Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Submitted by: Terry Payne


Black Lives Matter Exploits Black Lives

by admin
Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a Communist Front Group and has nothing to do with black lives except to claim and exploit the completely false mantle of a civil rights group. It isn’t the slightest bit interested in the welfare of black lives. It is nothing more than a violent Communist front group. It is led, funded, organized and promoted by Communists.

That there are so many universities, corporations, foundations and media outlets supporting the group is an indication of how thoroughly international communism has infiltrated and penetrated American institutions. It’s called “The Long March” of Communism through the institutions.
BLM represents the poisonous racial element the communists have added to its class warfare tactics of the past.
BLM Supporters on the left call themselves liberals, progressives, small “d” democrats, and lately are actually using the term socialist leavened by the new term, social democrat.
The left has been using such euphemisms from the beginning to hide the fact that they are followers and warriors for the economic and social theories of Karl Marx. They’re Communists.
Now most of those claiming the Democratic Party label and the many in the media don’t actually think of themselves as communists. But doing the heavy lifting for the communists makes allegiance to communist front groups and BLM a distinction without a difference.
The goal of communism and BLM is the systematic destruction of Western civilization and its traditional institutions; “Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, tradition and morality, sexual restraint, and patriotism”.
Oh no. they will say. We just want to make a better America. Just ask them how their acts of intimidation, threats, mob violence, resistance, division, and protest are making anything better.
But of course, they’re not listening.
Jon Smith

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