SPRING - MAY 16, 2014
OAS printable and online flyers click here
Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances
Restoring the Republic
Carl Swenson and Alex Coffey have arranged "live streaming" beginning on May 16, 2014 of the event from the D.C. Mall
and other places as OAS D.C. takes us. Visit OAS2014.com and you will see the test patterns on the site now.
We will be there daily with you and for you and all of America that are not able to be in D.C.
Carl Swensson writes
Never fear the truth ...
Pixel Patriot
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
Previously posted ...
OAS LIVE STREAM COVERAGE ! Exclusive Interview Col. Harry Riley !!!

Thanks - Christina - Love In Christ
extensive research links in vid description

Thanks - Hummingbird
Breaking - Syrian UN Envoy Quits; Chemical Weapons Used 14 Times (5:12)
extensive research links in vid description
As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou
knowest not the works of God who maketh all.
Ecclesiastes 11:5 KJV
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
OAS printable and online flyers click here
Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances
Restoring the Republic
Carl Swenson and Alex Coffey have arranged "live streaming" beginning on May 16, 2014 of the event from the D.C. Mall
and other places as OAS D.C. takes us. Visit OAS2014.com and you will see the test patterns on the site now.
We will be there daily with you and for you and all of America that are not able to be in D.C.
Carl Swensson writes
Never fear the truth ...
Pixel Patriot
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
Previously posted ...
OAS LIVE STREAM COVERAGE ! Exclusive Interview Col. Harry Riley !!!
Thanks - Christina - Love In Christ
extensive research links in vid description
Thanks - Hummingbird
Breaking - Syrian UN Envoy Quits; Chemical Weapons Used 14 Times (5:12)
extensive research links in vid description
As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou
knowest not the works of God who maketh all.
Ecclesiastes 11:5 KJV
DEADLY DISEASE caused by Poli TICKS - Carl Swensson !!!
Well written Truth from Carl ...
Praying that those who tend to go on their merry way,
will redirect their paths while that opportunity still remains available.
Time is short.
~ CK
On 5/14/2014 7:33 AM, Carl Swensson
[Those of you who
are so inclined, re-send this to all of your contacts,
especially those within the GA GOP. Give people you know
the opportunity to read this important information.
Opportunities to either enlighten or establish a
meaningful dialogue don't often happen but this could be
one that does. With events rapidly unfolding, the need
for many to understand why has never been more
all due respect...
I've yet to find a candidate willing to put honesty and
integrity above all else, the concept of supporting
anyone becomes the same old "pick the lesser of the
evils" dilemma. Sure, Deal offers the Republican
contenders a multitude of issues with which to disagree
and make their very own rallying cry. That's just how
the whole game is played and regardless of who wins the
race, We the People always lose.
used to think the GOP would always hold the high ground
on issues and many who retain their loyalty to the party
continue to sell the idea that the choice is clear..,
conservatism v progressivism or communism but whatever
"ism" you feel most comfortable with all have the same
eventual goal. Expanded reach and power over the people
they are elected to protect. So, let's cut to the chase
for a change. Which candidate will honor his/her "Oath
of Office"? If you can find me one.., just one who's
faithfully done that, I will get behind him/her. If you
can find me one contender willing to make the promise
that they will discharge their duties based on that
contract with the people with the stipulation that if
ever found in breach of that contract they will step
down.., well, that's my candidate. Problem is, you
can't. Our State leaders have abdicated their primary
responsibility in favor of an ever encroaching Federal
system that removes the ability we had to keep them
within the ten square miles and within the confines of
the Constitution.
me to show you how Nevada views this by quoting its
State Constitution. Why this is important I'll come
back to in a moment.
Constitution Article I section 2:
Sec: 2.
Purpose of government; paramount
allegiance to United States. All
political power is inherent in the people[.] Government
is instituted for the protection, security and benefit
of the people; and they have the right to alter or
reform the same whenever the public good may require it.
the Paramount Allegiance of every citizen is due to the
Federal Government in the exercise of all its
Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be
defined by the Supreme Court of the United States; and
no power exists in the people of this or any other State
of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection
therewith or perform any act tending to impair[,]
subvert, or resist the Supreme Authority of the
government of the United States. The Constitution of the
United States confers full power on the Federal
Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existance
[existence], and whensoever any portion of the States,
or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal
Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the
Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution,
employ armed force in compelling obedience to its
you've ever considered the "Full Faith and Credit
Clause", Article IV Sec. 1, you'll understand why I
quoted Nevada law. Sure, it was written in 1864 but Art
I Sec 2 was never amended and since our Political class
have an inordinate number of title bearing
representatives (Esq) in direct violation of Article I
Sec 9 (the last paragraph reads):
No Title
of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And
no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under
them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept
of any present, Emolument,
Office, or Title,
of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign
just these two things, of paramount importance and
relevance, and knowing that previous and future office
holders, in order to be compliant with their "Oath of
Office" were and are compelled to deal (pardon the pun)
with such issues in order to protect the unalienable
rights of his or her constituents... I come back to your
E-Mail and ask what difference.., real difference would
or could David Pennington make?
When an
honest look is given to the ten planks of the "Communist
Manifesto", it's not difficult to realize those planks
have largely been accomplished. Some will argue whether
the Democratic party is Socialist, progressive, or
communist but that's only because we've allowed the
Esquires, members of the ABA who, in the 1930's,
confessed Communist, were allowed to change, write,
manipulate and then litigate laws for the benefit of
those whose shield they carry.., yes, a foreign entity
in the Nation State of London.., the BAR. Hey, as long
as you can get people to believe (litigate) that it's
not REALLY a title then there's no problem right? And
the allegedly un-ratified original 13th amendment that
put penalties on those title bearers couldn't have
anything at all to do with the intent of the
Constitution or Articles of Confederation in Perpetuity
which both felt that this exclusion was important enough
to be included in those documents. Just ask any Judge.
Well, no, they're all similarly titled. President?
Well, no, he was a disbarred title bearer. Congressman?
Go ahead count how many Esquires in that group. Think
we'd have lost our Common law if not for them? Think
that has anything to do with the tens of thousands of
laws and millions of pages about those laws currently on
the books? Nah, you're right, just a silly coincidence
and besides. as any Judge will tell you.., "ignorance of
the law is no excuse".
current and former GOP are just as complicit in allowing
this to happen as they are keeping hidden or, more
likely, unaware of the little known fact that ever since
FDR issued Proclamations 2039 and 2040, back in March of
1933 this Nation has been under a soft form of
dictatorship and Martial Law and the Constitution has,
since then, been placed in storage, eighty one years
worth, only to be brought out for show as the rulers see
fit. Since that time, a simple declaration of
Emergency.., any emergency, has been sufficient to keep
Executive powers in play. No subsequent president of
either stripe has been willing to let that power slip
away. I don't expect you to believe what I write so I'll
ask that you take a look at the Federal Register to see
how many and how often such Emergencies are declared.
Also, for those of you willing to look at recently
re-evaluated historical facts that support my
statements, allow yourself to read these three web pages
stored amidst a library of relevant revelations.
I fully
expect many receiving this will act like democrats by
attacking the messenger since that is exactly the point
to this diatribe. If any thought was ever given to the
above noted crisis it was in passing as most, if not all
of you, still believe dictatorial powers of that
magnitude could only emerge during times of declared
If you
think this is of no consequence or the ramblings of a
_______ (choose your descriptive adjective) man then
there is little hope reality will ever permeate your
cloak or veil or whatever it is you hide behind. Should
you choose to read these articles and cite any
Congressional, Executive or Judicial acts that
conclusively prove the above to be in error, I will not
only graciously receive it but also make certain those
who've done all the research see how their learned
conclusions are flawed. They too have open minds to the
truth but be for warned.., none of these researchers can
accept someone's word over written fact, so come to this
party armed with facts of your own that are verifiable.
You can
trust me when I say I wish none of this were true, that
we did still live in a Constitutional Republic and that
We the People, you know, the ones who created this
government, still reigned supreme with only our creator
above us. With nothing left to support that theory, many
a common man has arrived at that seminal moment in our
history where nothing but the Declaration of
Independence makes any sense or remains a lawful course
of action. So, while you position your favorite son to
be the next leader to breach his contract with the
people, keep in mind that the rapidly growing masses of
those who now understand how this Nation arrived at this
juncture shift gears from problem/symptom discussers to
resolvers, the list of those directly or indirectly
responsible for allowing this to happen will rapidly and
greatly expand. Many will be given the opportunity to
reform because, after all, we are a Christian Nation but
that bridge will be crossed once the dust settles.
attached movie file is part of an interview with retired
Colonel Harry Riley who has called for (Demanded, not requested) the removal of Obama,
Biden, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Boehner and McConnell to
start. Documents to that affect are presently in the
hands of Congress and America's equivalent to the Arab
Spring is mere days away as people from all over The
United States of America will begin to gather in D.C.
These people represent a portion of the newly awakened
who see what you reading this refuse to see or
acknowledge. The truth. As some of you may profess to
being strong leaders willing to go toe to toe with
adversaries, none of you are willing to go up against
the Leviathan known as the Federal government. Not to
worry though, real men of courage, whose duty it was and
is to be loyal to their Oath of protecting and defending
the Constitution are more than happy to do so for the
simple and eloquent reason that it is and always has
been the right thing to do.
As one
who was there in the beginnings of the GA GOP I'd really
like to know where the current compromise at all cost
attitude comes from. Having read GA's 1957 Memorial to
congress and scathing request for the impeachment of the
Supreme Court Justices installed by FDR, the 1950's
legislature appears like we had men of honor and
integrity. What happened? When did GA surrender to the
Fed? Was it the Sixties group? The Archives indicate
1965 was the first year electors weren't required to
sign an anti-communist pledge. Your insight on this
would be appreciated.
original list of recipients deserves to read this. Many
will get it from other sources but it would be show of
strength, on your part to pass this to the rank and
file. Caveat it however you see fit.
closing I'd just like to say that however current events
unfold, those who triumph in this epic struggle will do
so in spite of the GOP and purposefully spun off Tea
Party. The only impact either will have will be manifest
in how much blood either group allows to be spilled at
the Tree of Liberty when
that time comes.
This is
it, the last peaceful effort to avoid that scenario
happens on Friday and it's called "Operation American
Spring" ( OAS2014.com ). The main difference
between this and other gatherings in D.C. is that this
one will be heavily represented by former military Oath
Keepers determined to stay until their demands are met.
Whether it's a celebration of Constitutional restoration
or another show of Federal force truly is in the GOP's
and Tea Party's hands. Inaction is no longer an option.
Agents for restoration of the Federations Republican
form of law will be in the streets while the criminals
and avowed enemies of the Constitution roam freely and
safely behind the walls we built. This picture cannot
and will not be allowed to continue.
So, what
say yee GOP'ers? Patriot, turncoat or coward?
Constitutional Republic or Communist, tyrannical,
dictatorship? Vigilant protector of the peoples
unalienable rights or head up the ass of your party's
surrender first leadership?
I really can't begin to understand how completely
betrayed the rank and file must be feeling just as it's
impossible to imagine what one must compromise in order
to retain any belief that the Party, the only Party that
could counterbalance the injustices heaped upon us all
by the Statist Dems would so miserably fail in that
that I yield the floor and leave to join the real
leaders who are more concerned with leaving a future to
their progeny than continuing the current path of
destruction leading all to a return to bondage.
Carl -
Alfred: Swensson
CCGOP Chairman 2010-2012
of (Ret) COL Harry Riley
site: OAS2014.com
(authorized to carry the live stream of events in DC)
streamed on May16 and beyond by
(Your Live Network)
Ps If
your contender is in it to win and Deal is as bad as you
believe, take a hard look at his personal financials.
Remember, he was bankrupt
when he took the Governors job. Has he received
Emoluments sufficient to change that status? Only
inquiring minds need to know.
George S. Patton Quotes
The object of war is not to die for
your country but to make the other bastard die for
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_s_patton.html#UxovMqDcWeorEppD.99
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/
Ed Gadrix [mailto:ewgadrix@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 5:13 PM
To: 'Gadrix, Chris @ Atlanta Peachtree'; Emily Gadrix; Mark Gadrix; 'Valerie Wynne'; Tracy Dietrich; Loadholt;
Subject: FW: Deal's approval ranking is a wake-up call for Republicans
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 5:13 PM
To: 'Gadrix, Chris @ Atlanta Peachtree'; Emily Gadrix; Mark Gadrix; 'Valerie Wynne'; Tracy Dietrich; Loadholt;
Subject: FW: Deal's approval ranking is a wake-up call for Republicans
all my friends who feel the necessity of voting
Republican, which I’ve done all my adult life and even
ran for Congress as one, and former Chairman of the
Fulton County Republican party, please know I’ll be
voting for Jason Carter the Democrat in November.
Nathan Deal and Speaker David Ralston are not deserving
to hole elected office.
said, if you want to stay Republican, you have an
excellent candidate in David Pennington. At least he’s
honest and knowledgeable. I’m disgusted seeing both of
these men’s faces splashed across the media in ethics
and all other types of investigations. And no, it’s not
the media. These men are simply bad characters and not
suitable for decent government.
and Speaker David Ralston have killed the Republican
party that I help found and build.
share with your Republican friends.
David Pennington [mailto:davidforgeorgia@gmail.com ]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:32 AM
To: ewgadrix@gmail.com
Subject: Deal's approval ranking is a wake-up call for Republicans
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:32 AM
To: ewgadrix@gmail.com
Subject: Deal's approval ranking is a wake-up call for Republicans
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