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Impeach? - GOP Pushes S.T.O.P. Act To Limit President Use Of Executive Actions - Special Report
Impeach? - GOP Pushes S.T.O.P. Act To Limit President Use Of Executive Actions - Special Report |
Video link:
Impeach? - GOP Pushes S.T.O.P. Act To Limit President Use Of Executive Actions - Special Report |
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Submitted by: Darla Dawald
Submitted by: Robert Bowen
Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps to His Death
Hong Kong man becomes 7th banker to die
under mysterious circumstances
Paul Joseph Watson
February 18, 2014
Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps to His Death
Paul Joseph Watson
February 18, 2014
Yet another banker has
committed suicide, with a JP Morgan
forex trader leaping to his death from
the top of the firm’s Chater House
headquarters in Hong Kong.
Over the past few weeks at
least seven bankers have died under
mysterious circumstances, including
another JP Morgan senior manager who
jumped off the top of a skyscraper in
London last month.
Speculation is rife that
the series of deaths are connected to
some kind of looming financial crisis or
a huge legal case targeting bankers for
malfeasance, although no definite link
has been established.
An Officer, but Not a Gentleman...
United States Justice Foundation Michael Connelly - Executive Director The United States Justice Foundation 932 "D" Street, Suite 2 Ramona, California 92065 02/18/2014 |
Dear Conservative Friend, | |
Barack Hussein Obama just announced that he will allow individuals with ties to terrorists groups to enter the U.S. |
Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary Is The War On Women’
Feb 17, 2014 06:07 pm
Go To Full Post: Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary Is The War On Women’
Feb 17, 2014 06:07 pm
Go To Full Post: Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary Is The War On Women’
LIFE NEWS 02/18/2014
LifeNews Tells Girl Scouts: We Won’t Stop Reporting Your Link to Planned Parenthood
Through our attorney, LifeNews has issued a response to Girl Scouts
USA, which recently sent us an a letter attempting to intimidate
LifeNews and pressure us to stop reporting on its links to the Planned
Parenthood abortion business.
During the last two weeks, LifeNews has brought international attention to the link between the Girl Scouts and the Planned Parenthood abortion business and the national boycott of Girl Scouts cookies sponsored by pro-life groups. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/02/18/lifenews-tells-girl-scouts-we-wont-stop-reporting-your-link-to-planned-parenthood/
Teen Who Lost His Legs in Botched Abortion Makes State Wrestling Championships
Hoot is quite the athlete. He’s a successful wrestler at a high school –
a fact that would likely earn him news coverage anyway. But Nik has
overcome the kind of obstacles very few encounter.
You see, Nik is a well-rounded athlete in spite of the fact that he is missing parts of both legs and doesn’t have a fully developed set of fingers. The Indiana teenager lives with these disabilities because his biological parents – an unknown couple from Russia – attempted to abort Nik. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/02/18/teen-who-lost-his-legs-in-botched-abortion-made-it-to-state-wrestling-championships/
During the last two weeks, LifeNews has brought international attention to the link between the Girl Scouts and the Planned Parenthood abortion business and the national boycott of Girl Scouts cookies sponsored by pro-life groups. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/
Teen Who Lost His Legs in Botched Abortion Makes State Wrestling Championships
You see, Nik is a well-rounded athlete in spite of the fact that he is missing parts of both legs and doesn’t have a fully developed set of fingers. The Indiana teenager lives with these disabilities because his biological parents – an unknown couple from Russia – attempted to abort Nik. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/
THE POINT 02/18/2014
71% of Obama Voters Regret Voting for Obama
...but the vast majority of them would still vote for Obama again.
Read more »
Liberals Less Likely to Know Earth Revolves Around the Sun than Conservatives
Moderates are the dumbest people around. Followed by liberals.
Read more »
Featured - Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Media Clips
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel
days ago, Secretary of State John Kerry issued a not-so-subtle indirect
threat when he said that Israel could face an international boycott if
its leaders refuse to give up part of the Holy Land in exchange for
peace with the Palestinians.
Steinitz, Israel’s minister of strategic affairs, answered Kerry’s
statement in no uncertain terms: “Israel cannot be expected to negotiate
with a gun to its head.”
Obama/Kerry tactics for brokering peace in the Middle East are
misguided, inept, and downright dangerous. Please see my important
update below on the United States’ increasingly adversarial posture
toward Israel – Mat.
Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry both declare themselves
to be friends of Israel. But as Israeli leaders point out, their
actions often tell a different story.
MUTH'S TRUTHS 02/18/2014
A bipartisan JOLT for America’s economy
by Reps. Joe Heck and Rep. Mike Quigley
Whether you sat on the right or left of the aisle, the president made one point crystal clear throughout his State of the Union address: the gridlock that paralyzes Congress is preventing us from achieving the kind of growth that vaults more Americans into the middle class. Even as both parties want this growth, disagreements on how to achieve it will often frustrate and slow the policy making process.
But the reality is that some of the economic growth both sides desire can be had through an existing piece of legislation—one that already has overwhelming bipartisan support: the Jobs Originated through Launching Travel (JOLT) Act.
JOLT has attracted more than 120 sponsors, divided almost equally between parties (65 Democrats and 58 Republicans). It is very unusual these days for a bill containing real policy substance to achieve that level of consensus. We often only see that type of agreement on post office namings and other non-controversial measures.
CNN Liberals Bash Justice Clarence Thomas For His Shocking Statements About Race
Feb 18, 2014 01:23 pmNice people, liberals.
Read More and Comment: CNN Liberals Bash Justice Clarence Thomas For His Shocking Statements About Race
Sandbagging Princes Shame King and Queen Obama Good on Prince Wills and Prince Harry: the 2 royals helped out with sandbagging amidst UK floods. Their actions shame elitists spendthrifts Barack and Mrs. ... READ MORE |
THE DEVIL’S DICTIONARY: Why Marxists Are Labeling Patriots As ‘Terrorists’
An Ohio National Guard unit conducted an exercise
that depicted an uprising of “antigovernment,” pro-Second Amendment
supporters this past January. This is not the first time that state
guard units have engaged in such ... READ MORE
Submitted by: Darla Dawald
A Soldier’s Chilling Letter
This is one brave military man’s response to that question:
“Here’s the problem for us soldiers: we can’t trust each other, as there are t... |
Video link:
A Soldier’s Chilling Letter |
Please visit SueLowden.com to make an online contribution.
Paid for and authorized by Sue Lowden for Lt. Governor.
CLASH DAILY 02/18/2014
“BOYS WILL BE BOYS”: Heartless Reason Lawyer Gave for Why 5yr. Old Was Raped A federal investigation into a county courthouse has revealed a shocking catalogue of claims that sex assault victims were routinely discriminated against and ignored. In one case, it is alleged a prosecutor in Montana left ... READ MORE |
FL: Sarasota County School Board wants more money to pay teachers for doing less?
The School Board of Sarasota County is pushing for the extension of a 1 mill tax on all county property holders on March 25th. They are using school funds to lobby in favor of and promote the 1 mill tax. According to their official Report on the Uses of Referendum Funds since 2002, ”This vote allows the District to maintain existing programs, provide additional programs and continue the District’s commitment to quality education.”In a previous column I questioned whether the School Board is really committed to a “quality education” …
COWBOYBYTE 02/18/2014
Obama golfs as GOP taunts him for failed stimulus plan
More interested in his golf game than the country. Check it out: President Barack Obama went golfing on the five-year anniversary of his failed $831 billion stimulus bill. GOP legislators slammed Obama and his policies as Obama hit the links … Continue reading →Top Cowboy Headlines |
RENEW AMERICA 02/17/2014
February 17, 2014
ALAN KEYES — "The elitist faction aims to
destroy Americans as a free people. They count it as fact that, thanks
to their corrupting machinations, we have become what Holder, Obama, and
the rest (including the jihadi terrorists they now work with and
promote) arrogantly declare us to be: 'a nation of cowards.'"... (more)
February 17, 2014
SYLVIA THOMPSON — If you agree with talk
radio host Rush Limbaugh, who says Obama will never be impeached because
he is the first black president, then that is a problem. It is time for
this nation to stop ignoring a full fifty percent of Barack Obama's
heritage and claiming that he is "black," as though his mother,
grandparents (who reared him) and an entire family lineage did not
exist.... (more)
GRASSTOPS USA 02/18/2014
"A wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another,
shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take
from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." ~ Thomas Jefferson |
Where Did He Go Wrong? |
Posted On America's Conservative News Yes, it's a parody but it might provide a window into determining how Barack Obama took the news when he found out the implementation of his grand stab at socialized medicine was a disaster. See the Video |
CONBUSTIBLE 02/18/2014
an end to the EPA's 'secret science' American taxpayers foot the bill for the Environmental Protection Agency's costly regulations, and they have a right to see the underlying science. |
Read More |
At the Fed, The More Things Change, the More
They Stay the Same Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen testified before Congress for the first time since replacing Ben Bernanke at the beginning of the month. |
Read More |
A New Triumph for the Right to Keep and Bear
Arms A federal court of appeals has just vindicated the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in a big way. |
Read More |
Majority of Americans oppose Obama using
executive orders A new poll from Fox News shows that a majority of Americans are opposed to Pres. Obama's intention to circumvent Congress in order to implement policies. |
Read More |
Why Should the House Impeach President
Obama? Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office. |
Read More |
Submitted by: Donald Hank
Fatal Shooting Along U.S.-Mexico Border Near San Diego Involves Border Patrol Agents
Katie Pavlich | Feb 18, 2014
There was a fatal shootout early Tuesday morning along the U.S.-Mexico Border
near San Diego involving U.S. Border Patrol Agents. Border Patrol is not
confirming at this time who was fatally shot. According to local news outlets,
the San Diego County sheriff's deputies are investigating. More from NBC
NBC 7 has learned a shooting occurred along Otay Mountain Truck Trail near Alta Road, southeast of Otay Reservoir and east of State Route 125.We will keep you updated as things develop.
Deputies confirmed the shooting involved a Border Patrol agent but had no details on what prompted the shooting.
They did confirm one person was killed.
Deputies were loading into four-wheel ATVs to access the scene.
Submitted by: Dr Richard Swier
Please read and share Alan Caruba's column Obama Wants to Waste a Billion on “Climate Change”: http://bit.ly/1fvHcNH
Please read and share Alan Caruba's column Obama Wants to Waste a Billion on “Climate Change”: http://bit.ly/1fvHcNH
NEWS WITH VIEWS 02/18/2014
Regulation by “Raised
Eyebrow” Returns to FCC
Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to broadcast, radio and television media are readily intimidated by the threat of FCC content regulation. They often comply with FCC editorial “suggestions” that are never formally adopted as regulations. Last week, the FCC announced that it would have its field agents visit broadcast media outlets to investigate story selections in a quest to uncover “perceived station bias.” Once again.
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to broadcast, radio and television media are readily intimidated by the threat of FCC content regulation. They often comply with FCC editorial “suggestions” that are never formally adopted as regulations. Last week, the FCC announced that it would have its field agents visit broadcast media outlets to investigate story selections in a quest to uncover “perceived station bias.” Once again.
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Submitted by: Nancy Battle
Obama and his minions are warning about 'Climate Change.'
What they are conveniently NOT TELLING YOU is that our government has been engineering this for years!
Obama and his minions are warning about 'Climate Change.'
What they are conveniently NOT TELLING YOU is that our government has been engineering this for years!
Physicist talks of past and present weather control to nervous CBS news crew
Read more...AND
Dear Conservatives,
The leftist media are on defense. Big Time.
Senator Rand Paul has been on the interview circuit pointing to the stunning hypocrisy of liberals lying about a
conservative “war on women” while worshipping at the feet of the serial sexual harasser, Bill Clinton.
And now, unflattering revelations about Bill and Hillary Clinton found in a series of documents
from a close confidante have infuriated the liberal media.
ALT 02/18/2014
RedState Briefing 02/18/2014
Morning Briefing
For February 18, 2014
Ken Paxton for Texas Attorney General
According to Senator Ted Cruz, “Ken Paxton is a tireless conservative warrior.” Paxton is running for Texas Attorney General. As all of us know, we may not live in Texas, but Texas affects us and we all probably secretly or not so secretly want to live there.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott frequently describes his workday as, “I go into the office, I sue the federal government and I go home.” In fact, Abbott had filed 27 cases against President Obama’s administration as of the launch of his Gubernatorial bid last year. There can be no doubt as to the significant power that the Texas Attorney General wields against federal intrusion and lawlessness. Moreover, the future leadership of Texas is now being re-shaped as Governor Perry steps down. It’s imperative that Texas have strong conservative leadership – because as Texas goes, so goes America.
As a result, it is of interest to each of us who next holds that office. It’s a race Ken Paxton needs to win. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
And don't forget the newsbrief at the bottom..."GOP...Wants the IRS to Go After the Tea Party"
From: ORYR...Dividing A Nation: The Republican Roll-Out As Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream Dividing A Nation – The Republican Roll-Out as Birther Barrage Goes Main-Stream IS OBAMA “... http://www.birtherreport.com/
ORYR...Mr. Conservative: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate;
CT Social Security Number - image credit: tee
spring - Mr. Conservative: Obama's Forged Birth Certificate; CT Soc...
http://www.birtherreport.com/2014/02/mr-conservative-obamas-forged-birth. html
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