Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Time is Ripe for China's Move on Taiwan and What This Means for America

 Submitted by: Ruth Hammons

 The Time is Ripe for China's Move on Taiwan and What This Means for America
'Scranton Joe’s diminished status was clearly in view at the world “Climate Change” Summit in which he was sidelined at an obscure location stage right in between naps. At the last such jamboree, President Trump stood proud and tall center stage surrounded by supplicating world leaders.  At that time, America still had its gravitas and mojo.  Thanks to Corn Pop’s sidekick and his coterie, we’ve lost both.
When (I don’t think we’re dealing with “IF” here) the Chinese make their final move on Taiwan, what will this mean for the U.S.?  Let’s take a look.' 
The Time is Ripe for China's Move on Taiwan and What This Means for America
Commentary by JANET LEVY

Now that the world knows that the occupant of the White House suffers from severe senile dementia (Secret Service agents on detail at the Biden home in Delaware reported this well before the “election” (steal).  They described a naked Joe running out of his home demanding to know which agent was “f…ing his wife.”), China sees a golden opportunity to conquer Taiwan.  
After witnessing Sleepy Joe’s stellar withdrawal from Afghanistan (after he ripped up President Trump’s plan to hold on to Bagram and stage withdrawals from the still-U.S. held base) that saw 13 of our troops murdered by suicide bombs (no surprise from “Brandon”) and seeing evidence of Biden's diminutive status on the world stage, the Communist Chinese are salivating.  
Scranton Joe’s diminished status was clearly in view at the world “Climate Change” Summit in which he was sidelined at an obscure location stage right in between naps. At the last such jamboree, President Trump stood proud and tall center stage surrounded by supplicating world leaders.  At that time, America still had its gravitas and mojo.  Thanks to Corn Pop’s sidekick and his coterie, we’ve lost both.
When (I don’t think we’re dealing with “IF” here) the Chinese make their final move on Taiwan, what will this mean for the U.S.?  Let’s take a look.  
Taiwan supplies 63% of the world’s semiconductors.  One Taiwanese company provides 90% of advanced processors.  Once overlord of this bounty, Communist China essentially controls aircraft, warships, ground-based weapons, including missiles, submarines, computers, cameras, cars, iPhones, etc.  It’s like firing off an EMP minus the destruction of utilities and equipment; it just causes the temporary disablement of national defense, transportation, manufacturing, power and all kinds of communication.  That’s all!
While the U.S. has a 165,000 active duty force guarding Taiwan, China has 2.2 million troops 100 miles away.  
In one day about two weeks ago, 56 Chinese fighter jets entered Taiwan’s ADIZ, just one day AFTER Sleepy Joe’s administration “condemned” China’s aggression in Taiwan!  That’s superpower status for you!
WIth our feminized, CRT and DEI-trained military cleansed of patriots transmogrified into “domestic terrorists” or “white supremacists,” we’re hardly a match for a world power with nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles (which we don’t possess) and other advanced weaponry!
G-d help Taiwan and America!
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles
READ “If China Controls Taiwan’s Chip Manufacturers, It will Control the World” at The Federalist:  

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