Bertrand Daily Report
The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (August 18th, 2017)
Ed Note: The war drums are beating towards absolute anarchy in America. The race to the 2018 mid-term elections are dirty and disgusting. The tactics by the Communist Left are gaining momentum and forcing Trump's hand. The "Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)" is a mental disease developing by radical brainwashing propaganda and the demonization of America's history and her values.
The Dems sitting on the fence need to understand what YOUR party is all about and what it was during the 1960's when senators like Robert Byrd, a Democrat, (and George Wallace) opposed the 1964 Civil Right's Act as most Democrats did with an overwhelming majority to keep Blacks from voting and equality. YOUR Democrat Party wanted to keep you contained.....
The founder of your precious Southern Poverty Law Center was a Democrat lawyer that defended a KKK case in Alabama.
Democrats are being lied to on a daily basis by a political party controlled by a socialist / communist agenda to further enslave humanity. YOU....Democrats will eventually lose your Rights if and when your far Left extremist terrorist groups, i.e., ANTIFA, OFA, La Raza, Le MECha, Reconquista de Aztlan, Black Lives Matter, ISIS, al Qaida, CIA, FBI, Israel, Vatican, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Feinstein, et al and George Soros turn on you, as they have all turned on America. You are being used for a globalist agenda and the ignorance displayed is over-the-top in my book. It has to stop.....and talking, negotiating, and appeasement is NOT going to happen.
The Corporate FakeStream Meda a.k.a. CNN. MSNBC. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, Media Matters, etc are extreme liars that distort reality and will continue to bring the country down to Third World status, unless the Liberty Movement get off their asses and treat this take-over revolution by the communists as a real invasion/war and must act with vengeance.
The communists have declared war on Trump and on all Americans, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans, Christians, Pro-Lifers, Pro-Free Speech, Pro-Guns, Anti-Illegal immigration, Anti-MS13 gangs, that voted for Trump, and our country will fall if we sit back and do nothing.
It's NOT about slavery and Confederate statues ! It's all about a piece by piece progression / approach to the Bill of Rights and the Founders of the Constitution. THEY are almost there....and it's time to resist or accept your fate under enslavement, control, poverty, and be sure to wear your police state / ideological straight jacket when it happens.
And for you politicians, particularly on the Right, of whom have turned on President Trump, your day is coming soon in 2018 when you will see the door hitting your asses as WE THE PEOPLE terminate your political career(s).
---Dave Bertrand
For Your Immediate Review....
Sean Hannity
Tucker Carlson
Today's Featured Article / Report
This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
Our protest must grow day after day and night after night—thousands becoming hundreds of thousands, and then millions—determined to act to put a stop to the grave danger that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to the world by demanding that this whole regime be removed from power.
Our actions will reflect the values of respect for all of humanity and the world we want—in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime.
Our determination to persist and not back down will compel the whole world to take note. Every force and faction in the power structure would be forced to respond to our demand. The cracks and divisions among the powers already evident today will sharpen and widen. As we draw more and more people forward to stand up, all of this could lead to a situation where this illegitimate regime is removed from power.
Spread the word and organize now. Be a part of making history. Don’t let it be said that you stood aside when there was still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the Earth itself. Join in taking to the streets and the public squares day after day and night after night demonstrating that In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
On November 4, 2017, we will stand together with conviction and courage, overcoming fear and uncertainty, to insist that:
This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!
READ MORE..........
MICHAEL MOORE: He will 'get us all killed'... (D.B.: No's you and your communist Left that is causing death in America. You bastards are causing a Civil War to be unleashed !)
Lincoln bust torched in Chicago... (D.B.: Keep it up ANTIFA, you and your handlers don't have long)
DELTA Jets Clip 2 Planes, Truck in 24 Hours at JFK... (D.B.: "Delta is ready when you are?")
"Armageddon Risk" Returns: North Korea Predicts "Catastrophe" As Massive U.S. War Games Begin Monday
“Over the course of the next two weeks I expect tensions to escalate. This is always a sensitive issue, but it is more hair-trigger as the North Koreans are very sensitive to the likely additional nuclear-capable aircraft flyovers.”
USA Is Now Twice As Likely To 'Default' Than Germany
While the market turmoil (stocks down a few percentage points from all-time record highs) is being pinned on various factors (from North Korea, Trump, & Cohn to terrible retailer earnings and J-Hole anxiety), we suspect the real cause of market uncertainty is starting to peak through - the looming debt ceiling crisis that has now become too big and too imminent to ignore.
"This Is Dangerous": Digital Activists Slam Tech Firms For Banning Neo-Nazi Websites
"We strongly believe that what GoDaddy, Google, and Cloudflare did here was dangerous: Protecting free speech is something we do... because the power to decide who gets to speak and who doesn't is too dangerous to hand to any company or any government."
"From Nukes To Terrorism": Battered Investors Flee Risk For Safety Of Bonds And Gold
"In a week where we started by worrying about nuclear war, markets have quickly moved on from this, with yesterday's weak session more of a response to fears that Mr Trump's strategy for the economy and business is falling apart and later the terrible terrorist attack in Barcelona," is how DB's Jim Reid summarized the week's psychedelic events.
Democratic Missouri Senator: "I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!"
A Missouri state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D-University City), has landed herself in a bit of hot water with with the U.S. Secret Service today after posting, then deleting, a comment on Facebook which read, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" Unfortunately, the internet never forgets. (D.B.: Oh no you don't....)
"Let's Blow Up Mount Rushmore" Says Vice
We've hit peak crazy here. A prominent online news publication says, “Let's blow up Mt. Rushmore.” No, this is not al-Qaeda's "Inspire" magazine or the Islamic State's "Dabiq" propaganda publication - it's Brooklyn based Vice News. (D.B.: And then watch happens fools)
Greeks Trust Putin Most Relative To Trump, Brits Undecided
Around the world, few people trust Russian President Vladimir Putin to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. A global median of roughly one-in-four (26%) say they have confidence in the Russian leader. However, as KeepTalkingGreece reports, Greeks love the Russian President; much more so in fact than US President Donald Trump. (D.B.: Where is Obama riding the weasel?)
Republican Senator Corker Calls For "Radical Change" In The White House
"I do think that there do need to be radical changes... he has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation.... our nation is going to go through great peril." (D.B.: Corker ! Do you know what political suicide means?)
Urban Warfare: NATO Issues RFP For Training To Fight In Big Cities With "Dense, Interconnected Populations"
"NATO is not sufficiently organized, trained, or equipped to comprehensively understand and execute precise operations across the maritime, cyberspace, land, air, space dimensions/domains in order to create desired effects in an emergent complex, urban littoral system possessing a dense, interconnected population." (D.B.: Attn show-up in America, you had better go after Obama's army of OFA and ANTIFA, otherwise, you face millions of armed patriots)
The Death Of A Nation
"They’ve been at it for months, well before Charlottesville, across the country, with nary a peep from the party that supposedly has uniform control over the federal government. Our First Amendment rights as Americans end where a black-clad masked thug chooses to put his (or her or indeterminate «gender») fist or club." (D.B.: It ain't over until it's over....ANTIFA and BLM are playing with deadly fire.)
How Can We Learn From The Past If We Erase History?
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
Charlottesville Victim's Mom Has Gotten Death Threats
- Fox CEO James Murdoch: 'There Are No Good Nazis'
- Trump Bemoans Confederate Statue Removals: 'So Foolish'
- Pelosi Calls for Removal of Confederate Statues from Capitol
- Iran's Ayatollah Slams Trump on Charlottesville
- Spotify: Hate Bands' White Supremacist Music Not Welcome
- JC Watts: Trump Doesn't 'Speak With Clarity' on Charlottesville
- Cruz: Charlottesville 'Act Domestic Terrorism'
- Marist Poll: 62 Percent Say Keep Confederate Statues
- Mayor Orders Confederate Statues Removed From Cemetery
- Huckabee: Leave Monument Decisions to Local Governments
- Issa Calls for Hearings on White Supremacy
Rep. Pete King: Trump Should Fire Bannon
- 3 Charities Cancel Mar-a-Lago Events
- Trump Is Said to Abandon Plan for Council on Infrastructure
- Mattis Rebuts Bannon: NK Faces 'Strong Military Consequences'
- Al Gore's Advice to Trump: 'Resign'
- Horowitz: 'Idiot Republicans' Sucked Into Anti-Trump 'Charade'
- DeLay: 'Shocked But Not Surprised' at GOP Slamming Trump
- Corker: Trump, WH Need 'Radical Changes' to Be Successful
- Sen. Tim Scott: Charlottesville Comments 'Compromised' Trump's 'Moral Authority'
- Trump Tweets Debunked Pershing Reference
- Gizzi: Bannon Could Be Out Soon Over Korea Secrets
- Rove: Bannon's Interview an 'Affront' to Trump's Leadership
- USA Today: It's Time to Censure Trump
- Poll: Trump Approval Rating Rises on Economy News
- Lawrence Summers: Trump's Cabinet Should Leave With CEOs
- Rep. Cohen to Introduce Articles of Impeachment
Assange Tells Congressman Russia Was NOT Behind DNC Email Leak (D.B.: President Trump ! Pardon Assange in-order to allow him to testify about Seth Rich's assassination by the DNC)
IT BEGINS: CNN Commentator Calls for Removal of George... (D.B.: The communists are actively inside America and waging war)
Trump Unloads on Lindsey Graham for 'Disgusting Lie' (D.B.: Your political career is over limp wrist !)
WATCH: Al Sharpton Says America Should Stop Funding The... (D.B.: No race baiter....we will not allow a statue of you)
Death of a Nation (D.B.: Communist Revolution in America)
*************************************************************************************** (Bisbee Arizona)
Forbes Immigrants, Not Statues, Motivated Charlottesville March Organizer
During an August 15, 2017 news conference, Donald Trump said that within the group marching in Charlottesville that featured neo-Nazis and white nationalists were “very fine people” concerned only about Robert E. Lee's statue. We do not know if Mr. Trump includes Jason Kessler, the organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally, among those “very fine people.” If so, Trump may be mistaken. Immigration and its impact on white people appears to be what most motivates Jason Kessler. -- Before the “Unite the Right” march, Kessler was known as an anti-immigration writer and activist. “The rally was organized by Jason Kessler, a relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene who is well known in Charlottesville, where he has fought against the city's status as a sanctuary city for immigrants,” reported the New York Times.......
During an August 15, 2017 news conference, Donald Trump said that within the group marching in Charlottesville that featured neo-Nazis and white nationalists were “very fine people” concerned only about Robert E. Lee's statue. We do not know if Mr. Trump includes Jason Kessler, the organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally, among those “very fine people.” If so, Trump may be mistaken. Immigration and its impact on white people appears to be what most motivates Jason Kessler. -- Before the “Unite the Right” march, Kessler was known as an anti-immigration writer and activist. “The rally was organized by Jason Kessler, a relative newcomer to the white nationalist scene who is well known in Charlottesville, where he has fought against the city's status as a sanctuary city for immigrants,” reported the New York Times.......
AZ Public Media Hispanic Chamber: Immigration Bill Could Hurt Local Economy
A U.S. Senate bill could prove detrimental to the local and national economy, according to the leader of an area business group. -- Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President Lea Marquez-Peterson expressed concern with the proposed Reforming American Immigration for Stronger Employment (RAISE) Act. -- The bill makes multiple reforms to the current system for handing out visas, most notably going from a lottery to a point-based system that rewards those with higher levels of education. -- “A lot of [the reforms] make some sense," she said. "But the pieces that concern us, there is the lack of regard for the trades positions, the blue-collar positions. There's not a recognition of the need for that.”...... |
KFOX Group of illegals smuggled from El Paso in cargo truck found at Border Patrol checkpoint
El Paso -- A group of people entering the country illegally were found Monday morning in the back of a semitrailer at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca. -- Now the driver of the truck is in jail in El Paso. -- Irving Hernandez, 21, is behind bars at the downtown detention facility facing a federal alien smuggling charge. -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Hernandez was driving the semitrailer carrying 20 non-U.S. citizens. -- According to court documents, Hernandez crossed the Paso Del Norte bridge Monday, picked the truck up at a stash house in northeast El Paso and was driving it to Pecos....... |
El Paso Proud Illegal alien sentenced for sexually assaulting a minor
Jesus Luna-Armenta, 29, of Vado was senten |
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