Muslim Men Beat Wives, Human Rights Groups Blame IsraelWon't someone please stop Israel from forcing Muslim men to beat their wives? Read more » Obama Picks Fired Husband of Dem Congresswoman to Fix Healthcare.govObama picked the company of his wife's friend to build the site Read more » |
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
THE POINT 12/17/2013
CHUCK KOLB 12/17/2013
Merry Pagan Christmas -
Worry Not !!!
Previously posted ...
† † †
Jesus born on 15th of Tishri
Argument for a Tishri (Sukkot) Birth
There are several reasons to believe that Yeshua was born during the Fall,
in particular, during the festival of Sukkot. Among the reasons cited are as follows:
Previously posted ...
† † †
Jesus born on 15th of Tishri
Argument for a Tishri (Sukkot) Birth
There are several reasons to believe that Yeshua was born during the Fall,
in particular, during the festival of Sukkot. Among the reasons cited are as follows:
LIFE NEWS 12/17/2013
Teacher Fired After Kicking Planned Parenthood Out of His Class
Planned Parenthood is after
the career and livelihood of a distinguished, highly-qualified, good high
school teacher, Bill Diss, who had the audacity to tell Planned Parenthood
that they were not allowed in his classroom.After a second hearing last
night, that pro-life teacher, Bill Diss, has been fired.
The school board for the Portland
Public School District voted to terminate Diss’ contract after Planned
Parenthood’s lobbying effort.
Falsely Reports Pope Removed “Outspoken Critic of Abortion”
From Vatican Court
Good Morning America simply didn’t have its facts straight in their
rush to portray Pope Francis as a crypto-liberal.
Amy Robach hyped that the pontiff
“removed an outspoken critic of abortion and same-sex marriage from
a powerful post within the Church. Conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke…was
head of the Vatican’s highest court.” Robach then asserted that
“this move is seen as reinforcing the Pope’s vision for a more
inclusive church.”
My Letter to Senator Dean Heller
I am curious. I would like to know exactly how many crimes Obama and his Administration are allowed to commit before Congress acts?
I would like to know just how many breaches of the U.S. Constitution are allowed before Congress wakes up and acts?
I would like to know how many Court Orders is Obama allowed to defy before Congress acts?
How many Officers of the U.S. Military are allowed to be fired by Obama for their refusal to swear fealty to Obama not the U.S. Constitution?
Look at the facts.
I am curious. I would like to know exactly how many crimes Obama and his Administration are allowed to commit before Congress acts?
I would like to know just how many breaches of the U.S. Constitution are allowed before Congress wakes up and acts?
I would like to know how many Court Orders is Obama allowed to defy before Congress acts?
How many Officers of the U.S. Military are allowed to be fired by Obama for their refusal to swear fealty to Obama not the U.S. Constitution?
Look at the facts.
GRASSTOPS USA 12/17/2013
"Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of
America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government ... " ~ Thomas Jefferson |
Taxed Enough Already! |
Posted On America's Conservative News Sarah Palin, yet again, tells it like it is. Read the Full Story |
Join Us, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Steven Seagal, Ted Nugent, Neal Boortz And The Movers And Shakers Of The Conservative Movement At The Western Conservative Conference. |
GrassTopsUSA is a proud co-sponsor of the 2014 Western Conservative Conference will be held in Phoenix on February 21st and 22nd at the Phoenix Convention Center. Get your tickets now. |
Featured - Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Phil Robertson: Ducks Trump Barbara Walters Phil Robertson was a no show at Barbara Walters "Most Fascinating People" interview. Shocking as is may seem, to Duck Commander, ducks trump TV appearances. ... READ MORE |
1 ?
2. What The Hell Is Going On? Living In
‘Twilight Zone’
Dwight Kehoe
3. What Will It Take? – Americans Still Seem
Willing to Give A Pass to the Disaster in the White House.
David Solway
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 12/17/2013
Top 10 Trending Stories
Welcome to the Before It's News
Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver
the most important and interesting alternative
stories to your inbox. Be the first among your
friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the
stories everyone should be talking about today.
Eyewitness To Hitler Warns Americans: “Keep Your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns” (video)
Sheeple. When Katie Worthman was a little
girl in Austria, she witnessed firsthand Adolph
Hitler’s rise to power and the Soviet communist
occupation that followed. She also witnessed,
for decades, the distortions of the media when
it came to the reporting of the events. From her
eyewitness perspective, Worthman said that...
Only One Thing Creates “A job” – A Profit
Governor Rick Scott is
flying across the state of Florida with the mission of creating jobs.
Daily I receive press releases from the Governor’s office touting one
business or another expanding and adding jobs. The implication is that
government and the Governor had a hand in creating those jobs. The only
problem is government cannot create a single job without taking money
from the private sector.Any effort by government to create a job via subsidies is a form of wealth redistribution. Government takes money from those who are profitable and gives to those who are not. The only thing that creates a job is a profit! ... |
MUTH'S TRUTHS 12/17/2013
Republican Empire, led by Lord McConnell and Darth Boehner, isn’t taking
primary challenges by tea party insurgents lying down, and an all-out intra-GOP
war is in danger of breaking out!
The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday
that Senate Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell has been pressuring business interests to get off the sidelines
and start backing Republican incumbents who are being challenged by
conservative candidates in next year’s GOP primaries – which includes McConnell
in the House, “Speaker John Boehner
also has moved to undermine the power of the tea party.”
is especially putting the strong arm on defense contractors. In a fundraising meeting last month that just
came to light, McConnell reportedly told those in attendance to step up, “mainly
to teach those who are primarying incumbents that it is not helpful to run
against incumbents who are champions for the (defense) industry.”
But “the
effort to beat back challenges from the right goes beyond the defense industry,”
the paper notes. “The U.S. Chamber of
Commerce and other business groups have been stepping in to help business
friendly Republicans aligned with the GOP leadership,” a sign that corporate
interests are worried that “tea party-aligned candidates might try to eliminate
tax breaks and spending favored by business.”
we can’t have Republicans opposing corporate welfare and crony capitalism now,
can we?
CLASH DAILY 12/17/2013
OUR PRESIDENT IS A FOOL: How the West was Lost by the Selfie President
My bookshelves sag with encyclopedic volumes
arguing that America and the West are in decline. But proving that a
picture is worth a thousand books, the “selfie” seen ’round the world
ends the argument. It’s […] ... READ MORE
HOSPITAL FROM HELL: One of the Best Hospitals in the Country Is Accused of Doing One of the Worst Things Imaginable There is a hospital consistently ranked among the top in the United States in various pediatric fields. It has been hailed as having the best physicians and is the teaching hospital for the No. 1 […] ... READ MORE
Around the World: The Insanity of Islam Without hesitation, the most insane doctrine/political system in the world is Islam. From its pedophilic and misogynistic cravings to its hyper-violent subjugation of Jews and Christians – Islam is a crazed animal. The genesis ... READ MORE
HOSPITAL FROM HELL: One of the Best Hospitals in the Country Is Accused of Doing One of the Worst Things Imaginable There is a hospital consistently ranked among the top in the United States in various pediatric fields. It has been hailed as having the best physicians and is the teaching hospital for the No. 1 […] ... READ MORE
Around the World: The Insanity of Islam Without hesitation, the most insane doctrine/political system in the world is Islam. From its pedophilic and misogynistic cravings to its hyper-violent subjugation of Jews and Christians – Islam is a crazed animal. The genesis ... READ MORE
COWBOYBYTE 12/17/2013
Colorado Sheriff: We Have Not and Will Not Enforce New Gun Control
You go boys. check it out: Weld County, Colorado, Sheriff John Cooke says he and his deputies have not enforced the gun control laws passed in March and they will not enforce those laws. Before the laws were passed Cooke … Continue reading →
Top Cowboy Headlines | |
CONBUSTIBLE 12/17/2013
RENEW AMERICA 12/16/2013
December 16, 2013
ALAN KEYES — I had already written what I
thought would be my WND column for this week when word came of the
Ryan-Murray budget deal. I agree wholeheartedly with its critics, but I
find it very frustrating that few if any of them are willing to state
the obvious. This deal is just another instance of the quisling pattern
of betrayal now characteristic of the GOP... (more)
LIFE NEWS 12/16/2013
Chief Justice: Denying Communion to Nancy Pelosi “Makes Perfect Sense”
Catholics across the United
States have for years wondered if and when pro-abortion “Catholics”
like Nancy Pelosi or John Kerry would be told not to present themselves
for Communion because they are out of step with Catholic Church teachings
on the sanctity of human life.
Cardinal Raymond Burke, the
former archbishop of St. Louis and now the chief justice at the Vatican’s
highest court saying prohibiting Pelosi and Kerry from receiving Communion”makes
perfect sense,” according to a new interview Burke gave to EWTN.
Baby Girls Saved From Abortions Thanks to Heroic Sidewalk Counselors
Pierce was waiting with a team of sidewalk counselors outside a Planned
Parenthood abortion clinic wondering if today would be the day she and
her team would be able to offer women advise and counsel that would help
them and save an unborn child from abortion.
Piece says a mother considering
an abortion was about to go ahead with the decision but decided to let
her child live after they spoke with her. But what came next surprised
Sherry: they saved not one baby but two!
The Good.
What a wonderful couple of weeks since I last sent out an e-mail. On Saturday,
7, 2013 I participated in the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Santa's
Electric Night Parade and, with the help of Alana Lee, Ellie Smith and
Camryn and Shannon Lueck as carolers, we won 2nd Place in the
Outstanding "Other" Category. I was also been busy
traveling the state and meeting great people like you. I’ve been to
Minden, Reno, Tonopah, Elko and Yerrington to meet with the people who
will elect the next Lieutenant Governor of Nevada and I can’t tell you
have warmly I was received, Thank You.
past week I was invited to participate in the Nevada Policy Research
Institute’s Obamacare & Business Roundtable. I was asked to
represent Nevada businesses and it was a great crowd and we we had a
lively discussion. If you would like to see one of my answers please
click on the picture to the left.
NEWS WITH VIEWS 12/17/2013
10, 2013
The Mandela Cover-up
The communist Workers World Party, which supports North Korea, has also reprinted the official SACP statement about Mandela. The communists are proud of Mandela and what he accomplished. His false claims of being a non-communist fooled South Africa and the world (except for his domestic and international comrades who were in on the secret). The official SACP statement includes these words: “At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground...... by Cliff Kincaid |
JIHAD WATCH 12/17/2013
Dec 16, 2013 05:33 pm | Robert Spencer
psychopath, homicidal maniac More of Wichita jihadist Terry Loewen's
dreams of jihadist murder and mayhem. How long will law enforcement
officials be able to get away with insisting that this has nothing to do
with Islam, instead of challenging Muslim communities to act against
this ideology they profess to...
Dec 16, 2013 05:07 pm | Robert Spencer
they use weapons supplied by the U.S.? "‘Whole families murdered’:
Syrian rebels execute over 80 civilians outside Damascus," from
Pravoslavie, December 16 (thanks to Pamela Geller): Over 80 civilians in
a town northwest of the Syrian capital of Damascus have been executed
by Islamist rebels, sources within the...
To: The
National MiddleClass Network
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in
fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan to bottom; Then go
back and get into what you like.
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them
later, as
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be
removed, just ask. So far, those so requesting are virtually zero.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
Note: This is a "DAILY"
Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something".
And don't forget the last newsbrief at the
From: Savage...
(Fox News) It’s lights
out for the light bulb. On Jan. 1 ...
RedState Briefing 12/17/2013
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