthood abortion business is operating few clinics, its level of taxpayer funding has not dropped.
Conducted by American Life League, the latest survey of Planned Parenthood facilities in the United States shows the number of clinics and geographic areas served is the lowest number of clinics for Planned Parenthood since 1973. Ironically, while the Planned Parenthood abortion business is operating few clinics, its level of taxpayer funding has not dropped.
THE POINT 03/20/2014
ObamaCare Defender Forced to Try ObamaCare says, “I Feel Like a Dupe”.
"F___ you, Mr. President, you piece of s___t used-car salesman."
Read more »
Featured - Thursday, March 20, 2014
- Federal judge denies Tennessee’s request for stay in marriage recognition case
March 20, 2014
- SCOTUSblog argument preview: Religion, rights, and the workplace
March 20, 2014
- Jury finds UNC–Wilmington retaliated against professor
March 20, 2014
- California sisters fighting back after professor steals graphic pro-life sign; police report released
March 20, 2014
RENEW AMERICA 03/20/2014
March 20, 2014
JOSEPH FARAH — The midterm election is
shaping up to be a historical benchmark, according to all the polls. Now
the question is being asked: "So what? What does it mean? Won't Barack
Obama continue ruling and reigning for two more years without regard to
constitutional restraints?... (more)
March 20, 2014
KEN CONNOR — This month, the American
Conservative Union's Conservative annual Political Action Conference, or
CPAC, convened in Washington, D.C. This year's conference featured many
of the GOP's presumed up-and-comers, people like Rand Paul, Paul Ryan,
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, and Bobby Jindal.... (more)
March 20, 2014
LLOYD MARCUS — I had an extraordinary
telephone conservation with my 86 year old black dad, a lifelong
Democrat and huge Obama fan. He called to ask me, "Is Obama
anti-Christian?" Dad has been a Christian pastor for over 50 years. I
said, "Dad, I have been telling you about Obama's anti-Christian
policies for the past five years." Dad replied, "And I have not been
listening."... (more)
March 20, 2014
CLIFF KINCAID — The American media
establishment is on the verge of awarding "distinguished" Pulitzer
Prizes to National Security Agency (NSA) leaker Edward Snowden's media
mouthpieces, the recipients of his stolen national security documents...
March 20, 2014
THE HILL — Health industry officials say
ObamaCare-related premiums will double in some parts of the country,
countering claims recently made by the administration.... (more)
March 20, 2014
EMILY MILLER — President Obama promised
that we could keep our health care plans and our doctors, but he knew
that was a lie. He pretended Obamacare was the endgame. That was also
false. Mr. Obama's objective has always been to entrench the doomed law
into our lives so that it would lead to a government takeover of the
whole health care system. This maniacal plan is working... (more)
March 20, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — A former high-ranking
EPA staffer convicted of stealing nearly $900,000 by pretending to be a
CIA spy had virtually no experience, got his job with help from a
college buddy, and went on to play a key role in sweeping environmental
regulations, according to a report Senate Republicans released Wednesday.... (more)
March 20, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — A U.S. District Court judge ruled Wednesday
that Arizona and Kansas can require anyone registering to vote to prove
their citizenship and the federal Election Assistance Commission cannot
block them.... (more)
March 20, 2014
WORLDNETDAILY — Retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney --
the recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, Air Medal
with 17 oak-leaf clusters, Distinguished Service Medal and other honors
-- is suggesting searchers looking for the missing
Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 take a look at possible landing spots in
Taliban-controlled Pakistan.... (more)
March 20, 2014
WIRED — The National Security Agency has
many secrets, but here's a new one: the agency is refusing to say how
much water it's pumping into the brand new data center it operates in
Bluffdale, Utah. According to the NSA, its water usage is a matter of
national security.... (more)
March 20, 2014
NEWSMAX — Fierce solar blasts that could
have badly damaged electrical grids and disabled satellites in space
narrowly missed Earth in 2012, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.... (more)
March 19, 2014
WASHINGTON POST — The National Security
Agency has built a surveillance system capable of recording "100
percent" of a foreign country's telephone calls, enabling the agency to
rewind and review conversations as long as a month after they take
place, according to people with direct knowledge of the effort and
documents supplied by former contractor Edward Snowden.... (more)
March 19, 2014
NEWSMAX — Multimillionaire Republican Bruce Rauner narrowly won his party's primary Tuesday
night as he continues his bid to become the Illinois' next governor.
The Associated Press called the victory only after more than 94 percent
of the vote was cast, with Rauner holding a lead of slightly more than
two percentage points over state Sen. Kirk Dillard.... (more)
March 19, 2014
NEWSMAX — President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday
signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia, in a historic redrawing
of Russia's borders after he declared that the Black Sea region has
always been "in the hearts" of his countrymen.... (more)
March 19, 2014
WORLDNETDAILY — The lack of any significant
deterrent to Russia's annexation of Crimea makes more territorial grabs
far more likely and is made possible by repeated demonstrations of U.S.
weakness throughout the Obama administration.... (more)
March 19, 2014
JOSEPH FARAH — Who says Barack Obama isn't
doing all he can to help his country? There are some cynics out there
who don't believe it. Some even suggest he's doing his best to wreck it.
The facts suggest otherwise.... (more)
March 19, 2014
ERICK ERICKSON — In 1984, Jeane
Kirkpatrick, a lifelong Democrat who Ronald Reagan appointed Ambassador
to the United Nations, took to the stage at the Republican National
Convention in Dallas. The Republicans and this Democrat roundly mocked
the unseriousness of the Democrats who wanted to replace Ronald
Reagan.... (more)
March 19, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — The world isn't warming.
The Climate Depot website obtained the latest satellite measurements
and found the Earth's thermostat hasn't budged since September 1996.... (more)
March 19, 2014
MICHELLE MALKIN — Have you had enough of
the testing tyranny? Join the club. To be clear: I'm not against all
standardized academic tests. My kids excel on tests. The problem is that
there are too damned many of these top-down assessments, measuring who
knows what, using our children as guinea pigs and cash cows.... (more)
March 18, 2014
JOSEPH FARAH — Barack Obama has a fundamental misunderstanding if his constitutional role as president --
and I am being very charitable here. Time and time again, he has
exceeded his authority by using executive orders to make laws and amend
laws, even though Congress clearly has exclusive lawmaking authority....
March 18, 2014
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — The surprise victory of
Republican David Jolly for a congressional seat in Florida has given new
life to voters who had been depressed about the power of the Obama
campaign machine. Even more surprising to the media was that Obamacare
turned out to be the winning issue for Republicans.... (more)
March 18, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — Open communication on
the Internet has allowed free men and women to paint the globe with the
liberating message of democracy. Tyrants, despots and charlatans, large
and small, understand they can no longer get away with concealing the
truth as they once did. The Net spreads Western values, culture and
language throughout the world. This gives the internationalists, such as
President Obama, severe heartburn.... (more)
March 17, 2014
ALAN KEYES — "The Constitution is on life
support because there are so few men and women with courage, principle
and a sense of right and wrong in politics today in the Republican
Party, which, sadly, represents the only hope of reversing the statist,
socialist, anti-American political onslaught."... (more)
March 17, 2014
CLIFF KINCAID — It's hard to keep up with
the Russian propaganda over the Ukraine, but a fascinating article,
"Playing by Putin's tactics," examines some of it. The column in The
Washington Post is by Molly K. McKew and Gregory A. Maniatis, who worked
for Georgia's president Mikheil Saakashvili and his national security
adviser during and after the 2008 war with Russia. However, the article
offers no substantive response to what Putin is doing... (more)
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Water usage is another matter of waste by our government. With California and Nevada facing severe droughts billions of gallons of water are needed.
Water usage is another matter of waste by our government. With California and Nevada facing severe droughts billions of gallons of water are needed.
CLASH DAILY 03/20/2014
ALLEN WEST: LBJ, “I’ll Have Those N*ggers Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years”
On March 20, 1854 the Republican Party was
established in Ripon, Wisconsin. Referred to as the GOP or Grand Old
Party, it established for one reason: to break the chains of slavery and
ensure the […] ... READ MORE
ON FIRE: Former Obama Fan Goes On Rant, Burns Her Obama Shirt This young lady has come to the light. However, she leaves out some of the most egregious of his crimes, such as ObamaCare, Benghazi and the IRS Scandal …but still not bad for a former […] ... READ MORE |
Submitted by: Bill Bissell
Check out the video 'National Guardsman Arrested for LA Subway Attack Plot'
This 'National Guardsman' is he just a
nutcase or a diversion for other terrorists who get through? What do you
think American Patriots?
National Guardsman Arrested for LA Subway Attack Plot
Video link:
National Guardsman Arrested for LA Subway Attack Plot |
Major developments today in the intensely competitive battle for the U.S. Senate seat in Colorado.
emails obtained by The Daily Caller show the office of incumbent
Democrat Senator, Mark Udall, repeatedly engaged in harassment and
intimidation to pressure the Colorado Department of Insurance to lie to
the American people about the number of health care insurance plans that
were canceled under ObamaCare.
Submitted by: C Thomas Hockenbury
A most enjoyable view into a world we never get to see.
A most enjoyable view into a world we never get to see.
Click Below:
MUTH'S TRUTHS 03/20/2014
Nevada should Join Crackdown
on “Patent Trolls”
by Chuck Muth
20, 2014
trolls” who prey on businesses ranging from high-tech giants such as Google and
Apple to main street businesses, have finally awakened the sleeping giants in
state legislatures and, as such, now have big, red targets on their own backs.
trolls buy up questionable patents, often on software products and
applications, then spring up out of nowhere to shake down unsuspecting
businesses demanding “licensing” payments to avoid being sued. Benjamin Berman, defense attorney for patent troll
victim Kayak Software Corp., refers to them as “today’s Mafia.”
Dear Fellow Patriot, |
Tea Party Army™ followers did something amazing. Thanks to your FaxGrams and phone calls, the House of Representatives was flooded with messages in support of Rep. Trey Gowdy's (R-SC) ENFORCE The Law Act of 2014. The bill (HR 4138) was pushed through the House in less than a week! Obama immediately threatened to veto it, as we predicted, so everything is going according to plan. |
Today's Featured Article:
New Executive Order: “Presidential Authority to Seize Your Assets”
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:
New Executive Order: “Presidential Authority to Seize Your Assets”
Today's Politically Incorrect Headlines:
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 03/20/2014
The Coming Global Holocaust – Tom Horn & Steve Quayle Thursday on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
JIHAD WATCH 03/20/2014
Mar 19, 2014 11:46 pm | Robert Spencer
the Nigerian government has lost control of the situation. It can’t
stop Boko Haram, whose real name is the Party of the People of the
Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad. They can do whatever they wish. And now they
have achieved one of their primary goals, at least for the moment:
stopping the children […]THE PATRIOT POST 03/20/2014
"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government." –Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28, 1787PUBLISHER'S NOTE
Atheist Day at AFA?
That invitation was issued by an Air Force Academy cadet to the entire Cadet Wing assembly on Tuesday. The event has been advertised all week on Academy bulletin screens, and in official emails sent to the Cadet Wing.
Notably, the Cadet who promoted the atheist event has the same leadership rank and position in his squadron as the Cadet who was asked last week to remove a Bible verse (Galatians 2:20) from his dorm door whiteboard.
Dear Conservatives,
Grassfire wants to thank the nearly 26,000 team members who completed Grassfire's 2016 Presidential Straw Poll. After carefully analyzing the results, we discovered some startling surprises.
For question one ("Who is your first choice for a 2016 Republican presidential candidate?"), the results indicate a three-horse race between Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, with 21.9 percent of the votes; Senator Ted Cruz of Texas with 21.3 percent; and Dr. Ben Carson, who pulled in a shocking 17.7 percent.
Marc Morano's latest revelation is warming things up.
The Washington Times opened its global warming editorial with Marc's research:
'The world isn’t warming. The Climate Depot website obtained the latest satellite measurements and found the Earth’s thermostat hasn’t budged since September 1996.
Marc Morano's latest revelation is warming things up.
The Washington Times opened its global warming editorial with Marc's research:
'The world isn’t warming. The Climate Depot website obtained the latest satellite measurements and found the Earth’s thermostat hasn’t budged since September 1996.
COWBOYBYTE 03/20/2014
Rand Paul : ‘Your right to privacy is under assault’Big brother is watching and listening to everything we do. Check it out: Delivering a rare speech for a Republican at this bastion of liberalism, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday was given multiple standing ovations by the left-wing audience … Continue reading → |
Top Cowboy Headlines |
CONBUSTIBLE 03/20/2014
Paul: Crimea secedes. So what? Residents of Crimea voted over the weekend on whether they would remain an autonomous region of Ukraine or join the Russian Federation. |
Read More |
The Second Amendment: An Invitation to
Violence? You can largely determine where a person will fall in the debate over gun control based on their view of government and the role it should play in our lives. |
Read More |
Stunning Supreme Court victory vindicates
property owners Dick Welsh is not a name you'll find in Monday's huge property rights victory at the U.S. Supreme Court, but he was the biggest winner. |
Read More |
Obama administration censoring records more
than ever before Despite promising he'd preside over the most transparent administration ever, Obama's White House is doing just the opposite. |
Read More |
Three hours of Waterboarding On February 27, I received an email that said: "I'm a producer at the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. We're working on a segment about fracking & I wanted to reach out to see if you'd be interested in participating." |
Read More |
Dear Conservatives,
If our offshore waters were opened up for oil and gas exploration, we’d see new jobs and more American energy production. We’re on the verge of taking the first step towards seeing this happen with seismic testing.
What is seismic testing? It’s an underwater surveying technique to discover where oil and natural gas reserves are located. Right now, the Obama Administration is considering allowing it to be used off our Atlantic coast.
What is seismic testing? It’s an underwater surveying technique to discover where oil and natural gas reserves are located. Right now, the Obama Administration is considering allowing it to be used off our Atlantic coast.
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