Friday, November 29, 2013
BILL AYERS: Try Obama For War Crimes
Started by Sonia
Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers, who was involved in bombing the
Pentagon and U.S. Capitol building in the early 1970s, says President
Barack Obama should be tried for war crimes.
Appearing on Real Clear Politics' "Morning Commute,"Ayers said every president enters "an office dripping with blood and then adds to it."
Ayers had been asked by co-host Charlie Stone if Obama, as the sole authority for Drone use, was engaged in terrorist activity.
"Absolutely," Ayers answered.
"Do you think Barack Obama should be put on trial for war crimes?" Stone asked.
"Absolutely," Ayers responded. "Every president in this century should be put on trial" for war crimes in The Hague.
"Yes, I think these are war crimes," Ayers said. "I think they're acts of terror."
Appearing on Real Clear Politics' "Morning Commute,"Ayers said every president enters "an office dripping with blood and then adds to it."
Ayers had been asked by co-host Charlie Stone if Obama, as the sole authority for Drone use, was engaged in terrorist activity.
"Absolutely," Ayers answered.
"Do you think Barack Obama should be put on trial for war crimes?" Stone asked.
"Absolutely," Ayers responded. "Every president in this century should be put on trial" for war crimes in The Hague.
"Yes, I think these are war crimes," Ayers said. "I think they're acts of terror."
Submitted by: Kathy Hawkins
Obama Spending Millions On Creating Fake Groups To Promote Failed Obamacare
This year's "Worst Reporter Award" goes to The New York Times reporters
responsible for covering Obama's nuclear deal with Iran. For an example
of the terrible reporting, just read Obama Signals a Shift From Military Might to Diplomacy.
Project Fellow and Fox News contributor focusing on the liberal bias in
the media said it best when he tweeted, "Never has it been more obvious
that The New York Times is a waste of time then reading its one sided
coverage of Obama's Iran move." Today's update was originally published by FreedomWorks… No Vote on Janet Yellen Until Audit the Fed Gets a Vote By Julie Borowski Friday, November 29, 2013 As pretty much everyone expected, President Obama's nomination for Federal Reserve chairman is a big-government Keynesian. Many left-wing pundits are applauding the nomination of Janet Yellen, the current Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. She has held many prominent jobs within the Federal Reserve and politics. |
Submityted by: Nancy Battle
have not finished listening to this but please 'open this link' and
stream over to 1 hr. and listen to what Bill Cooper is revealing that
will take place in America when our government is suspended.....Research
something called 'MT. WEATHER /VERMONT'---it streams on for about 18
min. more......UNBELIEVABLE from 'Behold A Pale Horse'
Few Americans — indeed, few Congressional reps — are aware of the existence
of Mount Weather, a mysterious underground military base carved deep inside a
mountain near the sleepy rural town of Bluemont, Virginia, just 46 miles from
Washington DC. Mount Weather — also known as the Western Virginia Office of
Controlled Conflict Operations — is buried not just in hard granite, but in
secrecy as well.
Mount Weather's "Government-in-Waiting" |
In March, 1976, The Progressive Magazine published an astonishing article
entitled "The Mysterious Mountain." The author, Richard Pollock, based his
investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon "several
off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount
Weather." His report, and a 1991 article in Time Magazine entitled "Doomsday
Hideaway", supply a few compelling hints about what is going on underground.
Ted Gup, writing for Time, describes the base as follows:
Obama’s Knockout Game Against America
Nov 29, 2013 01:22 pmObama has been doing his version of the Knockout Game for years...
Read More and Comment: Obama’s Knockout Game Against America
Cop Hurt In Thanksgiving Shopping Brawl
Nov 29, 2013 01:19 pmUnfortunately, opportunities that could present the best of our capitalist system are too often usurped by bullies who highlight the worst in human nature.
Read More and Comment: Cop Hurt In Thanksgiving Shopping Brawl
November 19, 2013 Was America’s Kristallnacht
Nov 29, 2013 01:13 pmThere are, of course, those who will laugh at this notion. But when you hear their cackling, ask them who has their allegiance-- the Constitution or Barack Obama. The answer will speak volumes.
Read More and Comment: November 19, 2013 Was America’s Kristallnacht
MUTH'S TRUTHS 11/29/2013
Insurgency Continues to Gather Steam
what presently passes for “leadership” in the Republican Assembly caucus, it
will again be impossible for the GOP to gain a Republican majority next year.
However, the developing conservative uprising in Nevada – “Conservageddon!” –
could well result in a new (and desperately needed) conservative majority in
the Republican Assembly caucus.
who knows…
Senate Minority Leader Moderate Mike
Roberson is dethroned in his own GOP primary next June by conservative Carl Bunce, perhaps some wayward
Republicans in the upper house – particularly Sens. Mark Hutchison, Greg Brower,
Pete Goicoechea and Scott Hammond (forget Joe Hardy and Ben Kieckhefer; they’re hopeless liberals) - will rediscover their
“inner Reagans” and move back to the right, as well.
if Roberson is ousted, Senate Republicans might even tap veteran conservative
State Sen. James Settelmeyer to be
their new caucus leader. Rightwarrrrd,
at the statewide level...
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
agencies under Barack Obama have been empowered to use tactical
measures to silence opposition to his radical “progressive” agenda.
Now he wants control of the courts to protect his fundamental changes to our system of government.
are entering into an unprecedented phase of tyranny in our nation. I
believe the work of Liberty Counsel’s litigation team is about to expand
exponentially. Please see my very important update below – Mat.
Dear Conservatives,
agencies under President Obama have been using tactical measures to
silence the opposition. Even after agencies have come under fire, new
oppressive initiatives are being launched.
IRS, the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency,
Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services have all systematically
oppressed organizations and individuals who have expressed opposition
to the transformation of America under the rule of Barack Obama.
The True Meaning of Thanksgiving (Video)
Western Journalism created this wonderful video
dedicated to the true meaning and history of Thanksgiving in America.
A Backroom Bisexual Visibility Day The über sensitive Obama White House invited bisexuals to surreptitiously come out and make their voices heard at a top-secret Bisexual Visibility Day. ... READ MORE
A Backroom Bisexual Visibility Day The über sensitive Obama White House invited bisexuals to surreptitiously come out and make their voices heard at a top-secret Bisexual Visibility Day. ... READ MORE
THE POINT 11/29/2013
Hillary Clinton Supporters Slowly Realizing She Didn’t Do Anything as Secretary of State"Vote for Hillary: She Won't Do Anything as President Either." Read more » ![]() ![]() Obama Allows Iran’s Arak Heavy Nuclear Reactor to AdvanceThis reactor is suitable for making plutonium Read more » ![]() ![]() |
RENEW AMERICA 11/28/2013

November 28, 2013
thanks to Almighty God on this day of Thanksgiving for our manifold
blessings. And as we do so, let us emulate our nation's two greatest
presidents, who bequeathed us this day of national Thanksgiving, in also
asking with all humility our Father God's continued blessings and
protections for our nation, and His forgiveness for our countless
transgressions of His will... (more)

November 28, 2013
GEORGE WASHINGTON — Whereas it is the duty
of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey
his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his
protection and favor... (more)

November 28, 2013
ALAN KEYES — [This post takes it for
granted that the reader is aware of my carefully reasoned opposition to
so-called "gay marriage." I point this out because the first portion of
the essay, which deals with the relative weakness of Liz Cheney's
response to her sister Mary's "equal rights" position, may at first
glance give a contrary impression. Best to follow my reasoning to the
end.]... (more)

November 28, 2013
CLIFF KINCAID — Any hope that the media
will practice civility and raise journalistic standards has been dashed
by the sympathetic coverage given to a new book falsely charging an
American president with mass murder and political assassinations.... (more)

November 28, 2013
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON — Iranian officials
say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of
an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.... (more)

November 28, 2013
military leader announced late Tuesday that Iran has developed
"indigenous" ballistic missile technology, which could eventually allow
it to fire a nuclear payload over great distances.... (more)

November 28, 2013
U.S.-Afghanistan security agreement adds restrictions on already
bureaucratic rules of engagement for American troops by making Afghan
dwellings virtual safe havens for the enemy, combat veterans say.... (more)

November 28, 2013
JEROME R. CORSI — In an apostolic
exhortation titled "Evangelii Gaudium," or "The Joy of the Gospel,"
widely praised in the mainstream media worldwide, Pope Francis has set
an agenda to return the Catholic Church to the humility Christ showed in
his devotion to the poor.... (more)

November 28, 2013
NEWSBUSTERS — It's been a tough year for
the liberal cable news outlets. Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding
48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45
percent.... (more)

November 27, 2013
GINA MILLER — At this point, only the most
disengaged and uninformed among us cannot see that America has been
taken over by communists. You can call them socialists or Marxists if
you like, but the bottom line is still the same: authoritarian,
centralized government control of our nation. This is the culmination of
at least a hundred years of steady, subversive communist infiltration
of our federal, state and local governments and all our major
institutions by those who embrace this evil, tyrannical ideology.... (more)

November 27, 2013
BRYAN FISCHER — By all sober accounts,
John Kerry's deal with Iran is a diplomatic disaster, since it does not
require Iran to give up anything substantial while we in turn lift
sanctions and unfreeze $8 billion in Iranian assets. Meanwhile, American
pastor Saeed Abedini continues to rot in a hellhole of an Iranian
prison. This deal represents, in John Bolton's words, "abject surrender"
on the part of the United States.... (more)

November 27, 2013
HUMAN EVENTS — Big news on the religious liberty and Constitutional fronts, and probably bad news for ObamaCare,... (more)

November 27, 2013
MICHELLE MALKIN — Religious liberty is
front and center on the nation's Thanksgiving table. On Tuesday, the
Supreme Court agreed to hear Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. The
family-owned craft-store company is intrepidly challenging the
constitutionality of Obamacare's abortion-coverage mandate. Hobby
Lobby's faithful owners deserve our thanks and praise as they defend
freedom of conscience for all Americans.... (more)

November 27, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — How desperate is Barack
Obama to reframe America's debate about his health-care denial plan? So
desperate that his Organizing for Action PAC is distributing talking
points to Obamacare true believers for the Thanksgiving dinner table.
That's right.... (more)

November 27, 2013
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — At some critical
point, everyone makes choices based on incentives and his own perception
of self-interest. Somehow the Obama administration has forgotten that
natural law.... (more)

November 27, 2013
FRANK GAFFNEY — The president who promised
us that his health care legislation would allow us to keep our
insurance plans and doctors now insists that his agreement with Iran
will not allow it to keep a nuclear-weapons program. What the two
pledges have in common is that they are both lies... (more)

November 27, 2013
THE HILL — The White House on Tuesday
would not categorically rule out future executive actions to address
immigration, while continuing to maintain "there is not" anything the
president could do in lieu of congressional action on comprehensive
reform.... (more)

November 27, 2013
NEWSMAX — The Obama administration moved on Tuesday to rein in the use of tax-exempt groups for political campaigning.... (more)

November 27, 2013
NEWSMAX — Pope Francis on Tuesday harshly
criticized "trickle-down" economics and an unfettered free market,
saying a socioeconomic system that leaves the poor with no means to
support themselves is a grave sin.... (more)

November 27, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — Pope Francis' insistence
in a new document that "authentic Islam and the proper reading of the
Quran are opposed to every form of violence" is drawing negative reviews
from some analysts of the religion who point to the Islamic holy book's
calls to wage war against nonbelievers.... (more)

November 27, 2013
JEROME R. CORSI — A decision by the Obama
administration to downsize the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See to an office
in the U.S. Embassy to Italy in Rome is being widely interpreted as an
insult to Catholics in the United States and to the Vatican.... (more)

November 27, 2013
CHRISTIAN NEWS — The United States Supreme
Court has ordered Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of
Justice to respond to a petition to appeal from a Christian
homeschooling family that is fighting deportation to their homeland of
Germany.... (more)

November 27, 2013
Jindal v. Obama: The new school choice battle; La. voucher fight revives reform led by conservatives
WASHINGTON TIMES — Two decades ago, while
George H.W. Bush was still president, Republican governors like Tommy
Thompson in Wisconsin began in earnest their long-brewing war on
underperforming public schools.... (more)

November 27, 2013
— One major newspaper is putting their foot down for moral reasons, and
it's making the rest of the mainstream media look like they might have a
case of Stockholm Syndrome for the current administration.... (more)

November 25, 2013
— Last Saturday morning (Oct. 16), I read a WND piece by Larry Klayman
promoting the "Independence Day: Nov.19, 2013 rally. After pondering its
content, I made the decision not to attend the rally. In explaining my
decision, I shared with Larry the following thoughts, which he
graciously promised to read to those in attendance. It was a magnanimous
gesture that only increases my already great affection and admiration
for his good character and work... (more)
Random Thoughts for December,
Robert A. Hall
Get the collection! My
“Random Thoughts” from 2008 through July, 2013 are now collected in this book: The Old Jarhead's Journal: Random Thoughts on Life, Liberty, and Leadership
by Robert A. Hall
The Old Jarhead’s
Journal is a collection of Random Thoughts on politics and life and
Conservative Political Essays, mostly published on the author’s blog, including
the essay “I’m Tired” which went viral on the Internet in 2009, “The Hall
Platform,” “This I Believe,” and “Why I’m a Republican.” While they will be of
interest to conservative thinkers, they are collected here in book form as a
service to readers who wish to give a copy to a favorite liberal and watch his
or her head explode. All royalties are
donated to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
ACTIVIST POST 11/29/2013
Protected by TSA this Thanksgiving week?
Unemployed and Deployed in America
The Current Vaccine Reality: Disinformed Consent
Tensions Increase as China Scrambles Warplanes
New Must-See Videos
Protected by TSA this Thanksgiving week?
Aaron Dykes
Unemployed and Deployed in America
Wendy McElroy
The Current Vaccine Reality: Disinformed Consent
Shawn Siegel
Tensions Increase as China Scrambles Warplanes
Here We Go: Iran Accuses US of Deal Dishonesty
Chris Carrington
New Must-See Videos
Submitted by: BobJen
From: Sher From: "Brooks M. Conner"
To: The
National MiddleClass Network
These columns are not necessarily our views; more in
fairness to both sides.
This is crafted to QuickScan to bottom; Then go back and get into what you
From: John..."...and put these NewsBriefers in a folder to use them
later, as
Btw, we have IP issues. So, to be removed, just ask.
So far, those so requesting are virtually zero.
National MiddleClass Network DAILY
NewsBriefer -
Note: This is a "DAILY"
Newsbriefer. "If you DON'T see one DAILY, say something".
And don't forget the last
newsbrief at the end......
From: Sher From: "Brooks M. Conner"
Meet Your New Boss: Buying
Large Employers Will Enable China To Dominate 1000s Of U.S. Communities
From: The Shark Tank
......A sign that says, “Thank a veteran for
your freedom!” has been on display above Johnny’s Saloon in Huntington
Beach, CA since it opened. It came as LINK
JIHAD WATCH 11/29/2013
Nov 28, 2013 04:34 pm | Robert Spencer
light unto the nations indeed. "Netanyahu vows to banish ‘darkness’ of
Iran nuclear program," by Joshua Davidovich for the Times of Israel,
November 28: Melding the Hanukkah holiday and foreign affairs, Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu solemnly vowed to act as a “light unto the
nations” and act against...
Nov 28, 2013 03:54 pm | Robert Spencer
one would even be interested in this question were it not for the
abundant evidence to the contrary: the daily record of jihad violence
carried out by Muslims who point to Islam and the Qur'an to justify
their actions, including many who are burning churches and terrorizing
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