REPORTER: John Rolls: Trump warned in 2017 Jefferson and Washington could be next and he was right. But we are not just talking about the far left tearing down statues Democrats in NYC want Thomas Jefferson removed from city hall. Mainstream Democrats are not just passively watching they are actively engaging in the removal of our history in support of a fringe ideology that is creeping ever more into the mainstream.
Click here to see, "Leftists Destroy George Washington Statue, Democrats Want Thomas Jefferson Removed In NYC, History Is Being Erased! - Great Video"
Stop Mandatory Masks: “Must Must... Follow Attorney Leigh Dundas” and Stop Mandatory Masks (Note! Nothing in these Videos Constitutes Legal or Medical Advice)
REPORTER: Vaccine Liberation Army: Attorney Leigh Dundas discusses what happens to oxygen levels for those wearing masks and the information is quite alarming. Please note that nothing in these videos constitutes legal or medical advice
REPORTER: Vaccine Liberation Army: Attorney Leigh Dundas discusses what happens to oxygen levels for those wearing masks and the information is quite alarming. Please note that nothing in these videos constitutes legal or medical advice
REPORTER: N. Morgan: We’ve discussed the families who secretly rule the world and in this article, I will cover the meetings that take place to discuss the yearly agenda set by the ruling Elites and who attends the meetings.
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