Never-ending debt ceiling increases. Higher taxes. Out-of-control spending. Massive expansions of the police state. A Big Brother takeover of the Internet. Total gun bans...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a plan to force Obama's Big Government agenda on the American people, and it begins by destroying the Senate filibuster.
And he's willing to flat-out break Senate rules and longstanding traditions to achieve his goal.
When the Senate reconvenes, Harry Reid is expected to destroy Senate minority rights and turn the Senate into nothing more than a rubber-stamp for Obama's statist agenda.
This war isn't months away, or even weeks away.
This fight is going down tomorrow!
Campaign for Liberty is mobilizing a grassroots army of liberty-minded Americans to defeat this dangerous scheme, but we need your help.
It is absolutely vital you call both of your U.S. Senators at the numbers below and demand they say NO to Harry Reid's assault on the filibuster.
Sen. Dean Heller - (202) 224-6244
Sen. Harry Reid - (202) 224-3542
You and I must stand up to this insidious scheme and protect ourselves from a statist legislative monopoly.
It was the filibuster that defeated "Cap-and-Tax," Card Check Forced Unionism, and the so-called "Disclose Act," just to name a few.
And it may be the filibuster that stops Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, and Harry Reid's upcoming assault on the Second Amendment.
Time is running out, so please call both of your U.S. Senators right away and demand they say NO to Harry Reid's assault on the filibuster.
You and I must not allow Harry Reid to destroy our last line of defense against the statists' Big Government power grabs in the U.S. Senate.
In Liberty,
John Tate
P.S. Please call both of your U.S. Senators and demand they say NO to Harry Reid's assault on the filibuster.
And please chip in $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to help C4L continue to fight the statists' Big Government schemes.
Senator Harry Reid's Dirty Little Secret
ReplyDeleteby Aaronita Smith
Mormon Senator Harry Reid knows that non-Mormon scholars as well as Mormon ones are aware of a hard-core pornographic drawing in the "Book of Abraham" which is Mormon-approved scripture.
This Book is part of the "Pearl of Great Price" which, along with the "Book of Mormon" and the "Doctrine and Covenants," make up the LDS church's "triple combination" in one volume.
The porn is found in Fig. 7 of Facsimile 2 in the "Book of Abraham" which shows two beings facing each other, which were described by Joseph Smith as representing the "Holy Ghost" and "God sitting upon his throne," the latter clearly showing an aroused male sex organ.
After Smith published this sketch in his newspaper in 1842, which offended Mormon sensibilities, the phallic portion was whited out for more than a century until the "restored" LDS church decided in 1981 to restore what had long been censored!
Equally shocking was the discovery that the "Book of Abraham" had nothing to do with Abraham or his God but was actually based on ancient Egyptian funeral documents depicting occultic obscene practices - and the original sketches showed an erotic phallus on both beings including the one Smith blasphemously claimed was the Holy Ghost!
For further information see "Book of Abraham" (Wikipedia). Also see Jerald and Sandra Tanner's "Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?" which on 76 pages reproduces the original Egyptian X-rated drawings and shows how Smith altered them and created one of his many frauds. Highlights in the classic Tanner work can be seen by typing "Facts From Mormons (By a Utah Resident)" and "What LDS Leaders Say" on Yahoo.
(The foregoing article was spotted on the net - Doris)