Saturday, June 4, 2022


                                                                   Just and Unjust

We have learned in the Book of Genesis of God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . These two cities had become so sinful so as to earn the wrath of God. God appeared to Abraham and told him of His intent to lay destruction on Sodom and Gomorrah .
Genesis 18:20 So the Lord told Abraham, “I have heard that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are extremely evil, and everything they do is wicked.”
Abraham did not deny the truth of God’s Word but set about an effort of bargaining for the two cities. He first asked about finding just 50, the 40, then 30, then 20 and God settled on just the finding of 10 just and righteous people to avert destruction.
Genesis 18:23 Abraham approached Him and said, “Will You destroy the innocent and guilty alike?”
The Lord settled with Abraham for just 10 innocents. Just 10.
I do not know of the populations of Sodom or Gomorrah but I would guess them to be, in total, in the 10s of thousands of residents.
Look at America today. The pornography, pedophilia, homosexuality, drug usage, alcohol abuse, serial murders, abortion, theft, adultery, acceptance of false religions, lack of prayer in school, legalized attempts to remove God from our language, courtrooms, public buildings, is reflective of the sins of both Sodom and Gomorrah. Those sins and many, many more. The saddest thing is that those wrongful acts are on an increase rather that being abated. Our political system is lacking in forthright honesty as it appears that our elected officials are more intent on remaining in office rather that truthfully representing the citizenry.
The angels that communicated with Abraham were clear in their explanation of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah .
Genesis 19:13 “For we destroy the city completely. The stench of the place has reached the Lord and He has sent us to destroy it.”
I ask just how long do you think the Lord will continue to look favorably upon America as a stench begins to emanate that rivals the stench that emanated from Sodom and Gomorrah? How long will we continue the ways of sin and looseness of moral values until God simply says, “No more,” and directs His angels to eradicate the foulness?
In my way of thinking, the only reason that God has not allowed the destruction of America is that He has found sufficient ‘innocent’ men to delay His actions. The problem is that a number of those who are among the ‘innocents’ are themselves falling away from His grace as they begin their journey down a road of debauchery and evil. Men that once proclaimed themselves to be righteous and Godly now are seen to be money hungry, sexual deviants and more crazed in their lust for power than they are for seeking God’s favor. What they have done is the same as Lot ’s wife. They looked back!
Genesis 19:17 “…do not stop anywhere in the valley. And don’t look back…”
Genesis 19:26 But Lot’s wife looked back…she became a pillar of salt.”
All men are sinners. We know that and have been taught that every since we began our journey through life as Christians. In that same manner men of integrity began to live their lives by God’s Word and began to walk the ‘straight and narrow path.’  What happened is those men began to look back. They recalled their sinful ways and recalled the pleasures of the world and cast God’s aside and returned to their wayward ways. Let us hope and pray that the number of true ‘innocents’ number in sufficient numbers so as to remain in God’s grace.
As Christians we must remain in the battle for returning America to God’s path. We must not stand silent as prayers are denied our children, our monuments commemorating God’s works are cast aside, and His love of us is mocked. We must regain America for Him so as to enjoy the protections afforded by His Mighty Wings.
(Closing prayer)
 Almighty God, Lord of all, Creator of the universe please accept our praise and our worship. We offer our thanks for all You have and will provide and praise You for allowing us to enjoy the lives we do.
Lord, we realize that You are our only hope in a world of violence and chaos. As others do their utmost to destroy and taint our lives with their bombs and false teachings, we ask that You strengthen us and be with us as we face life’s many travails. Allow us the power of Your Holy Spirit to comfort us in times of need and in times of confrontation with our enemies.
Lord, we further ask You to advise us of the means required to remain in Your grace as a nation of good and honorable people. Allow us to be Your servants as we strive to tell the world of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Good News respecting Salvation. Open the hearts and minds of those who would oppose us and allow Your Light to shine through their darkened souls.
As ever, we ask that You protect our military, our leaders that follow You ways and our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world. May all of them live is Your protection and mercies. Please look kindly upon Your son and daughters in Ukraine.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.          

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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