Saturday, August 7, 2021



Daily Update #196 Friday August 6, 2021
Great day Patriot,

Are you ready to expand your awareness, realize your potential and activate your God given abilities to pursue your purpose today?!

Get ready to get supercharged in the video below from Master Lama Rasaji.

But before you do, think about the word pretend.


To tend (care for, give energy to, etc) to something before (pre) it is there.

By pre-tending what you desire is already done in your mind, you are tending to that reality before (pre) it can show up in this physical reality.

With that understanding, have a look at the video below...

“With God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26
Hopefully by now you realize that you are being called to step up and step out in a greater way than you may have first thought.

But you are not alone, even if it may seem or feel that way sometimes.

We are the majority.

It’s time to let go of what’s been holding us back, decide to do something bigger and better and take responsibility for our future.

Remember, “With God, all things are possible!”

May you be incredibly blessed and inspired today.

And be sure to keep pen and paper with you for notes, ideas and other inspired messages!

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Invest more time into contemplating your life and the future you want. Have a communication with the Divine and actually listen. The Divine is always communicating with us, if we will only listen.

With so much chaos in the outside world, that is the perfect time to look inward, contemplate, find your center, remember why you came into this life and get clarity on your next step. Then take that next step!

The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step!
Network Partners
Steve Lepkowski led a team of engineers at Texas Instruments and helped them secure patents for 2G, 3G and 4G.

Now he's helping humanity with his knowledge. Learn more here.
Sheriff Richard Mack is continuing his great work to restore Liberty in America, county by county.

If you're in the United States, or even if you're not, watch Sheriff Mack's latest update here.
Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the entire world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet.

Sharing Is Caring
Please forward and share this email with those you care about to help spread the word and get the truth to more people. Every Patriot Matters.

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