Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Submitted by: Debbie Beatty
I never thought I would hear this from a national news caster… Obama, Wright, Jackson and Sharpton (the career race baiters) will have to change their underwear after seeing this!
I like O' Reilly,
but after this, I have a lot more respect for him. I'm sure he is putting his
career on the line. What he says is the TRUTH and most of America
already knows it!
But like the "Emperor with no clothes", no one will dare speak the truth in public. This video should go viral. Thanks Bill, someone finally had the nerve to say it.
But like the "Emperor with no clothes", no one will dare speak the truth in public. This video should go viral. Thanks Bill, someone finally had the nerve to say it.
Watch Zionist Controls - NWO HAS IT'S FINGERS IN YOUR LIFE!!!
Submitted by: James
From Marje
From Marje
are short little videos loaded with top-notch information on our
enemy! Who are they exactly? Have you seen their pictures? Learn how
they have woven themselves into all aspects of our lives! These short
little videos are a “MUST VIEW” for every patriot! No punches are
pulled in telling the truth about the Zionists and who they are! These
hit the nail on the head!
Judicial Watch: State Department Almost Immediately Labeled Benghazi Attack as “Terrorism Event” -- Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents showing the Benghazi attack was called a “terrorism event” almost immediately after the attack took place ... READ MORE
CONSERVATIVE 50 05/27/2015
Oh Boy! Mark Levin Out Did Himself With This One. Simply FANTASTIC! May 26, 2015 05:51 pm Go To Full Post: Oh Boy! Mark Levin Out Did Himself With This One. Simply FANTASTIC! |
"The racketeering,
influenced and corrupt organizations (RICO), case alleges the former
first couple used the Clinton Foundation to trade political favors for
donations or generous speaking fees..."
GRASSTOPS USA 05/27/2015
"The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to
keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we
want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't
want it badly enough. They're there to stop the other people." ~ Randy Pausch |
With Beyond-Usual Mismanagement And Lack of Aplomb ... |
Posted On America's Conservative News And we can think of no better reason to abolish the IRS today ... Read The Full Story |
Exposed: Donors To Clinton Foundation Got Something Shocking From Hillary’s State Dept.May 27, 2015 02:48 pm"Under Clinton's leadership, the State Department approved..." This post originally appeared on Western Journalism - Equipping You With The Truth Read More and Comment: Exposed: Donors To Clinton Foundation Got Something Shocking From Hillary’s State Dept. |
THE POINT 05/27/2015
Support for Polygamy in US Doubled Since 2001Support for polygamy has more than doubled to 16 percent Read more » |
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 05/27/2015
UN Prepared to Govern US Under Martial Law -'A Must Watch' Video
JIHAD WATCH 05/27/2015
New York: Muslim pleads guilty to jihad plot to murder U.S. military personnel
Al-Abbadi was also involved with Bryant Neal Vinas, a convert to Islam
who was plotting a jihad attack upon the Long Island Rail Road. The LIRR
must have provoked them, doncha know. “Yemen man pleads guilty to al
Qaeda scheme to kill U.S. military,” by Nate Raymond, Reuters, May 26,
2015: NEW YORK (Reuters) – […] |
1776 COALITION 05/27/2015
Submitted by: Donald Hank
BEFORE IT'S NEWS 05/27/2015
ISIS Will Soon Have the Capability to Nuke Multiple U.S. Cities
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
Last week, I unveiled the content of an email from a former Lt. General
who had very grave concerns about Jade Helm. In a subsequent email,
this same source expressed concern over series of possible nuclear
detonations on American soil. “My (and others) greatest fear is that
rouge elements within...
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary
Alexander's Column
Memo to the GOP: Get Iraq RightDo NOT Betray America's Blood and Treasure"There is a rank due to the United States, among nations, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace ... it must be known that we are at all times ready for war." —George Washington (1793) |
Patriot Headlines | Grassroots Commentary Daily DigestTHE FOUNDATION"[H]onesty will be found on every experiment, to be the best and only true policy; let us then as a nation be just." —George Washington, Circular letter to the States, 1783TOP RIGHT HOOKSObama Amnesty Suffers Another Stinging Rebuke |
Conservatives, I have some very good news -- this weekend we won the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) GOP Presidential Straw Poll. I told the SRLC audience in Oklahoma City what I tell audiences every day. This great nation was formed to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people." It was never supposed to create a political governing class that controls more and more of our lives. The response was overwhelming. |
Dear Friends,
This session has had me questioning the
integrity of some of my peers. Many of our elected officials are using
their power to play political games instead of being focused on helping
You might have heard that last Thursday there
was a very heated floor session regarding SB 175, which we had amended
“Amanda’s Law” (aka campus carry) into. The campus carry
amendment, which was originally AB 148, would have allowed concealed carry
permit holders to carry on campuses across Nevada and was intended to give
Nevadans the right to choose how to defend themselves. I felt obligated to
bring this bill forward after hearing the story of Amanda Collins, a
concealed-carry permit holder, who was unarmed and attacked in a parking
garage at the University of Nevada, Reno. |
7 Stages of the Progressive Agenda |
May 27, 2015 04:13 am

By News Editor
A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer.
Marine Court-Martialed for Refusing to Remove Bible Verse
By News Editor
A United States Marine was convicted at a court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer.
Marine Court-Martialed for Refusing to Remove Bible Verse
May 27, 2015 04:11 am

By Brett LoGiurato
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stands by her claim that Americans should “fear immigrants” from Mexico “more than ISIS.” Watch the debate here.
Ann Coulter Compares Immigrants to ISIS, Claims Immigrant Cultures are “Deficient” [+videos]
By Brett LoGiurato
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stands by her claim that Americans should “fear immigrants” from Mexico “more than ISIS.” Watch the debate here.
Ann Coulter Compares Immigrants to ISIS, Claims Immigrant Cultures are “Deficient” [+videos]
May 27, 2015 04:10 am

By Scott Friedman and Tracy Connor
Washington lawmakers are demanding an accounting of how many airport security badges have been lost or stolen around the country as an NBC News investigation reveals the problem is likely much bigger than originally thought.
More Airport Security Badges Missing as Washington Demands Answers [+video]
By Scott Friedman and Tracy Connor
Washington lawmakers are demanding an accounting of how many airport security badges have been lost or stolen around the country as an NBC News investigation reveals the problem is likely much bigger than originally thought.
More Airport Security Badges Missing as Washington Demands Answers [+video]
May 27, 2015 04:09 am

By News Editor
China’s armed forces are extending their operations, converting its air force to an offensive force for the first time. Combined with internal Chinese statements of "inevitable" war with the US, these developments are creating significant concern.
US-China War ‘Inevitable’ Unless Washington Drops Demands Over South China Sea
By News Editor
China’s armed forces are extending their operations, converting its air force to an offensive force for the first time. Combined with internal Chinese statements of "inevitable" war with the US, these developments are creating significant concern.
US-China War ‘Inevitable’ Unless Washington Drops Demands Over South China Sea
May 27, 2015 04:09 am

By David G. Savage
The Supreme Court is heading into the final month of its annual term. Some expect rulings that will set aside state rights, and perpetuate the power of the central government.
Our Black Robed-Rulers (aka the Supreme Court) Soon to Rule on 13 Important Cases
By David G. Savage
The Supreme Court is heading into the final month of its annual term. Some expect rulings that will set aside state rights, and perpetuate the power of the central government.
Our Black Robed-Rulers (aka the Supreme Court) Soon to Rule on 13 Important Cases
May 27, 2015 04:08 am

By William M. Briggs
The top Vatican science officer lashes out at critics, defending his alliance with abortion advocates and failing to answer basic questions.
The Top Vatican Science Officer Embraces Global Warming, Pro-Abortionists
By William M. Briggs
The top Vatican science officer lashes out at critics, defending his alliance with abortion advocates and failing to answer basic questions.
The Top Vatican Science Officer Embraces Global Warming, Pro-Abortionists
May 27, 2015 04:08 am

By John Zmirak
Libertarian arguments are routinely picked up and cynically used by the Left, then discarded when it's convenient.
For the Left, Libertarians Are Like a ‘Cheap Date’ [+video]
By John Zmirak
Libertarian arguments are routinely picked up and cynically used by the Left, then discarded when it's convenient.
For the Left, Libertarians Are Like a ‘Cheap Date’ [+video]
May 27, 2015 04:08 am

By James Simpson
Many "refugees" come from Islamic countries like Somalia, Iraq and Iran, bringing with them at least the potential for terrorism, in many cases a contempt for our country and the almost universal edict among Muslims to dominate.
The Jihad Caucus: How Islamic Immigration to the US is About to Get Much Worse [+video]
By James Simpson
Many "refugees" come from Islamic countries like Somalia, Iraq and Iran, bringing with them at least the potential for terrorism, in many cases a contempt for our country and the almost universal edict among Muslims to dominate.
The Jihad Caucus: How Islamic Immigration to the US is About to Get Much Worse [+video]
May 27, 2015 04:08 am

By Daniel Horowitz
Thanks to the assiduous work of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (and no thanks to congressional Republicans), America can finally celebrate a victory for the rule of law and separation of powers. But the celebration may be short lived.
6 Reasons Congress Can’t Rely on Courts to Stop Executive Amnesty [+video]
By Daniel Horowitz
Thanks to the assiduous work of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (and no thanks to congressional Republicans), America can finally celebrate a victory for the rule of law and separation of powers. But the celebration may be short lived.
6 Reasons Congress Can’t Rely on Courts to Stop Executive Amnesty [+video]
May 27, 2015 04:07 am

By Paul Mcleary
Shiite militias and Iraqi government forces have started to move into place around the Islamic State-held city of Ramadi in preparation for a highly-publicized but hastily-planned push to wrest the city from the fighters. Do they have what it takes?
Why Are the Islamic State’s Commanders so Much Better Than the Iraqi Army?
By Paul Mcleary
Shiite militias and Iraqi government forces have started to move into place around the Islamic State-held city of Ramadi in preparation for a highly-publicized but hastily-planned push to wrest the city from the fighters. Do they have what it takes?
Why Are the Islamic State’s Commanders so Much Better Than the Iraqi Army?
May 27, 2015 04:07 am

By Jon Tevlin
No matter how long you write stories and put them in the newspaper, you are never really sure which ones are going to strike a nerve. The photo you'll see in this story did exactly that.
Photo of Eagle on Fort Snelling Gravestone Touches Hearts, Goes Viral
By Jon Tevlin
No matter how long you write stories and put them in the newspaper, you are never really sure which ones are going to strike a nerve. The photo you'll see in this story did exactly that.
Photo of Eagle on Fort Snelling Gravestone Touches Hearts, Goes Viral
May 27, 2015 04:07 am

By Daniel Horowitz
It’s tough for those of us who live as civilians to truly appreciate the degree of sacrifice borne by those who wear the uniform.
Continue the Remembrance this Week: Every Day Is Memorial Day [+videos]
By Daniel Horowitz
It’s tough for those of us who live as civilians to truly appreciate the degree of sacrifice borne by those who wear the uniform.
Continue the Remembrance this Week: Every Day Is Memorial Day [+videos]
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