Thursday, June 30, 2022



I'm Still Standing
I fought them and I fought them hard…often times standing alone…as the cowardly pastors in our community hid under the pulpits. They called me a law-breaker. They whispered that I wasn’t acting in a Christian way by not following Romans 13. They told me I was making Christianity look bad.
By Coach Dave Daubenmire
SCOTUS Affirms Broad 2nd Amendment Protection
For the first time in about 200-years, the U.S. Supreme Court is on a Constitutional roll. In this case, the highest court in the land ruled strictly upon the basis of Constitutional text instead of on the basis of partisan political activism, as has been a practice in the courts ever since Jefferson warned about it repeatedly in the early 1800s.
By Lex Greene
Losers Weepers
Going back some decades, Democrats have frequently used the courts to ramrod new policies that had no chance of winning popular support. They smirked at our protests and kept right on doing it.
By Lee Duigon
What Do We Do About The Homeless In America? Solutions!
When the woman who wrote me for solutions to the homeless problem in Los Angeles, she described her feelings of “homeless fatigue.” Yes, we must possess compassion for hundreds of thousands of Americans who either became homeless by their own poor choices, or by the economy and loss of jobs, and/or drug and mental problems.
By Frosty Wooldridge

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