Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Submitted y: Craig Maus

Your Marxist Reign of Terror will soon be ending


  An AMERICAN ARMY OF CITIZENS will show you in several weeks what comes from Impunity, Lies, Corruption, Theft and an Outright Disregard & HATE for a Country that has neither been in YOUR INTERESTS but has merely served as YOUR PERSONAL POLITICAL PLAYGROUND to GET WHAT YOU WANT- MONEY & POWER thru Influence & Collusion with those who We the People have NEVER APPROVED of at ANY TIME in our History. 


  YOU feed on us as if we were your personal road carrion whose only purpose in life is to serve YOUR personal needs.  


  We have had YOU and YOUR Illicit ways and YOUR DAYS are NUMBERED. 


  YOU have played every Joker in the Deck to Divide & Conquer us much like a Pimp uses women for his personal gain & satisfaction using, as he, our Money, Sweat, Tears and Blood to accomplish YOUR nefarious ends. 


  YOU promote carnage and chaos and IMPORT ANYTHING or ANYONE to serve YOUR rotten, dark & odious needs. 


  YOU pour millions of dollars into our States to BUY ELECTIONS because YOU despise and detest the fact that Our Votes are the ONLY remaining element between the total Authoritarianism YOU want & seek & the Freedom & Independence that guarantees our well-being. 


  YOU are a we GODLESS cartel. 


  YOU kill the unborn with impunity while hiding behind Socially Galvanized Laws that suggest you have the interests of woman at heart when it simply allows YOU the purview to RULE and attack the Judeo-Christian base upon which America was based & created.  


  YOU are a FOUL and distinctively EVIL lot that Satan ever spawned! 


  YOU have corrupted and impugned heretofore good people while allowing Blood to spill from their bodies who otherwise & beforehand NEVER had a problem with one another. 


  YOU are the Snake of the Plague that the ETERNAL warned would one day come should we ever lose focus and forget who and what we were ALL once about. 


  YOU have connived and concocted War after War providing YOU with the ability to confuse and thus hide like the swine YOU are while pretending to ‘represent’ our interests only to POCKET inordinate amounts of our Money allowing YOU the ability to proliferate and advance further the Hegemony of YOUR ROT! 


  YOU are an abhorrent Cabal of Marxist Filth whose insidiousness has now been exposed for ALL to SEE! 


  YOU are about to be dealt a DECIDING BLOW once and for all and we will drive you from our shores as we should have long ago. 


  YOU are a plagiaristic lot who knows NOTHING about us, our history or culture that YOU have consistently repudiated paralleling the worst Political Magistrates that World History has ever recorded. 


  YOU are as contemptuous as YOU are vile and YOU hide behind a name- Democrats- that YOU are NOT that allow you to unabashedly pursue YOUR own personal goals each of which represents the underlying pinning’s of a FOUL FOUNDATION that in NO way resembles our former REPUBLIC! 


  YOU would change everything to satisfy the malignancy of YOUR Marxist Ideology and would use ANYONE to accomplish YOUR dark & foul deeds as a means to your ends. 


  YOU have seized and altered EVERY former Independent entity thru which this AMERICA was once the benefactor of in order to again advance the Cancer of YOUR Political Repugnancy. 


  YOU have slept with the Devil so often that YOU think of us incapable of realizing & seeing WHO & WHAT YOU are.  


  YOU are a Political TUMOR and YOU MUST be REMOVED. 


By THE Lord Eternal, we are coming for YOU on the 3rd of November! 

We have NOT revealed our intentions nor have we responded to your robo-calls because we have realized that in doing so we only expose our positions. 

We have been hunkering down for years and if YOU thought 2016 was a surprise…. 

Wait and see what 2020 will REPRESENT


So enjoy YOUR Meat-Fest this Monday when YOU attack Amy Coney Barrett. 



Do YOU think we would simply roll over for YOU Damn Marxists! 

Our Cannons, of which there are many, are manned and in place. 


WE will END YOUR time – Once and for All! 


Deo Vindice, 

Craig Maus, 

President, The Confederate Society of America 

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