Friday, April 1, 2022




COVID Restrictions Ending At Border - Biden Allows Invasion To Grow Unabated!

American Demography Changing Before Our Eyes & Without Our Permission

MD Governor Hogan Has Forgotten Citizens As Illegals & Drugs Overrun State



"11 people died from drug overdose in Washington County in February"

Ok, we know what this is all about. Articles like this appear almost daily in the news. Most recently a group of Annapolis Naval Academy cadets were killed by fentanyl overdoses while on spring break in Florida.


Americans feel angry and helpless as the Biden Regime seems more concerned with attracting future Democrat voters into our country then protecting citizens.

The Southern Border is wide open. Illegal aliens from around the world are walking into our country and communities with help from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. About 2 million last year and probably more than two million in 2022.

The illegals and their cartel friends come bearing gifts - fentanyl and other deadly drugs, prostitution, kids to overwhelm our schools, human trafficking, crime, MS-13 gang violence, anchor babies, and more. They devour our social services, healthcare, housing, welfare.

More Americans are dying from drugs then ever before. And its not going to stop until we seal the southern border and systematically deport a major portion of the illegals already here.

And it won't stop in Maryland until Governor Hogan gets serious about illegal immigration and decides to actually stop the sanctuary legislation he vetoed earlier this year but allowed the Legislature override.

Hogan can still lead a Ballot Petition initiative to force the sanctuary legislation to be on the November 2022 ballot! Let the citizens decide on state sanctuary, not the leftist politicians in Annapolis.


1- Annapolis Strikes Again - Let's Use Illegal Aliens To Fill Jobs While Inner City Blacks, Poor Whites and Hispanics Are Unemployed!

Maryland state senator Cheryl Kagan (D-Montgomery County) is being her usual helpful self this session in Annapolis. She is pushing legislation to allow for illegal aliens to fill jobs Marylanders won't do. Cheryl wants to give "talented" illegals the right to obtain occupational licenses in over 130 job categories - teachers, electricians, social workers, veterinarians, police officers, etc. - Heck, California does it so why not Maryland?

YIKES! Those are jobs Marylanders actually like to do.

Cheryl justifies this lawless bill by stating that we already give illegals taxpayer subsidized scholarship funds, free community college and in-state college tuition. Now its time to give them jobs!

Cheryl has been in Annapolis for many, many, many years pushing citizenship undermining legislation like this. It's her passion. Fortunately this bill SB523 is going nowhere. But send her your "thanks" anyway!

2- Guess what? Still no apology from black Maryland state senator Will Smith to those whose rights he violated.

Help Save Maryland is writing again about privileged black state senator and committee chair, Will Smith (D-Montgomery County). If you recall, at a Senate Committee hearing earlier this year on the "Free Lawyers for Illegal Aliens" legislation, Will got quite upset when citizens testifying before his committee use the term "illegal aliens".

So upset in fact that he cut off the Zoom Hearing connections of a couple of citizens opposed to the "Free Lawyers" bill in mid presentation before his committee! Cutoff as in "shut up I'm not interested in hearing from you despite your First Amendment Rights".

Listen yourself to the Hearing recording, played on WMAL, where a citizen named Brigitta gets cutoff by Chairman Will Smith.

To hear the interview go to:

Demand Smith give Brigitta and others a public apology for violating their 1st Amendment rights to Free Speech! 301-858-3634

3- Even left leaning blogs are getting tired of illegal alien hugging Maryland politicians like State Senator Jeff Waldstreicher and their overstated claims of sainthood.

Jeff's best work in Annapolis? Photobomb himself into pictures of paid Casa of Maryland protesters.


What a difference two letters can make.

Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher touted that he was “honored to be recognized by Maryland Matters today as a champion of racial justice.”

Except that he wasn’t recognized by Maryland Matters. At most, he was “recognized” in Maryland Matters by the author of a guest opinion piece. It’s like a politician claiming he was endorsed by the Washington Post because a guest columnist wrote a piece saying nice words about him somewhere in the paper.

The opinion piece is also longer on politician speak than concrete evidence. It explains that Jeff Waldstreicher “led” and “fought for” various goals rather than reporting specific bills he passed or how he played a critical role beyond serving as Vice Chair of the Judicial Proceedings Committee. You could probably write a similar piece about most Montgomery legislators.

What makes this tweet an especially sorry twisting of the truth is that it served no purpose. There was no material benefit to touting being “honored to be recognized by Maryland Matters” instead of simply thanking the constituent who wrote the piece. Instead of political nous, it shows an odd desperation by a four-term legislator who has raised over $400,000 for his reelection campaign.

Sen. Waldstreicher often likes to say that he is “humbled” when he receives an endorsement. This tweet is humbug, not humble. Phone 410-841-3137 | 301-858-3137

Howard County Maryland

Help Save Maryland Director, Brad Botwin, was the featured speaker at the March meeting of the Howard County Republican Women's Club.

Please continue to support Howard County citizens in their fight against Sanctuary Status in Howard. See


Illegals Have No Moral Or Legal Right To Be In America!

Don't Allow Illegal Aliens To Feel Comfortable Or Welcome In Maryland!



"Biden admin sets up 'war room' to prepare for looming migrant surge: report"

Biden is about to end the COVID restriction entry ban on illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. That means tens of thousands more illegals will freely enter the country on top of the tens of thousands already sneaking through in broad daylight.

It's projected to be so bad that the Biden Regime is looking for federal employee volunteers to "help" at the border. That is "help" to let them into the country faster!

"ICE officers prepare for massive crash in immigration system"

ICE agents are in a panic. The Biden Regime has already effectively stopped agents from doing their job of protecting Americans from border jumpers. Now add tens of thousands more illegal invading and we are talking a disaster never seem before in U.S. history.

Republicans are discussing impeachment and removal of the Biden Regime as Constitutional violations abound. American citizens continue to buy firearms and ammo in record amounts because of the open border and rising crime. Its going to get worse before it gets better!


American Demography Changing Before Our Eyes and Without Our Permission


"Democrat Panic in Arizona"

Rank and File Democrats in AZ concerned their communities are getting overrun by the illegal aliens they demanded enter the country freely. Imagine that!

"Visa program for illegal immigrant crime victims riddled with fraud, audit finds"

This Visa program was a favorite of former MoCo Police Chief Tom Manger as it allowed him to shirk enforcing the law against illegal aliens and working with ICE.

UPDATE - Manger's favorite new program as Chief of the Capitol Police is to beg for National Guard troops and riot protection fencing around the Capitol.

A RINO GOP (Latina) in FL -- Ukraine more important than US border

A prettier version of George W. Bush -- Tucker Carlson destroys Congresswoman Salazar

And George W. Bush is still out there peddling Amnesty for any and all Illegals!

"Border Patrol Agents Let ILLEGAL Immigrants Go, Pulled Guns on Americans Filming the Illegals"

Watch as Illegals are being dropped off by Biden Administration at an airport away from the border in Arizona - Free to Invade America



Freedom, Equal Opportunity and Self Determination

NOT Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


Good Reading

"The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming" Victor Davis Hanson, March 25, 2022

President Joe Biden believes the Ukraine war will mark the start of a “new world order.” In the middle of the COVID global pandemic, Klaus Schwab and global elites likewise announced a “great reset.”

Accordingly, the nations of the world would have to surrender their sovereignty to an international body of experts. They would enlighten us on taxes, diversity, and green policies.

When former President Donald Trump got elected in 2016, marquee journalists announced partisan reporting would have to displace the old, supposedly disinterested approach to the news.

There is a common theme here.

In normal times progressives worry that they do not have public support for their policies. Only in crises do they feel that the political Left and media can merge to use apocalyptic times to ram through usually unpopular approaches to foreign and domestic problems.

We saw that last year: fleeing from Afghanistan, the embrace of critical race theory, trying to end the filibuster, pack the court, junk the Electoral College, and nationalize voting laws.

These “new orders” and “resets” always entail far bigger government and more unelected, powerful bureaucracies. Elites assume that their radical changes in energy use, media reporting, voting, sovereignty, and racial and ethnic quotas will never quite apply to themselves, the architects of such top-down changes.

So we common folk must quit fossil fuels, but not those who need to use corporate jets. Walls will not mar our borders but will protect the homes of Nancy Pelosi, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates.

Hunter Biden’s lost laptop will be declared, by fiat, not news. In contrast, the fake Alfa Bank “collusion” narrative will be national headline news for weeks.

Middle class lifestyles will be curbed as we are instructed to strive for sustainability and transition to apartment living and mass transit. But the Obamas will still keep their three mansions, and Silicon Valley futurists will insist on exemptions for their yachts.

In truth, we are about to see a radical reset—of the current reset. It will be a different sort of transformation than the elites are expecting and one that they should greatly fear.

The world and the United States are furious over hyperinflation that may soon exceed 10 percent per year. We will be lucky if it ends only in recession or stagflation, rather than a global depression.

The mess was created by the same apparat who bought into “modern monetary theory.” That silly university idea claimed prosperity would follow vastly expanding the money supply, keeping interest rates at de facto zero levels, running huge annual deficits, piling up unsustainable national debt, and subsidizing workers to stay home.

Natural gas and oil costs are now soaring to unsustainable levels—and to the point where the middle class simply will not be able to travel, keep warm in winter, or cool in summer.

Both in Europe and the United States left-wing governments deliberately curbed drilling and non-Russian pipelines. They shut down nuclear power plants and subsidized costly, inefficient solar and wind projects. They ended up not with utopia, but with fuel shortages, high prices, and energy dependency on the world’s most repressive regimes.

The woke revolution in the West was supposed to teach us that the “white male”-dominated Western world is toxic. Its origins, ascendence, and current leisure and affluence were supposedly due only to systemic exploitation, racism, and sexism.

Elites introduced cancel culture, doxxing, deplatforming, and social ostracism to shame these supposed exploiters and to destroy their lives and careers.

Few asked how a supposedly noxious West of some 2,500 years duration became the number one destination of millions of global non-Western migrants and offered the greatest degree of global prosperity and freedom for its citizens.

So a reset reckoning is coming—in reaction to the “new orders” championed by Biden and the Davos set.

In the November 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the orthodox left-wing agenda that has resulted in unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, and humiliation abroad, spiraling crime, racial hostility—as well as arrogant defiance from those who deliberately enacted these disastrous policies.

What will replace it is a return to what until recently had worked.

Closed and secure borders with only legal and measured immigration will return. Americans will demand tough police enforcement and deterrent sentencing, and a return to integration and the primacy of individual character rather than separatist fixations on the “color of our skin.”

The public will continue to tune out of the partisan and mediocre “mainstream” media. We will see greater increased production of oil and natural gas to transition us slowly to a wider variety of energy, strong national defense, and deterrent foreign policies.

The prophets of the new world order sowed the wind and they will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance.

"Biden Admin Announces Yet Another Plan to Gut Immigration Enforcement"


Stand Up For Maryland

Had enough of Illegal Aliens, many with COVID 19, pouring into Maryland? Tired of our Elected Officials catering to these Border Jumping Alien Criminals as they overrun our Schools, Social Services, Housing, Jobs and Jails?

Get your "No CASA de Maryland" (No Home In Maryland) Stickers to show your disgust with Maryland Politicians pandering to these Lawbreaking, Uninvited "Guests".

Wear Your Stickers Proudly! 3 Stickers (3"x3" each) for a $5 Donation to Help Save Maryland.


Brad Botwin, Director

Help Save




Please Make a Tax Deductible Donation to "Help Save Maryland"

Postal Mail your donation to:


Help Save

PO Box 5742 

Rockville, MD 20855




"America's sheriffs have watched in disbelief as the southern border has turned into an invisible line in the sand. Border patrol agents have been relegated to daycare supervisors at housing units and when they do attempt to act, they are scrutinized, placed on administrative leave, and investigated for political gain.”

  • Western Sheriffs Association

Remember Ashli Babbitt

And Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd



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