McMath Has Been Starved for Three Weeks During Battle Over Her Life
A judge in the legal dispute
over Jahi McMath has ordered attorneys for the hospital and Jahi’s
family to meet Friday. One of the judges issued an order today instructing
representatives of Children’s Hospital Oakland and the family of
Jahi McMath to attend the mandatory settlement conference and try to avoid
going to trial.
Meanwhile, the attorney for
Jahi’s family says she is not getting proper food and water. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/01/02/jahi-mcmath-has-been-starved-for-three-weeks-during-battle-over-her-life/
Movement Winning: Passes More Laws From 2011-2013 Than in Previous Decade
A new report
from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, a former arm of Planned Parenthood,
shows the pro-life is winning — passing more pro-life laws to stop
abortions in the last three years than the previous decade.
The proof is in the pudding
when it comes to whether or not pro-life laws are making a difference.
The number of abortions in states that are consistently passing more pro-life
laws stopping abortions are down to historic lows — making it so
abortions are down to their lowest level nationally since just after Roe
v. Wade. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/01/02/pro-life-movement-winning-passes-more-laws-from-2011-2013-than-in-previous-decade/